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  • Tunica

    A post on another board indicates that there trying to get a race organized in Tunica in June. Has anyone heard anything about it or who may be on the ramp?


  • #2
    Re: Tunica go's live in a few days


    • #3
      Re: Tunica

      Originally posted by Race 22 mech
      A post on another board indicates that there trying to get a race organized in Tunica in June. Has anyone heard anything about it or who may be on the ramp?

      Humm, it's an interesting thought. I wonder if they could pull it off in the time frame they've given themselves? Just being involved with an airshow in a small way, I've learned that there's a lot of doing involved, between saying "let's have an event" and the day after, when you've actually made it happen.

      My hat would be off to them if they were actually able to pull it off but the purse money, being roughly equal to Reno's current purse, will probably not be enough to intice too many of the really hard chargers to go, especially that close to Reno.

      I could not tell if the 1.5 million was for total operating expense with a 1.0 million dollar purse or, if that was the total budget and the purse would be whatever was less... and again, if you have a dispersement of purse equal to Reno, then as always, the hard chargers will operate at a loss (at least the top UL guys will) and again, I wonder how many would make that trip, a scant three months before Reno??

      It is nice the folks are seriously considering new races! Very encouraging, hopefully some of these proposed races will actually happen...

      Are you the Chipster that I know and love who got married in the pits a couple years ago?? Or a different chipster?

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: Tunica

        That's me!

        Been following your progress and am VERY glad that you are doing good. been through it and know some of what you have gone through. Keep your chin up!!

        A race this close to home would be fun, but there is no way that we can get race ready for it. If it happens, we'll be there, just not sure how fast we'll be.

        Would like to see the other folks come our way and play. Wide open throttles and a couple hundred feet above sea level will change the way you look at maifold pressures.

        Guess we'll know before long if it is a go or not.



        • #5
          Re: Tunica

          Hey Chip,

          Tell me when and where, and I'll do my best to get there.



          • #6
            Re: Tunica

            Racing at Tunica would be great. I don't think that they can get it organized that quickly though.

            I make a few trips there a year, and end up boosting the economy there a small fraction. There is lots of wide open space, and I have often wondered about air racing there. Several casino/hotels there, and less than an hour drive from Memphis. I have not been to the airport they describe, the only one I have seen from the highway is a small airfield with one hanger.

            There are some big cotton fields that pylons could be put around. If you are racing in the south, you need to have a Crop Duster class.



            • #7
              Re: Tunica

              The one-off Lincoln Air races in the 70's had the crowd in the center of the course. you stood a nd slowly went round and round....

              I don't remember any bleachers, would have to look at old photos.
              Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


              • #8
                Re: Tunica

                lincolin ca??? I have friends there were whould you hold races there lol


                • #9
                  Re: Tunica

                  The local Lincoln airport. I still drive near it when I go to Marysville from here.
                  There were no real services, I don't think there were any bleachers but could be wrong. Very primitive, even worse than Mojave : )
                  Bob Hoover did a show in the shrike. The unlimiteds were Klabo (Iron Mistress), Hamilton(Baby gorilla) and Love(Pacific Military Museum P-51). They had bomber races with a couple B-25's and a DC-4 fire bomber. We stood in the center and they went around us, the pylons were balloons (I think) in the farm fields around the airport.
                  Was held right after the annual Travis Air Base show and the same aircraft were at both. Either summer of 76 or 77 (the DC was painted in "Spirit of 76" colors).
                  Still have my ticket stub somewhere. all my photo's are from a trusty 135 mini camera I used at the time so quality is not great. I should scan some into here, if I can find the box.

                  Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                  • #10
                    Re: Tunica

                    Tunica runway is currently 5500X150 soon to be expanded to 7000 feet. Still not a lot for a deadstick landing. And yes, it's in a rural area but I still think a lot of farmers would have to be "bought off" to leave their homes before the FAA would issue a waiver. Speaking of the FAA, it would be the Jackson FSDO which has very little experience with airshows so it might be hard to convince them to issue the waivers.

                    There are about 8000 hotel rooms in Tunica and Tunica passed Reno to be the number 3 gambling location in the US (behind obviously Las Vegas and Atlantic City) about 6 years ago.

                    Hope it happens, I can drive to the races. But I have my doubts, at least for this year.

                    Ron Henning
                    Ron Henning


                    • #11
                      Re: Tunica

                      I live in the town of Lincoln. I have memories of those early races and some of the planes that came.Things have changed a lot since then. I actually spent a lot of time there, as my Mom was the airport manager there in the late 70's. All the facilities used to be on the west side of the airport, in the 80's they lengthened the runway and moved operations to the east side. New development has encroached on it enough, along with the layout change it would no longer be acceptable for air racing. We still get the occasional racers through though, as the Dwelles are known to come down from Auburn for some touch and goes, Dan Borgstrom from sweden, keeps (kept) his f1 there, and a few others I can't recall.


                      • #12
                        Re: Tunica

                        Another problem I hadn't thought of in my last post- the ICAS convention was last December, and virtually all the top airshow peformers are booked at that time, sometimes contingent on jet team schedules, but since the jet team skeds are out I doubt that any "name" airshow performers are available for a date in the middle of their season.

                        Of course there is alway the local guy in the red and white Pitts willing to fly for gas, but thankfully ICAS has control of the pilot aerobatic waiver process to keep these guys from flying below 1500 feet, since they are the guys that always crash and cause the whole industry to face more FAA scrutiny and higher insurance fees (bet Reno pays a bunch for insurance).

                        Just a thought,

                        Ron Henning
                        Ron Henning


                        • #13
                          Re: Tunica

                          maybe they will make it after all-on the local tv news in memphis last night the tunica race was announced for june on aan 88 mile course. had videos of reno unlimiteds.
                          Ron Henning


                          • #14
                            Re: Tunica

                            Tunica, Mustang gathering at Reno & PRS all in June. Hope OPEC is gearing-up...


                            • #15
                              Re: Tunica

                              The Mustang Round-up isn't until 2006, though.

