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  • HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

    Okay, here is a tough one. I am in Reno right now for another 10-11 days, working, sort of. Yesterday, having some time on my hands, I went out towards Spanish Springs to see where the first and second Reno National Championship Air Races happened. Well there has been a lot of development in the valley at the Stead Ranch, (now known as Kiley Ranch, see ) and I poked around but could not find exactly where the races were held. So, I am wondering if anyone can pinpint where the mat runway was. I looked at Google Earth to see if there were any signs of it, but to no avail. I couldn't find the old ranch buildings either, although I believe they still exist. It really should be a historical site as far as I am concerned. I got out there too late to check at the sales office for Kiley Ranch, and the Spanish Springs Library was not much help, although I am sure the information is there somewhere. Any ideas? I just thought, (of course it was Brad's idea it would be interesting to go see if I could feel the ghosts, just like the feeling I got last summer at an old RAF Bomber Command base near York, Uk. I did post this at WAP too. Thanks,
    Never mind. Maybe next year

  • #2
    Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

    I wish I could help but I can't as I too am looking for the site. I was a pylon judge for the 1965 races. I was a Captain (pilot) in the Air Force and was stationed at Mather AFB, Sacramento. We were called by the race officials to see if six pilots could take a week off to help judge the races. I and five other pilots volunteered our time and spent the entire week judging the races.

    I remember Bob Hoover leading the races and Joan Collins was there as a celebrity. Myra Slovak, Darrel Greenamier, Bud Granley and Harold Krier are other names that I remember.

    I also remember that the race course had to be modified as the turn just prior to the grandstand was a 60 degree turn and the aircraft couldn't get around the pylon quick enough to go in front of the grandstand so some were going behind it during the time trials. (There were no height restrictions in those days and most of the pilots flew in the 'ground effect') restricted to AGL To fix the problem they moved the pylon just prior to the one before the grandstand making it a 90 degree turn thereby reducing the one in front of the stands to a 30 degree turn. Guess who got the duty of judging the 90 degree turn pylon?

    I plan to be at the races this year for the first time since 1965. I am really looking forward to it. By the way, my son is the manager of the Black Angus Restaurant in Spokane.


    • #3
      Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

      And you didn't think to call me? I live there dude. It's become so developed out there that there's really nothing left. I've been all over that place looking for it, but, as you've dicovered, to no avail. From some of the old pictures and judging (guessing) from where the surrounding hills are in relation to where the runway was, I've narrowed it down to one small area. However, I've come to settle with "I live where the Reno Air Races were once held."
      You'll get your chance, smart guy!


      • #4
        Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

        Originally posted by Fence Sence
        And you didn't think to call me? I live there dude. It's become so developed out there that there's really nothing left. I've been all over that place looking for it, but, as you've dicovered, to no avail. From some of the old pictures and judging (guessing) from where the surrounding hills are in relation to where the runway was, I've narrowed it down to one small area. However, I've come to settle with "I live where the Reno Air Races were once held."
        Actually Nick, I DID think about giving you a call. I was out there and I didn't have my "brains" with me Sorry. I also was thinking that you lived out in South Reno towards where I am. Guess I wasn't clear. I did remember you telling me that you ski out at Pyramid Lake a lot and I am now convinced that you truly ARE an Air Race Addict, HAH! So, where the hell is it?
        Never mind. Maybe next year


        • #5
          Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

          Originally posted by Air Race Addict
          So, where the hell is it?
          Like I said, I think it's houses now. You were on the right track, but you got about as far as I did. There's got to be someone around who knows. My dad remembers those first years but that valley has changed so much that even he can't tell where it was. About the best I can do is sit up on the hill and imagine the planes going around the valley. Ghostfenceliner?
          You'll get your chance, smart guy!


