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What about next year?

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  • #16
    Re: What about next year?

    Originally posted by speeddemon
    Okay, here's the plan. Next year, you need to have it in a very 'simple' paint scheme, in wash-off paint. Then in the middle of the night, we push Steadfast over the the Czech Mate pit, and 'switch' planes. A quick coating of 'Hollywood paint' for each plane, and now 86 is 33, and 33 is 86...and nobody is the wiser.

    Dude...nevermind the 385 qualifying lap. You're up in the 440 range, and you're only out a few gallons of paint, and some soapy water!
    Sheesh! I was thinking just swap engines. Surely that could be done without anyone noticing I mean, can you imagine Sherm going to his crew and telling them, gee guys, I don't know what happened, but it seems to be down on power..........
    Never mind. Maybe next year


    • #17
      Re: What about next year?

      After spending the past week reflecting on the 43rd Reno Air Races I can't help but think this years races fell way short of meeting any of the potential expectations. The ugly and hard fact is, that unless someone finds the cure to the sick Merlin problems, round motor racers will dominate for many years to come. Sept. Fury set the mark this year, and although it was not set all that high, NO ONE could muster up the horsepower to even contend, let alone surpass Fury's performance. It does not help that MB can out spend the rest of the field combined. I'm not saying deep pockets are a crime, but unless the problems that are paralyzing the Merlin powered racers are solved, I see no other racer capable of unseeding the dominance of Sept. Fury. From it's conception, this racer has had unbelievable potential, and although there are several racers who's airframes are aerodynamically superior, Sept. Fury proved to everyone that horsepower can overcome a less aerodynamic design.
      This is in no way a slam to the Merlin builders, as I believe they are an extremely talented group, but one undisputable fact was made painfully clear this year. For the past three years no Merlin powered racer has survived to contend for the money on Sunday. Most self destructing before Sunday. What does it say when the fastest (highest finishing) Merlin powered racer can be found with Ole Yeller. So my question is, What is the missing element here? What magical secret is missing from the racing Merlin equation? It seems to me, that since the Dwight Thorne era (which ended with him suffering a stoke) Merlins have suffered on the racing end. There are several talented builders out there, but something is missing. I am a huge fan of the Merlin, and there is ABSOLUTELY no other sound in the world that stimulates the senses like the Rolls Royce Merlin. I hope the answers can be found, and the Merlin can once again reign supreme. but unless the Merlins survivability can be improved upon, MB has begun to display the same kind of characteristics as many other sports dynasties. September Fury is looking a lot like the NY Yankees. With no other contenders in sight, Fury's only nemesis is itself.
      This years races were as boring as watching paint dry. My hope is that next year, there will actually be a gold race, and not the boring, one plane race witnessed this year. What a snoozer!!!!!!!!



      • #18
        Re: What about next year?

        Originally posted by paintboy
        This years races were as boring as watching paint dry. My hope is that next year, there will actually be a gold race, and not the boring, one plane race witnessed this year. What a snoozer!!!!!!!!

        I don't agree.You've been painting to many houses.Go watch NASCAR..


        • #19
          Re: What about next year?

          I've got the answer! Make Kerch the crew chief for everyone.
          You'll get your chance, smart guy!


          • #20
            Re: What about next year?

            Originally posted by paintboy
            It seems to me, that since the Dwight Thorne era (which ended with him suffering a stoke) Merlins have suffered on the racing end. There are several talented builders out there, but something is missing.
            The "Dwight Thorn Era" did not end with The Doc having a stroke, Steve Bartholf and myself built two more race winning "Mouse engines" after Doc's stroke. The "Dwight Thorn Era" ended after the last engine was leaving the shop and he said "I don't want to do this anymore." It is not a can't do this, it is a doesn't want to do this situation.

