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Czech Mate ?

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  • Czech Mate ?

    Does anybody can tell something about the current status
    of race 86 Czech Mate ?

    Sherm Smoot did very well in #86 at Reno 2004 but the
    plane wasnīt raced in 2005. It was offered for sale at
    some time, but the registered owner hasnīt changed yet.
    Jan =

  • #2
    Re: Czech Mate ?

    Well I'm hoppin in my car right now and I'll go have a look.
    If there's anything of interest I'll let you know later this weekend...


    • #3
      Re: Czech Mate ?

      Still for sale in the current Trade-A-Plane.

      It's operational limitations boil-off, ADI, fuel, etc, make it a race-only aircraft. Guess it's hard to justify even that (little) money, when you can only fly it once a year.
      It still has some room for improvement, too.
      Love to see it back.


      • #4
        Re: Czech Mate ?

        Originally posted by Apteryx
        Boil off????????

        I thought it was air cooled. Oil cooler?
        Bill Garnett
        Air Race Fanatic since 1965


        • #5
          Re: Czech Mate ?

          Originally posted by Bill@Interstell
          Boil off????????

          I thought it was air cooled. Oil cooler?
          Bill, I think you're right. I've got pix somewhere that I took down in Reno a few years back. It's got the oil cooler buried in the fuse behind the pilot with air intakes on the sides... I think the air exits the fuse somewhere down by the tailwheel... like out of the tailwheel "hole"..

          Bill W. who did a lot of the original build and is a key player on the team still frequents this place as a lurker.. mebbie he'll post something to clarify.

          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #6
            Re: Czech Mate ?

            (Thanks Wayne)
            Correct on oil cooling. You get a significant increase in horse power by doing it that way, but when coolant is gone, it's time to land.
            It'd be great to hear from Bill W. if he's out there.



            • #7
              Re: Czech Mate ?

              Originally posted by Apteryx
              (Thanks Wayne)
              Correct on oil cooling. You get a significant increase in horse power by doing it that way, but when coolant is gone, it's time to land.
              It'd be great to hear from Bill W. if he's out there.

              Paul, do you get an increase in HP or a decrease in cooling drag by going boiloff???

              Seems to me, as far as HP is concerned, an engine doesn't care *how* its oil is cooled.... but an airframe cares where air has to go or does not have to go to cool that oil. i.e boiloff= zero cooling drag because no airflow to the oilcooler..


              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #8
                Re: Czech Mate ?

                It is a more efficient way to transfer heat, so that has to help actual horsepower, but I think the big gain is the reduction in cooling drag. I've heard an estimated equivalent gain of 300+ hp on ChechMate, but there are those much wiser than I who could comment, (not something we use much in F1...



                • #9
                  Re: Czech Mate ?

                  I talked with both John Moore and Sherman Smoot this weekend and Czech Mate will be Racing at Reno this year.


                  • #10
                    Re: Czech Mate ?

                    Originally posted by Victor Archer
                    I talked with both John Moore and Sherman Smoot this weekend and Czech Mate will be Racing at Reno this year.
                    Awesome Vic.... this year just keeps getting better!

                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"


                    • #11
                      Re: Czech Mate ?

                      First off I was never actually convicted of lurking.It was a bum rap.Behind the cockpit is the oil tank and behind that are the oil coolers.They are two S-2 coolers,one behind the other.On the side is a small opening,much like a naca duct only straight sided that feeds air in.Originally there were two large NACA ducts,one on each side,but we soon found just how much air they would flow and went to one small scoop with a moveable floor to see just how small we could get by with.Truely amazing how far we could close the door.Now the fun part.The oil from the engine goes to the rear cooler first,then moves forward to the front cooler(cascaded).This keeps the temp difference between the oil and the air at the largest difference(delta T)This also means the rear face of the reae cooler is really hot.Now the best part.When the spray bar water goes thru the cooler it warms and by the time it gets to the back it will actually steam.This maximizes the use as it takes more heat to change to steam(change of phase)then it does to heat it up to that point.This effectively works as a boil off but without the weight and complexity.And yes the air does exit around the tailwheel.Probabley not the best but always found other places to work that we felt were more beneficial.And correct again.No actual gain in horsepower with a boil off that I can see as you want the oil at the same temp no matter how you get there,but reducing cooling drag is the benefit.Ran synthetic oil and it dropped oil temp and was very impressed with its performance. Bill W


                      • #12
                        Re: Czech Mate ?

                        Ahh! I knew between talking with you and "little" Dave, I was close...

                        Glad to hear ewe beat the rap

                        Good to see you round, Victor just said the plane will race this year.. assume you'll be there???

                        Have to give you a hoot one of these times I'm driving by the thriving KFalls Metro area!

                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"


                        • #13
                          Re: Czech Mate ?

                          Originally posted by Victor Archer
                          I talked with both John Moore and Sherman Smoot this weekend and Czech Mate will be Racing at Reno this year.
                          Thanks Victor, GREAT news !

                          Living in California has a lot of advantages... Not that Hamburg isnīt
                          a great place too, but itīs definitely too far away from all the Race
                          Planes and Teams.



                          • #14
                            Re: Czech Mate ?

                            Originally posted by Apteryx
                            It is a more efficient way to transfer heat, so that has to help actual horsepower, but I think the big gain is the reduction in cooling drag. I've heard an estimated equivalent gain of 300+ hp on ChechMate, but there are those much wiser than I who could comment, (not something we use much in F1...

                            It DOESN'T increase the HP! It reduces cooling drag. It may be that the drag recution is equivelant to 300+ H.P. but as far as the engine goes, assuming the there is no difference in flow and temp the engine has no idea how the oil is cooled.



                            • #15
                              Re: Czech Mate ?

                              Anyway, lack of horsepower didnīt seem to be a real problem for
                              Czech Mate. Iīm really looking forward to se, hear and feel this
                              Attached Files


