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March ARB Air Show

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  • #16
    Re: March ARB Air Show

    Yikes, close call. I saw her almost eat it at the CAF show in Midland several years back. She pulled out of a loop so low that I have no idea how she didn't crash or at least get the prop. It was CLOSE.


    • #17
      Re: March ARB Air Show

      I remember the last time I saw her perform at Reno I felt un-easy about her performance.flying low is cool but,it seemed like she was only inches off the ground some of the times.


      • #18
        Re: March ARB Air Show

        Show a pic of Kent Pietch(sp?)dragging his wingtip, please!

        I'm betting Vic has got that one in the library!

        Any joy?


        • #19
          Re: March ARB Air Show

          Originally posted by SCEPTER
          I remember the last time I saw her perform at Reno I felt un-easy about her performance.flying low is cool but,it seemed like she was only inches off the ground some of the times.

          I'll echo the sentiments. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE watching Julie incredibly skilled pilot, and she is very nice to chat with and such. But there are so many occasions where I have gotten severe 'pucker', thinking 'there's no way she's gonna pull out of it THIS time'. At McChord AFB a few years ago, why she didn't clip her prop at the bottom of a loop I'll never, ever know.

          Thrilling to watch...but almost a bit TOO thrilling for me at times.


          • #20
            Re: March ARB Air Show

            Back on topic, that F-18 slow ss pan is sick!!


            • #21
              Re: March ARB Air Show

              Wow! I don't even know Victor, but his voice just came in my head and said "Hey Robert, post that shot of Kent Pietsch doing his Julie Clark imitation." Scary stuff man.

              I remember somewhere back in the '70s I was at Oshkosh when a guy in a Merlin powered Bf109 was flying low on the back side of the airport, away from the crowd. He had a prop strike and bellied the plane. Almost before he was done sliding they were on the PA system asking for donations to repair the aircraft.
              Attached Files
              No pixels were harmed, honest.



              • #22
                Re: March ARB Air Show

                Originally posted by ignomini
                I remember somewhere back in the '70s I was at Oshkosh when a guy in a Merlin powered Bf109 was flying low on the back side of the airport, away from the crowd. He had a prop strike and bellied the plane. Almost before he was done sliding they were on the PA system asking for donations to repair the aircraft.
                That was actually at the CAF AIRSHO '75 down in Harlingen when that happened. The ironic thing about it was that, the story I heard from a pilot who was there, in the safety briefing THAT DAY, the air boss had threatened anyone who was thinking about 'showing off' or flying too low.

                Some people need to show off, I guess.


                • #23
                  Re: March ARB Air Show

                  Originally posted by speeddemon
                  That was actually at the CAF AIRSHO '75 down in Harlingen when that happened. The ironic thing about it was that, the story I heard from a pilot who was there, in the safety briefing THAT DAY, the air boss had threatened anyone who was thinking about 'showing off' or flying too low.

                  Some people need to show off, I guess.
                  Hot Doggers?
                  You'll get your chance, smart guy!


                  • #24
                    Re: March ARB Air Show

                    Originally posted by speeddemon
                    That was actually at the CAF AIRSHO '75 down in Harlingen when that happened. The ironic thing about it was that, the story I heard from a pilot who was there, in the safety briefing THAT DAY, the air boss had threatened anyone who was thinking about 'showing off' or flying too low.

                    Some people need to show off, I guess.
                    I've heard the story of this incident, and seen the "after" pics, but does anyone know who was flying the Hispano that day? And did he become and ex-Col that day?!


                    • #25
                      Re: March ARB Air Show

                      [QUOTE=speeddemon]That was actually at the CAF AIRSHO '75 down in Harlingen when that happened. The ironic thing about it was that, the story I heard from a pilot who was there, in the safety briefing THAT DAY, the air boss had threatened anyone who was thinking about 'showing off' or flying too low.QUOTE]

                      Gosh dang it. I originally wrote Harlingen in my post, but at the last minute convinced myself it was at Oshkosh. What I never understood was why he was flying so low on the other side of the airport away from the crowd.
                      No pixels were harmed, honest.



                      • #26
                        Re: March ARB Air Show

                        I talked with someone who was on the base side and he said you could hear her hit the ground.

