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Moderator Resignation

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  • Moderator Resignation

    Wayne and AAFO Friends,

    I would like to officially resign my moderator duties here at AAFO.

    I joined this site (and Pylon1, WAP) to share some laughs, facts and trivia with folks that were interested in the sport of air racing.

    What I have seen going on here lately is FAR from sharing laughs and facts- The board has been full of absolutely mean spirited comments and editorials.

    I realize everyone has opinions, and this public forum is a chance to express and vent- but what is going on here just turns my (considerable) stomach.

    There are some amazingly talented people that post here, and I so much enjoy their comments- we are all able to learn from their experiences.

    I can not censor every post that is controversial, yet I don't support some of the hatred filled tirades I have been witnessing.

    I just think AAFO will be better suited finding someone less passionate about air racing than myself to moderate the board.

    Thanks for allowing me to help Wayne, All the best. RG
    Last edited by RandyGoss75; 09-26-2006, 11:52 AM.
    Warlock #75, Steve Ballard, Al "Papa" Goss
    RIP 03/17/10

  • #2
    Re: Moderator Resignation

    well i hope this dosent mean you will be leaving the message board


    • #3
      Re: Moderator Resignation

      I'd have to agree with you RG.
      I've been around here for 7-8 years now. Something has definately gotten into the water.
      I'm all for the free exchange of opinions, ideas and knowledge, but some of the postings lately remind me of Moe and Curly slapping each other.
      Stick around Randy and let the dust settle!
      Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


      • #4
        Re: Moderator Resignation

        Yeah, Randy. Your last name isn't Haskin. You shouldn't have anything to worry about.


        • #5
          Re: Moderator Resignation

          Randy, from a long time reader;recent poster. i've enjoyed and learned from your posts. i can't blame you from walking away from the moderator role. i'm amazed anyone would want to do it. if you can't "wait for the dust to settle", please accept my thanks for your work, and my sincere hope that you will continue to post and contribute when you see an appropriate subject, thread, or question.


          • #6
            Re: Moderator Resignation

            I hope that you'll keep doing LOW inverted (aka perverted) passes with/for Victor for all of us to share! If not for us, do it for Jim Bede.
            Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
            World Speed Record Holder


            • #7
              Re: Moderator Resignation

              Well Randy, very sorry to hear that. How bout we give you a night to sleep on it?

              I'm still whirling over the past few days events here!

              I've read and re-read the original thread that seems to have gotten all of this started and from what I can see, some folks who didn't know the facts were flaming some people on a team whom I consider close friends and whom I know as hard workers. A team which was up against hard odds this year and did the best they could to persever and keep their humor.

              They kept the humor and were flattened for it by the original people in the thread I'm talking about.

              I'm human, I'm also a moderator/admin here and I jumped in with a less than moderate response to my friends getting blasted..

              I then got blasted by two former crew of the above mentioned team who have really big axes to grind against the crew which was being bashed...

              OK, we're big boys here, sometimes we play rough but I'm expected to stay above the frey.. I didn't I jumped in with both feet and tagged both of the folks who ripped into me for defending my friends.

              Thinking clearer, later, I made it clear that I was disappointed in not only the posters in that thread but also myself, I know the direction that thread had headed was not a direction we want to go in this place. I closed it, put it to bed and hoped we could move on.

              Later, maybe a day or so... I'm busy as hell and don't have time to go back and do a direct timeline, another member of this board decided that what had been said in the effort to move on was not enough, that member opened up the subject, again, and admonished everyone who had posted in it.

              That member and I discussed his actions, privately, and we BOTH were fairly harsh with each other. I'd thought we'd agreed to disagree, left it yesterday and moved on.

              I'm seeing posts that are still trying to dredge this nasty stuff up further.

              I'm feeling the lions share of blame on all this is being aimed directly at me and I'm still trying to figure out why?

              OK, I can't defend my friends on a team whom I admire, I can't lash back at those who try to snag me into heated debate, I'm supposed to be above all this.

