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Music at Reno ????? Please read

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  • Music at Reno ????? Please read

    Since we're bitchin', why music...LOUD MUSIC, at air shows and Reno especially. First thing in the morning, the frickin' sound guy...."Check"..."Check"...I want to throw rocks at him. If I wanted music, I'd go to a concert. I'm at Reno, let me hear the music of Rare Bear et al doing their run ups, the take offs, the early morning test flights, the heats and races for cryin' out loud. You guys know what I'm talkin' bout. That's why we are here....
    Can anyone explain this???

    Ok, I'll stop now and thanks for letting me vent....
    ...going off the rails on a crazy train....

  • #2
    Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

    Originally posted by a4gturn
    Since we're bitchin', why music...LOUD MUSIC, at air shows and Reno especially. First thing in the morning, the frickin' sound guy...."Check"..."Check"...I want to throw rocks at him. If I wanted music, I'd go to a concert. I'm at Reno, let me hear the music of Rare Bear et al doing their run ups, the take offs, the early morning test flights, the heats and races for cryin' out loud. You guys know what I'm talkin' bout. That's why we are here....
    Can anyone explain this???

    Ok, I'll stop now and thanks for letting me vent....
    4G, Man you hit the button on that one. The music destroys the affect of what we all go to see and hear. I stopped taking video at some shows for that very reason. I havent been in the pits during the races at Reno since 94, do they have music going during the actual races???
    "dont believe ANYTHING you hear and about HALF of what you see"...................J. Mott 1994


    • #3
      Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

      I've never minded music during aerobatic performances, as long as the music matches the show. I even overdubbed a videotaped performance by Art Scholl with a slow tune from the Pink Floyd-Meddle album . He always flew a slow, graceful flight, and the song complimented it quite nicely.

      I also like the way the Snowbirds and Thunderbirds use music in their shows (no P.A. is gonna drown out those F-16s!) I wish they would stop using DANGER ZONE though. I got enough of that one from TOP GUN.

      But yeah, music during a race would be bad. I don't think I've ever heard any tunes played during a race.


      • #4
        Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

        Try sitting in the front row of box seats and carry on a conversation! The filler music between acts is so bad and so loud it makes me want to punch someone. I don't get it. Maybe it is done purposefully to get you out of your seat to go buy something? As much as box seats cost these days plus dinging you a cooler charge I think that someone would try to make it a little less like a cheap concert hall and more like an air race.
        I do not come here to be blasted out of my seat by a bunch of loud, staticky, music between acts. I come here to see the sights of Reno, hear the sounds of Reno, and socialize with like minded people. The loud speakers make the socializing part almost impossible.
        If they (RARA) could just turn it down. I bet you an ice cold beer that if someone brought a decible meter it would exceed any reasonable limits.

        I feel better

        Steve Hixson


        • #5
          Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read


          When the unlimiteds taxi out and take off, it would be nice to hear the sound of the engines instead of Aerosmith. That's what I'm talkin' bout.
          During an unlimited race, I don't think I'd hear the music anyway, it's way too excitin' !
          And you're right, it would be hard to drown out the sound of an F-16. But do we come for F-16's or for Mustangs, Seafurys and Bearcats?
          ...going off the rails on a crazy train....


          • #6
            Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

            i know last year when the thunderbirds made there entrance they played Neal Diamound Shawn


            • #7
              Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

              the only music i ever thought was appropriate for aerobatics was when bob odegard played enya while flying the f2g last year.

              as a musician and a plane fanatic i like to think that a happy medium could be reached; music that fits what's going on (that dies out as the racers pass) airplanes, good looking girls and beer. how much better could it get?

              beer GOOOOOD
              heh heh alriiiight


              • #8
                Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

                Not all of it is bad. I liked the Greenwood song during the old Red Knight routine, Lefty used to have some good music and so did Scholl.
                I hate the fillers also, and I look forward to the F-14 retirement simply so I won't have to hear "Danger Zone"!
                Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                • #9
                  Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

                  Great observation, Leo! Love to see 'em fly, but you're right about that song, it sucked the 25th time heard it....or was it the 26th????
                  ...going off the rails on a crazy train....


                  • #10
                    Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

                    i am going to quote the great victor archer here
                    "if i had a nickel for every time the played a song from the top gun sound track at a air show i whould be rich"

                    since he has said this........ i know i chould live off 5% of his earnings


                    • #11
                      Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

                      ok, i'll go on a limb here. If some guy wants me to hear Barry Manilow while he tosses his plane around in an act, that's his (her) business. its part of what THEY see as THEIR act.
                      BUT, the constant drone of the "check"... "check", and music during Qual. as well as the early morning music pre and between races is just WRONG! air race/show is about NOISE!! from the aircraft not noise from the speakers.
                      i seem to recall the bi-plane and F-1 class have somebody come help call a race that KNOWS the planes and pilots. why not the unlimiteds too?


                      • #12
                        Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

                        Originally posted by a4gturn

                        When the unlimiteds taxi out and take off, it would be nice to hear the sound of the engines instead of Aerosmith. That's what I'm talkin' bout.
                        During an unlimited race, I don't think I'd hear the music anyway, it's way too excitin' !
                        And you're right, it would be hard to drown out the sound of an F-16. But do we come for F-16's or for Mustangs, Seafurys and Bearcats?

                        Ah, I gotcha. It's been some time since I watched from the grandstands. The last time I sat there, there was no music being played between acts/races, and certainly no tunes during unlimited take-offs or the races themselves. Yep, that would definitely suck.

                        The only annoying thing I hear between races out on the back stretch these days is the endless ATCs and motorbikes going back & forth on the dirt road between us and the track.

                        (The best thing Ive heard out there is the bell-like music of an ice cream truck! Yep, a bonified, tinny-speaker-on-the-roof ice cream truck, just like when we were kids, toodling up the dirt road out there in the desert.

                        I bet the guy sells a lot of popcicles in all that heat and dust we deal with just to get close to the racing action)


                        • #13
                          Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

                          Originally posted by AirDOGGe
                          The only annoying thing I hear between races out on the back stretch these days is the endless ATCs and motorbikes going back & forth on the dirt road between us and the track.
                          If only there were a way to ban them things out there. I guy can drean can't he?
                          You'll get your chance, smart guy!


                          • #14
                            Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

                            Music is in the ear of the listener. First time I saw the Snow Birds they used Enya Orinoco Flow. Ballet in the sky. From that time on it when I hear it I envision those aircraft, their beauty and it almost brings tears to my eyes. (Ok I know it’s probably and gender thing!) And I believe it may have been Art Scholl that introduced me to Andreas Vollenweider Chariots of Fire. Some songs are now completely air show associated. I enjoy a wide variety of music but in it’s proper place. During aerobatics but please not my races! And please not to darn aggressive! I may be getting a bit old for the last couple of years. Some of the music was at too high a decibel and screaming metal rock. (I’m sure there are a couple generations out there saying the same about my Stones Led Zeppelin, Floyd, the Who and such….) This new stuff oK for the clubs I guess, but not a mixed generation air race/show. I keep being distracted from the show by thoughts of when will this bad noise ever end? I attend for the purr of all those sweet growling engines…Now that's music to my ears!...Oh yeah!!
                            And yes I agree, Please, someone please break that CD of Danger Zone.
                            What part of 'Air Race FAN-atic' do you not understand?
                            Like the chips - You can't attend just one!


                            • #15
                              Re: Music at Reno ????? Please read

                              Originally posted by matt
                              the only music i ever thought was appropriate for aerobatics was when bob odegard played enya while flying the f2g last year.
                              You know how I know you're gay... you like Enya!