            To put it bluntly from Dwight's Point of view He did not share all the Mouse Bottom end secrets with anyone prior to his stroke. I have not and will not without a royalty being paid to Dwight for his intellectual knowledge be part of building any Mice. So the recipe is there and all else will remain trial and error for now. I have grown tired of hearing that nobody is left to do the job that Steve and I accomplished along with Mike Wilton. Steve did the case preparation and I did the crankshaft preparation and build up, All of this was done with consultation with Dwight Thorn at the Mystery Aire shop.
            John Slack


            • #21
              Re: What about next year?

              Originally posted by paintboy
              This years races were as boring as watching paint dry. Dave
              Are you sure you were there? That must be some pretty exciting paint.

              While we didn't get the anticipated gold battle with Dago, and Rare Bear in the mix and Strega didn't make it to the finish, it beat the hell out of the "Super Gold Shootout" a few years back. I got goosebumps watching Tiger blast past Dreadnought on lap one. I also got a pretty good rush out of watching September Fury roar down the back straight sounding strangely like an overgrown Merlin. Something's different about that motor. Could it be because those old Merlin guys are working on a round motor now?

              The Merlins have had a couple of bad years. IT's happened before. I'm not ready to count them out yet. Go Mike, go Rick!

              The glass is half full!
              Bill Garnett
              Air Race Fanatic since 1965


              • #22
                Re: What about next year?

                Originally posted by Bill@Interstell
                I also got a pretty good rush out of watching September Fury roar down the back straight sounding strangely like an overgrown Merlin. Something's different about that motor.

                While I was busy being horribly disappointed over Strega's mayday, I did take time to notice how DIFFERENT Mr. Brown's R-3350 sounds... I made the remark on another thread that it sounded "almost Merlin-like."
                Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


                • #23
                  Re: What about next year?

                  Yes, I noticed it too. Sept. Fury sounded more "wound up" than the other 3350's. Just curious, a previous post referred to airframes cleaner than Sept. Fury's? Do you mean that it can go faster than 485 in the years to come?


                  • #24
                    Re: What about next year?

                    Originally posted by KB Adkins
                    Yes, I noticed it too. Sept. Fury sounded more "wound up" than the other 3350's. Just curious, a previous post referred to airframes cleaner than Sept. Fury's? Do you mean that it can go faster than 485 in the years to come?
                    Sound can be deceiving ....


                    • #25
                      Re: What about next year?

                      talking with one of the SF team, i was told that MB qualified at take off power only, if true fury was in cruise mode, if it was a psyche job, even better, can anyone verify?


                      • #26
                        Re: What about next year?

                        Originally posted by ramp mouse
                        if it was a psyche job, even better, can anyone verify?
                        Well my guess is anyone that really could, won't and still be on the team next year.
                        John Slack


                        • #27
                          Re: What about next year?

                          I don't know what they have done to that momo but it definately has a different sound than the other 3350s. I first noticed it on one of thier 7:00 am runs. they were up all alone and you could hear that sound echoing off the mountains as they rounded the valley. It sounds great and it sounds like they have someting left they haven't used.


                          • #28
                            Re: What about next year?

                            Originally posted by ramp mouse
                            talking with one of the SF team, i was told that MB qualified at take off power only, if true fury was in cruise mode, if it was a psyche job, even better, can anyone verify?

                            I heard that from the head wrench of SF after qualifying. Awesome!!!


                            • #29
                              Re: What about next year?

                              Originally posted by Race5
                              This is as close as I could get, this all came from the pilots /teams.

                              9) A first flight approximate for the MB.5?
                              I didn't even see it this year, did I just miss it?

                              A lot of people would echo my sentiment: Oh god I hope not.



                              • #30
                                Re: What about next year?

                                Originally posted by Hawkeye
                                I heard that from the head wrench of SF after qualifying. Awesome!!!
                                I have 5 acres of swamp gas for sale on my home planet. If you even believe for one second that they qualified on take off power you must want to buy the property... Hell I even through in the three eyed toad!

