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Wish List Revisited

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  • Wish List Revisited

    In December 2003 I posted a mutiple choice wishlist for Reno 2004.

    It is time to revisit, revise, and retire some of it and maybe make some bold wishes for 2006 and 2007. Here was the list and some of the early responses:


    A) The return of the Leeward Air Ranch Special (as The Galloping Ghost).
    B) The debut of Darryl Greenamyer's SHOCKWAVE.
    C) The debut of Matt Jackson/Dave Cornell's AMERICAN SPIRIT.
    D) John Marlin's MB.5
    E) The #57 F2G-1 Corsair with a full race R-4360.
    F) The "Team Wang" twin pusher.
    G) The Star Aerospace "DART"
    H) A Flugwerk FW-190 (at least for the Bronze)
    I) Lefty's Son in the rebuilt "White Lightning" P-38.
    J) Any P-39 or P-63 (at least for the Bronze)
    K) A supercharged Thunder Mustang with racing canopy and wingtips, etc.
    L) The return of Mr. Awesome as FROST BITE or whatever some other owner would call it.
    M) The re-created Red Baron from Brad Sherk.
    N) The Mach Buster with David Rose
    or P) A Grand 51 (Murdo Cameron) fitted with racing mods and Merlin or Allison).

    My top choices would be A, E, and K for variety.

    12/24 elbarto a c and g for me...

    12/25 Race5 M would be the best for me, but from the limited info I have, I doubt it will ever see the light of day. But you forgot the most important and one that's probably gonna happen. The G-String F1 ship.

    12/25 pylon1 A, B, & L

    12/25 MERLIN Got have A or M for me or really any comp for the Dago that would be great.

    12/26 Duane E. A, l, and M……what a race!

    12/26 AirRace Addict (Bill) A, E, and I. All have REAL racing history. The RB remanufacture will be really cool, but it has no REAL racing history, yet. Based on reality, yes, but NOT the RB in my opinion. Otherwise I would have it in the three.

    12/26 Prospector Hands-down, "A". But a modified-A. I want it back, restored JUST LIKE Jeannie from 1981, with the old canopy and the "Snoopy" wingtips, but with the Miss Candace Candy Stripes on the empennage.

    2006-2007 Revision:

    A) The return of the Leeward Air Ranch Special (as The Galloping Ghost).
    Thank you Jimmy! Everybody seemed to want this one wish and we much appreciate you and your boy's answer to the call!

    B) The debut of Darryl Greenamyer's SHOCKWAVE. We'd do "the WAVE" and die of SHOCK both.

    C) The debut of Matt Jackson/Dave Cornell's AMERICAN SPIRIT.
    No more slanders just Sanders???

    D) John Marlin's MB.5 Will we see it taxi this year? Race in 2007?

    E) The #57 F2G-1 Corsair with a full race R-4360. Okay, we'll settle for half of our wish in 2006. Movie promo causes and sponsorship could do the rest in 2007 if Bob gets the incurable racing bug.

    F) The "Team Wang" twin pusher. Maybe in the Japanese remake of "Thunder over Reno" in 2027.

    G) The Star Aerospace "DART" Unlimited Lights Class in 2008-2009 maybe?

    H) A Flugwerk FW-190 (at least for the Bronze). The 2007 International Championship Air Races?

    I) Lefty's Son in the rebuilt "White Lightning" P-38. Revision: Red Bull/Austria goes Unlimited Pylon racing in the 2007 ICAR.

    J) Any P-39 or P-63 (at least for the Bronze). Please somebody bring back a Cobra, any Cobra!

    K) A supercharged Thunder Mustang with racing canopy and wingtips, etc. Sport Class material only now.
    Lets revise this one to say somebody restarts the company building TMs, but introduces a Twin Mustang as well. No porta potty sponsors allowed.

    L) The return of Mr. Awesome as FROST BITE or whatever some other owner would call it. We probably won't see it, but we've gone a long while now without a wild rash of new rumors flooding the gates so at least that much is likely again in the next 15 months.

    M) The re-created Red Baron from Brad Sherk. Not happening.

    N) The Mach Buster with David Rose. Not happening.

    O) WILDFIRE. Opinions vary.

    (or P) A Grand 51 (Murdo Cameron) fitted with racing mods and Merlin or Allison). The late series V-1710 and much vision and interest are now a reality. This coming Sunday Murdo has an open house then work will accelerate. 2007 is a real possibility!

    My wishes for 2006:
    A) GG comes in the Dark Horse but ponies up and saddles a victory.
    E) Bob loves the action and experience so much on Wednesday thru Saturday, that he cranks it up Sunday and wins the Bronze!
    P) Murdo lands a big sponsor at Reno 2006 and is able to assemble a great crew to make it happen.

    J) In the Cleveland spirit of GG and #57, a new P-63 restoration is secretly completed in the colors of Tucker's #28 or #30 and comes out racin'.

    K) Two supercharged RF V-12s, one small canopy, radical props.

    P) The frirst Allison to win the Reno Gold.

    (Geek Gratification: Galloping Ghost Grabs Gold)

  • #2
    Re: Wish List Revisited


    Quite the wish list, but in my personal opinion there are several on the list you will never see on the course. Here we go.

    White Lightning
    Anything associated with Team Wang
    The Lawn Dart
    Mach Buster

    The others may have a chance to make the dance some day. I love John Marlin's MB-5 project, but she may never take to the air.

    Sorry to be the spoiled sport.



    • #3
      Re: Wish List Revisited

      Lowell, a Flugwerk 190 on the course may not be that far fetched. Many have been sold, and after #57 at PRS never say never. Also, one of the principles involved with Flugwerk will be coming to Reno this year from Germany and you just never know he might get the bug.



      • #4
        Re: Wish List Revisited

        I would love to see a Griffon-powerd Spitfire.

