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Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

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  • Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

    Well done to all! And thanks for sharing some of the ongoing news and struggles with the rest of us. I don't think many of the fans have any idea at all what it takes to bring a racer to Reno.

    You looked and sounded good at PRS, and I'm looking forward to seeing Steadfast on the course in September!

    Are your gear doors bending a bit under load? Looks like a small gap in the center of the doors, especially on the left door...

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!


    How do you like being able to share images almost as soon as you get home (or sooner if we get you in the laptop loop ) and not have the pretty substantial processing bill which follows the equally substantial film bill..??

    Welcome to the world of digital and for those of you not following this story closely... yes, indeed, hell froze over.. .Neal Nurmi has gone digital....

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

      Funny -- I thought it was getting a bit chilly around here!

      So far I am indeed enjoying everything about digital, except the expense! I can't wait to see what I can do when I really figure out how to work these things...



      • #4
        Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

        Originally posted by wingman
        Funny -- I thought it was getting a bit chilly around here!

        So far I am indeed enjoying everything about digital, except the expense! I can't wait to see what I can do when I really figure out how to work these things...

        LOL... think "I don't have to buy/process that shiny stuff"... Shoot till yer heart's content... no extra cost, save the disk space to store it.. lots cheaper than film to be sure.

        In the end, eventually, your initial cost will be recouped by the lack of film outlay..

        Just keep telling yourself that.. it may not be true but it makes me feel better at least..

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

          I dunno -- 2 new cameras, a new computer and very expensive monitor, new flash (my already expensive old ones won't work with this puppy), spare batteries and supplemental charger that will work in the car, several 4-gig memory cards at something like $175 a whack, a thousand dollar wide angle zoom since my old wide zoom is not very wide at all in digital, and a $500 portable external storage unit....

          I coulda bought a bunch of Provia!

          But I'm still happy...



          • #6
            Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

            LOL.. I totaled up what I'd spent on digital the other day and wished I'd not have!

            First D1= $5000. (not gonna count the one I purchased for someone no longer around here)
            D2H= $3400.
            D2X= $4000.

            And that don't count the 16gb of flash cards I carry, the two portable storage devices I've bought over the years (and no longer use because I don't trust the darn things) extra batteries, computers, the extra gb I just put in my laptop (had to lose the two 512's and add two 1gb's)


            But yes, I'm happy too... exceedingly so and that's what's important!

            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #7
              Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

              I like holding the button down on continuous shoot and hearing the shutter click instead of the cash register ding...
              Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


              • #8
                Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

                Thanks for the info. Where were the pictures taken, what day? Was I running any big power or was it during the movie shoot?
                The Left does look suspicious.


                • #9
                  Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

                  Hello Will -- It was Friday afternoon, and I think from pylon 4. I've blown up the image. The right does look OK, but it sure does look like something happening on the left.

                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

                    Yes Neal. Great Shot! We will have to look into that. The good news is that if we can get it closed up at race power..........................
                    We go even FASTER!


                    • #11
                      Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

                      Thought you might see it that way...



                      • #12
                        Re: Congratulations to Team Steadfast!

                        And faster is ALWAYS better...
                        Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts

