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Well, things are going to happen in rapid succession now... I'm going to do a final database backup at 2:30PM CST today. After the vBulletin team gets it - the new site should be operational "with all posts" soon thereafter. Then following a series of checks, and if all goes well, I'll post a link to the new forums here soon.

Thanks for your patience,

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PRS Closed to public?

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  • PRS Closed to public?

    I herd a rumor that the airport will be closed to all but those who have a special pass??? Is that true?

  • #2
    Re: PRS Closed to public?

    Originally posted by Check-ur-6
    I herd a rumor that the airport will be closed to all but those who have a special pass??? Is that true?
    I have zero information on this but there is going to be a lot more going on there this year than in year's past... I know that crowd control has gotten "close" to being to the point that RARA would have to implement security to keep folks behind where they need to stay behind to keep the FAA happy during PRS. That and, it's important to remember, PRS is for the pilots... not for us fans... If we in our enthusiasm for the sport begin to make them feel uneasy about us being there... then we're gonna be history...

    No matter what goes down in this respect (being there/not being there) this year.. try to remember this when your favorite racer begins a runup on the ramp on the other side of the no-prop deadline.. Don't cross it. Watch from the place that's "legal" during "Reno" and we'll all go a long way's to keep PRS open for all!

    Again.. I do NOT have any "inside" information here, this is all common sense observations from year's past. I've been to every PRS since the first and it's grown expotentially from that first one to being close to an actual event. RARA can't afford to go with the security necessary if we all overwhelm them with our mere presence..

    I sincerely hope that PRS stays "open" at least in some sort of way, as it is just one more way for the addict to get their fix....

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Re: PRS Closed to public?

      "only credentialed persons will be permitted on the PRS premises" is more like what I have been hearing.

      So, I guess that a public use airport will be closed to the public for this event? What about guests of tenants being allowed "on the premises"?


      • #4
        Re: PRS Closed to public?

        I think that more or less covers the PRS inside happenings like the pilot breifings and such.



        • #5
          Re: PRS Closed to public?

          For those that it might effect, a clear deffinition of what or exactly where "PRS premises" really is would help everyone.


          • #6
            Re: PRS Closed to public?

            Unless someone beats me to it, I'm going to put in a call or two or three come Monday morning to get clarification. I've gone to PRS all but a couple of years since I've lived here.



            • #7
              Re: PRS Closed to public?

              This is really gonna suck if it is true. I am finally getting to bring my 2 boys out to Reno to let them see what daddy is so screwed up on!! Haven't taking them to the races yet as I don't want to get them out of school. Lets hope they don't shut er down. We will be more than happy to stay behind the tape....
              Bear..... and now Ghost Fever Forever...... John


              • #8
                Re: PRS Closed to public?


                The RARA hangar has always required a wrist band to get into. The classes and briefings, meals and such are for those paying to attend PRS. Good manners and respect for the participants means don't bug 'em.They are working on getting SAFE and READY for September. I'm sure Wayne and other photogs will post pictures as fast as they take them. And I assume the campers will be out at the fenceline with their cameras. There is no food service or Sani-huts for the public. This is Rookie School. For the pilots. Don't screw it up.


                • #9
                  Re: PRS Closed to public?

                  Originally posted by ShermB
                  ...I assume the campers will be out at the fenceline with their cameras. There is no food service or Sani-huts for the public. This is Rookie School. For the pilots. Don't screw it up.
                  As an observation, that's almost the inverse of a fan telling a racer, "Don't hit a house in the desert and screw up the races for the rest of us."
                  Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.

