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Do you remember the time.....

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  • #46
    Re: Do you remember the time.....

    well dont know if it went threw i forgot to regerster

    I dont know if that was 89 Bob Love was already decesed, but back in 74 he was disquilfied for crossing first after he blew his engine and also Lyle shelton for not puilling up to a minumum 300 feet for Mac Mclaine mayday in the Red Baron and Ken Burnstine became the winner but he didnt wanna win that way so he doneted his prize money to the unlimiteds and Bob protested the win and it lated for weeks.



    • #47
      Re: Do you remember the time.....

      Originally posted by Unregistered
      The time that Don Whittinton turned Precious Metal into a cusinart and dice the Nissan on the ramp after the gold.
      Rich P
      Or the time when Bob Hoover did his best Don Whittington impression on the Smok'n Thunder trailer......

      ....which indirectly led to Merlin's Magic racing on Sunday with Ole' Yeller's rudder, and the Red Knight becoming the pace plane.


      • #48
        Re: Do you remember the time.....

        And the immediately popular cartoon of the "Hoovermatic,it slices,it dices..." Awhole bunch of those were sold.


        • #49
          Re: Do you remember the time.....

          'cept it was the truck not the trailer. Right down the middle of the hood clean up to the windshield.


          • #50
            Re: Do you remember the time.....

            Originally posted by speeddemon
            Or the time when Bob Hoover did his best Don Whittington impression on the Smok'n Thunder trailer......

            ....which indirectly led to Merlin's Magic racing on Sunday with Ole' Yeller's rudder, and the Red Knight becoming the pace plane.
            Yeah, I was in the pits right at the rope. Hoover is taxiing along waving to the crowd.

            He gets closer to the truck and everyone begins frantically waving AT him and he just smiles and waves harder back AT them. Then Crunch!!!!

            The guy who drew the "Hoovermatic" sketch is the same guy who did the F-16/FAA mach 1 cartoon I referred to earlier in this thread. Pretty funny stuff.


            • #51
              Re: Do you remember the time.....

              Bob Love actually didn't like where Pardue had positioned himself so Bob did a roll right over the top of him while still in a 6G turn! No wake turbulance. Very intentional. He was the real deal no bull**** fighter pilot.


              • #52
                Re: Do you remember the time.....

                Any section 3'ers remember when Lyle Shelton was up in the stands with us drinking beer and talking about the size of Destafani's man parts before the sunday race? That was a good one.

                I have heard talk of an incident in the early days where someone piled in out in the desert and they assumed the worst, only to have the pilot walk back to the airport all busted up asking why no one was out looking for him. Any one confirm that?

                Or how bout the time Greenameyer flew into the starting grid from reno airport after being told he could not participate unless he was based in stead?


                • #53
                  Re: Do you remember the time.....

                  Originally posted by flyingjibus
                  Or how bout the time Greenameyer flew into the starting grid from reno airport after being told he could not participate unless he was based in stead?
                  I have never heard he launched from Reno, but I have heard he was DQ'd for landing at Reno after the race. I'll go look it up when I have a second.


                  • #54
                    Re: Do you remember the time.....

                    Or how bout the time Greenameyer flew into the starting grid from reno airport after being told he could not participate unless he was based in stead?
                    I have never heard he launched from Reno, but I have heard he was DQ'd for landing at Reno after the race. I'll go look it up when I have a second.

                    That sounds like '64, the first year of the RAR, but it was at Sky Ranch, not Stead. He never did more than a single touch-and-go at the original site due to the rough runway (WWII steel planking on sand/dirt).

                    "Gentlemen, you have a race" say all the planes were based at Reno Municipal including Greenameyer's modified Bearcat, and there's no mention that he flew out of any other airport during the week.

                    And yes, he was disqualified for not landing at Sky Ranch after each of the 2 races he flew in.

                    All the other planes were originally flown from Reno to the race site in the mornings and parked there, but Daryl refused to land there so he just flew out of Reno and showed up just before the races he was entered in. This requirement to land at Sky Ranch was for the benefit of the ABC television people who were shooting the event.

                    Eventually everyone agreed that the planes could land and take-off from Reno, but after every race each plane would first have to do a landing, rollout and a takeoff at the race site for the cameras before heading to Reno. Daryl was the only one who wouldn't do even this, so he was DQ'd.

                    I have heard talk of an incident in the early days where someone piled in out in the desert and they assumed the worst, only to have the pilot walk back to the airport all busted up asking why no one was out looking for him. Any one confirm that?
                    That one is news to me....Was that back in the 30's?



                    • #55
                      Re: Do you remember the time.....

                      Dunno really, Both that and the Greenameyer story were passed down from my Fathers and Uncles. I didn't start coming untill 1980. Funny how stries change.

                      All of my favorite memories are from out on the course back when that was okay. I remember looking DOWN instead of up at Lefty going by a few times. There was an amazing low pass of the hill from the Fiat one time. EVERYONE was on the dirt....


                      • #56
                        Re: Do you remember the time.....

                        Does anyone have any photos of Lefty's low flying?



                        • #57
                          Re: Do you remember the time.....

                          Originally posted by jarrodeu
                          Does anyone have any photos of Lefty's low flying?

                          No - that's just one of those urban legends

                          Mark K....


                          • #58
                            Re: Do you remember the time.....

                            hey i was there shawn


                            • #59
                              Re: Do you remember the time.....

                              Cool Pic bu a one of my favriote photographer if it wasnt for him were i would be Shawn

                              ok here is one the Phill Wallick slide showes at the Hilton he had a movie a day at the races he showed with unilmiteds with parachutes and he aslo did a pensoil comeical that he raced as a truck driver and it showed him drinking the pensoil moto oil all the best thanks mark Shawn


                              • #60
                                Re: Do you remember the time.....

                                Awesome photo, Mark.. That's a keeper for sure!

                                Dunno really, Both that and the Greenameyer story were passed down from my Fathers and Uncles.
                                I recommend buying a copy of "Gentlemen, you have a race" by John Tegler and reading it from cover to cover. I started going in '81, but that book is so well written that it makes you feel like you were there since the beginning. I doubt you will find it in stores, but I see copies available nearly every year at the races in the consession areas.

                                There's a mention in it of Lefty bashing in his left wingtip in '81, of which the bits of wood sticking out were said to closely resemble that of the old rotting fenceposts found out on the track. Lefty's quoted comment was "They sure are growing the sage brush tall out here!"


