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The Ultimate Mustang?

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  • #31
    Re: The Ultimate Mustang?

    Originally posted by 440_Magnum
    Hamilton-standard "cuffed" blades, as opposed to the H-S "paddle" blade also commonly found on Mustangs. Both are good blade airfoils, but still basically 40s technology. Anecdotal observation implies that the "cuffed" blade is superior. Dago uses it, Strega uses it in modified form, Voodoo uses it, and many others as well. The percentage of racing mustangs that run the cuffed prop is FAR higher than average mustang fleet- most of them use the paddle-blade prop.

    I've heard Reliable Sources say that the "cuffed" HS is THE prop for Merlin performance...Strega's Prop was "modified" due to contact with the runway. At sumthin" like 30K per blade it was cheaper to cut 6" off the tips. Seems to me that changes the dynamic balance somewhat...Smaller dia=more RPM, what happens when that transmits to the supercharger? Are You Into Harmonics?...D.


    • #32
      Re: The Ultimate Mustang?

      when I was at duxford last summer watching all the Spitfires at the BOBMF celebrations I noticed that the Griffin engined spits started using 5 blade props after MK 14 I wonder how good for racing they would be?

      An iteresting "What If" is supposing the British had converted some their Mustangs to Griffin Engines as they did the Spit during the War. With the Griffin producing 2000 odd Hp in service in with the Mk XII in 42-43 and 2400 hp by 45-46 just imagine how things at Reno might be today!!!


      • #33
        Re: The Ultimate Mustang?

        I always wondered about a Griffon without CR. Are standard Griffs and gear boxes that rare? If the gearboxes aren't, is it a spline issue with the props? I know they spin "backwards". Is that the problem? No decent props to go with them? Couldn't a four blader from a Beverly be used?
        "And if they stare, just let them burn their eyes on your moving."


        • #34
          Re: The Ultimate Mustang?

          Originally posted by David E. Wells
          Strega's Prop was "modified" due to contact with the runway. At sumthin" like 30K per blade it was cheaper to cut 6" off the tips. Seems to me that changes the dynamic balance somewhat...Smaller dia=more RPM, what happens when that transmits to the supercharger? Are You Into Harmonics?...D.
          Um, didn't the swap to Strega's prop make RRIII go an instant 10-15mph faster, or is my memory lying to me?
          Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


          • #35
            Re: The Ultimate Mustang?

            There must be something about Strega's prop, I guess they wanted to get more RPM like a previous poster suggested. However, my vote for the Ultimate Mustang would be Strega with the Dago engine prop combo of a few years back. Well, the great thing is that we have others vying for the ultimate position also. 2008 should be fun!
            Last edited by John; 02-18-2008, 01:23 PM.


            • #36
              Re: The Ultimate Mustang?

              Originally posted by Juke
              DAGO RED for sure...what kinda prop did it have in that flight ? Was it much modified ?
              Juke, good question. This question was posed to a pilot who has flown Dago, and it is modified. The only thing I asked about was the blade twist. I also asked if Dago Red's prop would be better on Strega. His response was that he believed the Dago engine+prop combo would be better on Strega. That's is the reason for the above vote(concepts aside).

              Oops, I forgot to add, evidently Strega is lighter than Dago. I think this is known.
              Last edited by John; 02-18-2008, 01:46 PM.


              • #37
                Re: The Ultimate Mustang?

                Originally posted by John
                There must be something about Strega's prop, I guess they wanted to get more RPM like a previous poster suggested.
                I think it was strictly a question of saving some damaged prop blades after the prop strike. I've never heard a definitive answer from someone who would know, but I suspect that the very few inches its 'missing' can be compensated for by a tad more pitch to keep the same RPM.


                • #38
                  Re: The Ultimate Mustang?

                  reference the 5 blade Griffin props- they must be rare here in the UK so X by 10 for the US
                  I imagine that the enthusiasts here guard them jealously and wouldn't part with a a non CR prop for all the tea in china I bet the IWM duxford and the 2 or3 different companies rebuilding them here have a few in stock


                  • #39
                    Re: The Ultimate Mustang?

                    Originally posted by MRussell
                    Um, didn't the swap to Strega's prop make RRIII go an instant 10-15mph faster, or is my memory lying to me?
                    Yea, and how long did it last?...D.

