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Gate security checks

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  • Gate security checks

    Just curious, I thought that RARA went and made pre-race quals a 'pay to get in' event (so a ticket is required from Monday on), so I was wondering how the security checks are? Did they slow down the time to get through the gate very much? What about hassles with water? food? bullhorns or Sec3 shirts ???
    Leaving on Thursday, can't wait!!!

  • #2
    Re: Gate security checks

    So far, you need a pit pass to get into the pits, for money of course. Its free to watch from the grandstands till (iinm) Wednesday, when the usual fees apply. So far, no-one has asked to look in my camera cases.



    • #3
      Re: Gate security checks

      i think they are trying do drive away the sect 3'ers with the no bull horns


      • #4
        Re: Gate security checks

        Now that the paying customers are getting into the grandstand area, did the food/water/bullhorn **molderator edit ** checks happen? **/moderator edit**
        Just curious, I have a camelback backpack and I would prefer to use that since I can put ice into the water and make it last all day. Just plain old water bottles won't make it all day, even if frozen.

        Leaving 0 dark thirty tommorrow, hopefully no OSP/CHP get in the way!!!


        • #5
          Re: Gate security checks

          I had an interesting experience with the gate check stuff. I was there all week, and made countless trips in and out of the pit gate at the west end of the field, as well as the 'middle' gate by the Sheriff's hangar. I had my media credentials and my camera bag...and NOT ONCE was I stopped and searched. But on Sunday, when I walked through one of the General Admission gates, they stopped me, questioned my credentials, and thoroughly searched my camera bag.

          Let me state that I wasn't bothered by it...I mean, I even kidded with the guys that at least 'they' were doing their jobs. But it just seemed a bit odd that there was such desparity in the checks, depending on who/what/where....


          • #6
            Re: Gate security checks

            Originally posted by speeddemon
            I had an interesting experience with the gate check stuff. I was there all week, and made countless trips in and out of the pit gate at the west end of the field, as well as the 'middle' gate by the Sheriff's hangar. I had my media credentials and my camera bag...and NOT ONCE was I stopped and searched. But on Sunday, when I walked through one of the General Admission gates, they stopped me, questioned my credentials, and thoroughly searched my camera bag.

            Let me state that I wasn't bothered by it...I mean, I even kidded with the guys that at least 'they' were doing their jobs. But it just seemed a bit odd that there was such desparity in the checks, depending on who/what/where....
            I was briefly checked Thursday through Saturday. On sunday they had me open every single pocket in my bag, then when entering the pits on the SE end they checked the bag again, after I had already been checked in General admission. I thought it was pretty funny.



            • #7
              Re: Gate security checks

              My huge camo backpack was only looked in once out of the three days I was there. The lines got so long on Sunday morning they were pretty much just picking and choosing which ones to look in.