              I do my best, but I'm an emotionally involved human being folks, I have feelings, I have loyalties, I can get defensive I can get my feelings hurt.

              Someone told me yesterday to just delete these threads and move on..

              I probably should have taken that advice

              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #8
                Re: Moderator Resignation

                Yea, the RB topic surely got out of hand....People sure get grumpy when they don't get their dose of Rare Bear racing action.

                At the non-aviation forum I admin at we also have well-established (and published) rules, but that doesn't mean everyone is willing to follow them all of the time. That's what Administrators and Moderators are for.


                • #9
                  Re: Moderator Resignation

                  Originally posted by chixfly2
                  The Admin/Mod must stay above the BS to maintain control.

                  This is my opinion after running a forum for several years.
                  I've actually was a moderator before the internet became big (Compuserve days) and I truly know the "rules" but...

                  HUMANS are moderators...

                  It's really hard to stay in a role 100% of the time Dasher..

                  Especially with the background drama that goes on here sometimes..

                  I'm not defending stepping down from the podium to kick some ass but, it happened and it's gonna happen from time to time..

                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #10
                    Re: Moderator Resignation

                    the public feels they "own" the racers - even though they are just fans.
                    I've seen NASCAR fans come to blows over an off color remark about the color of their favrite racers hat, so it's normal I guess.
                    Try telling a die-hard Raider fan ANYTHING.
                    Fans are fans.
                    Truth be told, all we have the "right" to do here, as I see it under the rules, is exchange information and opinions, play nice and leave the ego's and whining at home. Kinda like life?
                    Slander has no place for those of us that just want to learn all we can about a sport we like.
                    Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                    • #11
                      Re: Moderator Resignation

                      Randy,I sure hope you hang around the board,It wouldn't be the same without ya .I do totally understand your position and would probably do the same!!!!!!!!!!

                      See Ya Jim A
                      Jim Adams
                      Blue Thunder 2 crew
                      Picabo race 51 crew
                      Rapid Travel race 75 crew


                      • #12
                        Re: Moderator Resignation

                        Dasher - good one on "Raider Nation" I'll have to share that one with my die hard Raider brother-in-law.
                        Mike S


                        • #13
                          Re: Moderator Resignation

                          Back on topic: Randy, I haven't been here long, but have learned a lot from reading your posts - and I thank you for sharing. Hopefully, you won't stop teaching us fans what we'd love to learn - more about a very unique sport!
                          Mike S


                          • #14
                            Re: Moderator Resignation

                            Originally posted by RandyGoss75
                            Wayne and AAFO Friends,

                            I would like to officially resign my moderator duties here at AAFO.

                            I joined this site (and Pylon1, WAP) to share some laughs, facts and trivia with folks that were interested in the sport of air racing.

                            What I have seen going on here lately is FAR from sharing laughs and facts- The board has been full of absolutely mean spirited comments and editorials.

                            I realize everyone has opinions, and this public forum is a chance to express and vent- but what is going on here just turns my (considerable) stomach.

                            There are some amazingly talented people that post here, and I so much enjoy their comments- we are all able to learn from their experiences.

                            I can not censor every post that is controversial, yet I don't support some of the hatred filled tirades I have been witnessing.

                            I just think AAFO will be better suited finding someone less passionate about air racing than myself to moderate the board.

                            Thanks for allowing me to help Wayne, All the best. RG
                            Loosely translated "I've run out of beer and have to go to the store" So now that you have resigned moderation, does that mean your a champion of drinking full time?

                            Sometimes we're the Bad News Bears, sometimes we're just bad news..


                            • #15
                              Re: Moderator Resignation

                              i've been going to reno since 94 and started following air racing since
                              going to the 71 race in San Diego, we've talked lots of times at reno and at shafter.
                              I'm sorry you are stepping down but dont leave the board because of a few
                              people that should be on mood altering medications. take 5, slam a cold one
                              or three and ponder the meaning of life, eat, drink, party & race, not in that order.
                              Thanks for your contributions, Dan

