

Posts made past 02:30PM 12/30/24 won't be on the new site!

Well, things are going to happen in rapid succession now... I'm going to do a final database backup at 2:30PM CST today. After the vBulletin team gets it - the new site should be operational "with all posts" soon thereafter. Then following a series of checks, and if all goes well, I'll post a link to the new forums here soon.

Thanks for your patience,

The Admins
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A Sincere Thanks To All

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  • A Sincere Thanks To All

    To the Race Teams:

    Thanks to all of the Men & Women for all of the hard work & effort you all put in throughout the year to get to Reno. Special thanks to all of the wrench & screwdriver turners...the ones with grime all over them that feverishly prepare the engines & airframes for those that fly. Without you, defying gravity doesn't happen. Special thanks to the families who allow their members the time to participate in this great sport. So many teams this year did not make the final call on Sunday, but it was NOT due to a lack of trying. We salute you all for making Reno '06, and for the memories that were made.

    To the Reporters:

    Thanks for taking time out of your personal vacations to share with those who were unable to attend. The reports & pictures kept us in touch with the goings-on. Thanks for getting good solid information, & thanks to the teams for jumping on-line to verify or report "from the source". Special thanks to those who host the various web-sites that allow us to get the information and give us a forum to share knowledge and experiences.

    To the Fans:

    Thanks for your support of a great American Sport! Without you, this annual occurance can't go on. Your enthusiasm throughout the year feeds the animal that makes it all worth it in September.

  • #2
    Re: A Sincere Thanks To All

    I have been banging my head off of my desk, trying to put my apperciation for all the hard work you guys did over the last week. But I just couldnt get it to sound right.

    The post above nails my thoughts and fealings on the head.

    Eastcoastfan, Please allow me to use your words to show my gratitude.



    • #3
      Re: A Sincere Thanks To All

      Eastcostfan, I'll echo the previous post. Well said. I still sit in bewilderment (is that a word?) at all the love and effort that goes into making this event happen. A standing ovation from Indiana to you all. We'll see ya next year! Yep, I'm gonna be there next year! Woohoo!
      Mike S


      • #4
        Re: A Sincere Thanks To All

        I cannot phrase it nearly so eloquently as others already have here but I want to express my deepest heartfelt thanks and apprediation for everyone who has worked so hard to put out excellent photos and information on this site. A die hard aviation and air racing person I had attended every air race here at Reno starting with the first one down at what was then Bill Stead's Sky Ranch. During these years I have had the priviledge of working nearly every aspect of the sport from photographer to crew member to pylon judge and this makes me acutly aware of the dedication, effort and downright hard work everyone does to make this site possible. About three years ago I and my family suffered some rather severe physical setbacks which make it impossible for me to attend the races any more. To make matters even more heart tugging, I live about ten miles from Stead (as the crow flies) and can often hear the planes when the races are in progress. You cannot imagine how I wish I could be there! This site has become a "home" for me and helps immensly to fill the void. Again, my most sincere thanks to all of you who work so hard and so many long hours to get the information out to me and so many others who cannot attend.

        Finally, I would like to pay my respects to a fine fine gentleman whom I knew for many many years. A very long time and exceptionally hard worker at every air race as well as between events, he was known and loved by nearly all long time air race fans and participants. Bernie Wibblesmann's ashes were spread over the Reno Air Race course this year per his request.

        Again, thanks to everyone from the bottom of my heart.

