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su-27 crash video

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  • su-27 crash video

    what went wrong here? airshow crash

    looks like he got to slow and stalled it.

  • #2
    Re: su-27 crash video

    Originally posted by SCEPTER
    what went wrong here? airshow crash

    looks like he got to slow and stalled it.
    If you listen real careful you hear a bang. The right engine flamed out. You only see one smoke trail after that.


    • #3
      Re: su-27 crash video

      Saw a similar crash years ago with another -27 and it was a bird sucked into the intake but the pilot ejected just in time. If you look closely, you'll see birds in the area. I dont think this guy was as lucky.

      Not making any judgement, just the possibility!!

      "dont believe ANYTHING you hear and about HALF of what you see"...................J. Mott 1994


      • #4
        Re: su-27 crash video

        I've seen that crash before but never from that distance and POV. Didn't that happen at the Sorensen air show, the deadliest air show crash ever?


        • #5
          Re: su-27 crash video

          Definately looks like he sucked a bird. You can see it in one of the last shots. That very first shot didn't look real the first time. I had to watch it a few times.
          You'll get your chance, smart guy!


          • #6
            Re: su-27 crash video

            Wow that is one lucky SOB of a camera man. I thihnk I would have had to clean out my shorts after seeing that from that perspective.

            If that pilot hadnt made the attempt to turn down the ramp.. he would have hit just infront of the guy that took the first footage. and by the looks of it, taken out many more people.


            • #7
              Re: su-27 crash video

              Both pilot and GIB ejected safely. Around 77 people killed. Pilot and GIB are now in prison, 14 years for the pilot and 8 for the GIB. I have no clue how the GIB could have had any part in this.

              Bill Pearce

              Old Machine Press
              Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


              • #8
                Re: su-27 crash video

                I didn't see a pilot turning down-ramp to avoid a crowd; I saw a fully-stalled aircraft with at least one engine in full burner, going wherever the heck it wanted to.
                Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


                • #9
                  Re: su-27 crash video

                  Originally posted by W J Pearce
                  I have no clue how the GIB could have had any part in this.
                  Never been part of operating a crew airplane before? That's how it works in the military. They're both responsible.

                  It would be the same if that aircraft were a USAF F-15E.


                  • #10
                    Re: su-27 crash video

                    Originally posted by MRussell
                    I didn't see a pilot turning down-ramp to avoid a crowd; I saw a fully-stalled aircraft with at least one engine in full burner, going wherever the heck it wanted to.
                    The Flanker is very maneuverable even at high AOA. It appears to be in full stall, but it isn't.


                    • #11
                      Re: su-27 crash video

                      Here's a better/bigger vid. Anybody know Russian?


                      • #12
                        Re: su-27 crash video

                        I don't know much russian, but I know the city known as Lwow, Lviv and Lemberg used to be Poland before WW II.

                        Here is one conversation about it.

                        BTW: Which engine stalled..if the right stalled wouldn't it have to have turned right ?


                        • #13
                          Re: su-27 crash video

                          Originally posted by Randy Haskin
                          The Flanker is very maneuverable even at high AOA. It appears to be in full stall, but it isn't.
                          Not that I have the knowledge to question this (I don't), but you mean that left-wing-drop at the end of the flight is not suggestive of a stall condition? I am asking more out of amazement than anything else.
                          Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


                          • #14
                            Re: su-27 crash video

                            Not that I have the knowledge to question this (I don't), but you mean that left-wing-drop at the end of the flight is not suggestive of a stall condition? I am asking more out of amazement than anything else.
                            I'm no expert either. but I have some flying background in gliders.

                            Yes the wing dipping down is or more accuratly can be juggestive of a stall.

                            But I think it is safe to say we have all seen the SU-27 fly at a much slower speed, with more Maneuverability than exibited here in this clip.

                            I would say being down an engine (speculitve) with the speed he had, knowing he wasnt going to be able to pull out of it in time. He tried to make a hard left turn down the ramp, rather than impacat into a more crowded area.

                            But what do I know. I don't fly any more and I am far and away no expert on this kind of stuff. I am just taking my best guess. I guess the only one that would be totaly able to answer that question would be the pilot.

