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This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

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  • #46
    Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

    I am wicked psyched because as far as I can see all this hype can only help air racing (as in props and internal combustion)


    • #47
      Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

      Probably not the best time in this hijacked by the RRL thread to throw in a "view from the fence" but, tough ****. I like the jet class. Hold on, I've got a good reason. Any class that runs the big coarse is O.K. with me. Granted the L-39's are an Albatross around the neck of the thought of jet racing (yeah, that's a good one) but, at least you get to see some awesome pilots out there pylon racing in 300+mph aircraft, props or not. Sure it would be a lot more fun to see some variety in the actual aircraft out there but is it really time to kill this class? Christ it just started in terms of the event history. You're telling me it can't be made better and you want to replace it with the RRL? A bunch of rocket powered EZ's racing, wait, time trialing (more or less), a course only the pilots can see themselves a mile away from the fans. You're ****ing joking right?

      Nick O.

      You may now cast your stones.
      You'll get your chance, smart guy!


      • #48
        Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

        .anyone ever try to extinguish a lit road flare?.....

        .......and they want to "throttle" or "relight" rocket engines..... I said,

        ..just a hill or so over is Burning Man.......
        Jim Gallagher


        • #49
          Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

          The XLR-99 in the X-15 was thottleable.

          I'm with FNG, bring back the tug races. Art Vance had the coolest, made out of a drop tank.

          Has anyone thought on the negative impact of the noise on the relationship with the neighbors? How loud are these things?
          And I can't remember the last time I saw an EZE at 5000 ft. They're too small.
          Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


          • #50
            Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

            Originally posted by Randy Haskin
            Although I personally think rocket EZ racing is completely retarded, the exposure it would bring to Reno (even if a total flash in the pan) might just be worth it.

            I thought the jets were dumb, anyway. Booooooooring. Unless, of course, there are any L-39 owners that want to let me race one. In that case, I'm in!

            I couldn't have said it better.



            • #51
              Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

              . Granted the L-39's are an Albatross around the neck of the thought of jet racing (yeah, that's a good one) but, at least you get to see some awesome pilots out there pylon racing in 300+mph aircraft, props or not.

              Nick O.

              I qualed at 444 and over 5 races averaged about 435. and very close racing at gold unlimited speeds. Jest no flame and thunder


              • #52
                Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

                Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                We are getting unconfirmed reports from reliable sources that RARA has decided to kill Jet Racing for the 2006 season...

                Adding to this unconfirmed report with "EDITORIAL SPECULATION" since we also today received a flurry of press releases from the Rocket Racing League, we'll pose the speculative question, could a replacement of Jets with Rockets be in the offing?

                Please, accept the above with the added qualifiers.. "Unconfirmed" and "Speculative"...

                Feel free to hash it about.. if we're spot on.. remember where you heard it first.. if we're wrong..


                We will attempt to contact RARA for clarification and or confirmation as soon as possible.
                Hallelujah! If true, RARA finally saw the light!
                W L Kohler


                • #53
                  Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

                  Originally posted by morss
                  . Granted the L-39's are an Albatross around the neck of the thought of jet racing (yeah, that's a good one) but, at least you get to see some awesome pilots out there pylon racing in 300+mph aircraft, props or not.

                  Nick O.

                  I qualed at 444 and over 5 races averaged about 435. and very close racing at gold unlimited speeds. Jest no flame and thunder
                  I'm going to miss the L-39's flying low and turning left.


                  • #54
                    Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

                    Originally posted by Fence Sence
                    Probably not the best time in this hijacked by the RRL thread to throw in a "view from the fence" but, tough ****. I like the jet class. Hold on, I've got a good reason. Any class that runs the big coarse is O.K. with me. Granted the L-39's are an Albatross around the neck of the thought of jet racing (yeah, that's a good one) but, at least you get to see some awesome pilots out there pylon racing in 300+mph aircraft, props or not. Sure it would be a lot more fun to see some variety in the actual aircraft out there but is it really time to kill this class? Christ it just started in terms of the event history. You're telling me it can't be made better and you want to replace it with the RRL? A bunch of rocket powered EZ's racing, wait, time trialing (more or less), a course only the pilots can see themselves a mile away from the fans. You're ****ing joking right?

                    Nick O.

                    You may now cast your stones.
                    As another fence-sitter, I COMPLETELY agree, and thanks to Mr. Morss I don't have to mention that those mamas actually go over at 440+.
                    They are so evenly matched, it's like watching an AT-6 race at twice the speed around the unlimited course. If anything, the jet races are more tense than AT-6 races, because they are flying the super-tight formation and 440+ and 5 or 6 Gs... when you think about the margin for error at that speed, you realize they are accomplishing nearly Thunderbird-level formation flight.
                    Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


                    • #55
                      Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

                      Pardon me fellas. What I meant to say is 400+. Damn it's easy to look stupid here. At any any rate, the race itself is one of the best in the line up IMO. I enjoy every single one. Definitely some of the most beautiful lines around that coarse you will ever see. Especially you Mr. Morse. To the naysayers, have you watched one from the fence? Just curious. Everyone out there I see has that same **** eatin' grin I do when the jets go by. Hoots, hollers & hell ya's up and down the line.
                      You'll get your chance, smart guy!


                      • #56
                        Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

                        It is a totally different perspective than in the stands. Out there the jets are COOL!
                        First time took my father-in-law out there he yelled "OH SH**" and headed for the car after the first pass.
                        Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                        • #57
                          Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

                          Originally posted by Fence Sence
                          To the naysayers, have you watched one from the fence? Just curious.
                          Speaking as a naysayer, yes, I have and it's super cool watching them come at you on the first lap all bunched up and heading down into the valley.

                          That being said, the experience isn't the same out on the ramp or in the stands though. I'd rather have Wednesday back with a full slate of qualifying.



                          • #58
                            Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

                            At the fence or on the cource they are pretty cool but I have to agree it's not the same on the ramp or in the stands. Last year they did get spread out a lot more that I had expected.


                            • #59
                              Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

                              I personally hope the current jet races are dead. They were just not that interesting. I also hope the rockets gliders are NOT going to be the replacement. I'd love to see the jet class come back with afterburner Migs or some other jet or an "Unlimited Light" class. Or even Aerostar racing which I believe happened in Tazmania for several years.



                              • #60
                                Re: This Just In - RARA Drops Jet Racing For 2006 - Unconfirmed!!

                                I believe that they had helicopter races in Phoenix, am I right? I think that it would be really cool to see.


