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Air Racing Gets New Sponsor!

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  • Air Racing Gets New Sponsor!

    Well people, there is a new member in the ranks of those companies who have stepped into the ring and they will be a pretty major presence at Reno this year.. none other than FedEx!

    I invite you all to show your support for this company and their foray into the sport by using them exclusively for any shipping needs you might have and further, I invite you to visit and clicking to the FedEx site via the links there when you do.. or just to take a look at what they have to offer.

    Let's show this major company what we in air racing can bring to a sponsor of this great sport!

    Congratulations to the Two of Hearts Race Team and the Reno National Championship Air Races for landing this company as a sponsor of the event and a top race team at it! **Correction via edit** We have been informed by the Reno Air Race Assciation that FedEx is not a sponsor of the races directly. Rather, they are sponsoring one T-6 team and have purchased a hospatility chalet area from RARA. In our opinion, this did constitute a sponsoring of the races via the chalet route, but we have been informed of our "misrepresentation of the facts" by our friends at RARA and we feel the need to correct this wrongdoing on our part.

    Thank You...

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Disappointing reaction... bumping back up to top

    Well I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed in the reaction to this news. We all talk about what the sport needs and it is SPONSORSHIP and a HUGE player steps up and the posts talking about coolers and chairs get far more looksees and responses..

    What if everyone came and there were no air races!!

    I can tell you that in this grand experiment with FedEx, they are watching us (the sport) very closely and also tracking the traffic they get via any links that show up (yes, watch for one here as soon as I can get it done)

    Will they stick their necks out further next year or will they walk away grumbling with a greater understanding of why no major players ever back the sport!

    SHIP FedEx whenever possible and make sure you let them know somehow that you support them because they support AIR racing..

    done with rant <steps down from soapbox>


    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3

      Congrats to Steve and Mary for pulling this off. I know those particular sponsorship dollars are especially hard to come by, and some pretty strict criteria have to be met to get the brand name associated with a quality team. As most everyone knows, Formula One and CART are competing for those same dollars.

      This is a major coup for air racing, and the "little guys" who have been paying bills out of their own pockets..

      By the way, Bear.....that looks like a is missing the center landing gear..
      the other Wayne................


      • #4
        I believe they do operate some DC-10's..

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Majorly cool! Now, if only we can get the same to happen in the rest of the classes.


          • #6
            FedEx does operate DC10-10's some of them are ex UAL aircraft. As far as the center gear on the -30's your correct Wayne. The center main gear can be kept up if aircraft is light. BTW I checked out the FedEx site and sent them an email welcoming them to Airracing. See you in Reno.


            • #7
              Maybe a turn around the pylons?

              Well NA$CAR has "Big Brown Truck" maybe we will get a hot lap around the pylons from "The Big White Bird"?
              Life's a Climb , But the view is Great


              • #8
                hmmmm..... I wonder which is faster??? That would make quite a race
                the other Wayne................


                • #9
                  Way KEWL Mary.... Nice job...
                  NOW RACE THE MULTI-COLOR JET......!!!!
                  Fed-Ex now has ALL my business....

