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Pylon1 archives; plastic models

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  • Pylon1 archives; plastic models

    Is it possible to get the old stories from Taichiro and others about model airplanes? They were really an inspiration.

    Is it possible that they are already here and I overlooked them??

  • #2
    Re: Pylon1 archives; plastic models

    Originally posted by Lee from Texas
    Is it possible to get the old stories from Taichiro and others about model airplanes? They were really an inspiration.

    Is it possible that they are already here and I overlooked them??
    It's completely possible and will happen. The when is the issue. Cobra (Mark K.) and I both just got new servers, he is now tied up moving all of his sites, I'm just winding down with a few more issues left. He's got a "day job" and I'm a "private contractor" which leaves us both with *somewhat* limited spare time.

    We're still working on just how to get the job done, working in all the content from but it'll get done and in a way we can all enjoy and access. There is a lot of quality content buried in the archives of that site and it'll be great once we get it all whipped together.

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Re: Pylon1 archives; plastic models

      It's going to be March or April till I can dedicate the time needed for this project. I do have a lot of other irons in the fire (my aquarium hobby, car hobby, AAO, and various web development jobs) and really shouldn't approach a project of this magnitude until I get most of the other projects I'm doing out of the way. But Wayne is right - it will happen
      Mark K....


      • #4
        Re: Pylon1 archives; plastic models

        Glad to see it, Mark and Wayne. Taichiro's articles blew me away. I really liked the details of the MAII article.....a tiny transmission to make the props spin in opposite directions. Wow! Maybe I can try that now that I have machine tools.

