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Some qualifying anomalies

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  • Some qualifying anomalies

    1) I am seeing the two fastest T-6s with the same exact speed of 235.816.
    Race #'s 6 & 68.

    2) Dan Wright's NXT UNDER 310mph???

    3) Scotty Crandlemire's Formula One fast speed (his second best Reno Qualifying mark ever at 248.377) disqualifies for diving. He gets a second chance tomorrow I guess.

    4) RARA site not showing most of us the Unlimited speeds! Now at home, I can't see the Sport Class or Biplane speeds either. ARRRGGHHH!

  • #2
    Re: Some qualifying anomalies

    Try Firefox. I can't see the Ulimited numbers in IE but I can in Firefox.


    • #3
      Re: Some qualifying anomalies

      Who is this guy? Rod Von Grote in a Lancair Legacy at !!354.736!! man that's fast, and is he a new racer? Looks like he's ready to mix it up with the BIG boys?? It's good to see a new guy getting in there with them.


      • #4
        Re: Some qualifying anomalies

        That's Darryl Greenemeyers Legacy, with a new pilot... I expect there's more speed there for the taking if they need/wish.



        • #5
          Re: Some qualifying anomalies

          Thanks Alan for that info, but how come Darrell is not in it?


          • #6
            Re: Some qualifying anomalies

            What time slot for the last Sport Qualifying session?

            I think we may see Parker lift his record into the 368-374 range but I have an idea Sharp will slightly edge that if we tries afterwards.

            Dacey's #71 Venture will maybe be in the 329-339 range.

            Any other predictions welcome.


            • #7
              Re: Some qualifying anomalies

              I was on the phone with my buddy Dan, (C170BDan), and he can sign on but not post.

              Annnyway, he had some info on Roger (Rod) Von Grote. Roger flew 104's with DG back in the day. He was also the Caribou pilot in the attempted Kee-Bird recovery. He owned Mr. Awesome in the early 90's when it was in texas, and then sold it to Frost.

              Sounds like he and Darryl go back quite a ways.


              • #8
                Re: Some qualifying anomalies

                I heard the top three in sport class were insanely close. Anyone have numbers and opinions about who is holding back the most?


                • #9
                  Re: Some qualifying anomalies

                  Originally posted by glider90
                  I was on the phone with my buddy Dan, (C170BDan), and he can sign on but not post.

                  Annnyway, he had some info on Roger (Rod) Von Grote. Roger flew 104's with DG back in the day. He was also the Caribou pilot in the attempted Kee-Bird recovery. He owned Mr. Awesome in the early 90's when it was in texas, and then sold it to Frost.

                  Sounds like he and Darryl go back quite a ways.
                  Rod is Roger's son, I believe....


                  • #10
                    Re: Some qualifying anomalies

                    Originally posted by speeddemon
                    Rod is Roger's son, I believe....
                    Yea, we started noticing the apparent age of Rod and the age Roger would have to be and thought the same

