Golden Age Racer replicas in Orlando area.
Delmar's Gee Bee R-2 replica, a Laird Solution replica, and Gee Bee Model Z replica are on display in Kermit's Fantasy of Flight hanger.
A replica Wedell-Williams racer is in Tom Reilly's hanger in Kissimmee.
Fantasy of Flight also has a Seversky P-35 being restored, which is very similar to the Seversky Racers that Fuller and Cochran flew in cross country Bendix races.
Delmar's Gee Bee R-2 replica, a Laird Solution replica, and Gee Bee Model Z replica are on display in Kermit's Fantasy of Flight hanger.
A replica Wedell-Williams racer is in Tom Reilly's hanger in Kissimmee.
Fantasy of Flight also has a Seversky P-35 being restored, which is very similar to the Seversky Racers that Fuller and Cochran flew in cross country Bendix races.