          • #6
            Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

            Originally posted by Fence Sence
            Like I said, I think it's houses now. You were on the right track, but you got about as far as I did. There's got to be someone around who knows. My dad remembers those first years but that valley has changed so much that even he can't tell where it was. About the best I can do is sit up on the hill and imagine the planes going around the valley. Ghostfenceliner?
            Just look at Stead. It has changed itself in the last 40+ years. I kind of have an idea that it is somewhere in the vicinity of Sky Ranch Blvd. I drove end to end but like you say, it's nothin but houses. I even drove up to Spanish Springs Airport to see if there was anyone up there that could tell me anything. Nope. Nobody around.
            Never mind. Maybe next year


            • #7
              Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

              Originally posted by Air Race Addict
              I even drove up to Spanish Springs Airport to see if there was anyone up there that could tell me anything.
              My new house is going to have a bitchin' view of the runway.
              You'll get your chance, smart guy!


              • #8
                Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

                Where the Albertsons grocery store now sits is where Sky Ranch was.


                • #9
                  Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

                  Originally posted by Unregistered
                  Where the Albertsons grocery store now sits is where Sky Ranch was.
                  And that is on the East side of the PL Highway, correct? And thanks. I remember seeing it. Didn't they know that was hallowed ground
                  Never mind. Maybe next year


                  • #10
                    Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

                    Originally posted by Fence Sence
                    My new house is going to have a bitchin' view of the runway.
                    I was that close?
                    Never mind. Maybe next year


                    • #11
                      Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

                      That whole valley is, or is going to be, developed. Most of what is left open out there is currently being designed for construction in the next few years.
                      One of the subdivisions is even named Sky Ranch.
                      Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                      • #12
                        Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

                        Originally posted by Unregistered
                        Where the Albertsons grocery store now sits is where Sky Ranch was.
                        God, no wonder I hate that store. Putting an Albys on that spot is like digging up an Indian burial ground, pissing on the corpses and then buring them face down. For shame!
                        You'll get your chance, smart guy!


                        • #13
                          Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

                          Spanish Springs is a disaster zone compared to what it used to be even 5 years ago. I run for a local freight company, and there are days it takes 30-40 minutes to get the 7 miles from our terminal to the new Home Depot...yes, traffic is that bad now. But of course, our delivery appointment is right at 6 pm, so I leave the terminal around 5.

                          And no, I'm not a fan of all the growth here in this area. I'm all for progress and that, but holy cow...

                          And thanks for the information, had no idea the races were ever help in the Spanish Springs area.

                          See you at the races...



                          • #14
                            Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

                            Originally posted by MMPerk
                            Spanish Springs is a disaster zone compared to what it used to be even 5 years ago. I run for a local freight company, and there are days it takes 30-40 minutes to get the 7 miles from our terminal to the new Home Depot...yes, traffic is that bad now. But of course, our delivery appointment is right at 6 pm, so I leave the terminal around 5.

                            And no, I'm not a fan of all the growth here in this area. I'm all for progress and that, but holy cow...

                            And thanks for the information, had no idea the races were ever help in the Spanish Springs area.

                            See you at the races...

                            I've started calling my morning commute "Escape from the Valley of No Escape".
                            You'll get your chance, smart guy!


                            • #15
                              Re: HELP ME.......Mr WHIZZZZZard

                              The problem with growth in that area is the lack of either a larger 395-McCarren-Pyramid highway connection, or a good secondary access.
                              McCarren was once planned as a traffic loop to ease all this but was never planned large enough.
                              Once the Kiley area develops there will be another out thru the Vista Blvd. area. Does'nt do you much good tho if you don't need to go to Sparks or Northeast Reno. One of the reasons there is so much commercial planned out in that valley is to reduce the number of trips into town by the residents out there.
                              Growth is inevitable, the hope is that the people force the councils to do it right. They are the ones controlling what the developers do.
                              If it's any consolation I've been involved in development in one way or another for 30 years and I've NEVER seen anyone do it right. Reno has actually done well compared to others.
                              Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts

