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Sport Twins

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  • Sport Twins

    Do the rules currently allow twins and if not is that one of the changes being proposed ?
    I would have thought a well designed twin would provide better performance in a safer package.
    I have been following this class since it was started, and think it has to be the way air racing will go.
    A new class will eventualy have to be introduced to take over from the unlimiteds keeping the same visual appeal and sound but replacing the warbirds as it becomes impossible to keep them flying.
    How about a class for replica war birds such as the FW-190 ,Mustangs etc. but allowing modern engines of a larger size than allowed in Sports Class.

  • #2
    Re: Sport Twins

    Originally posted by Reno_Steve
    I would have thought a well designed twin would provide better performance in a safer package.
    I'd like to hear what current race pilots think about the safety factor of racing twins. There is a redundancy, but you also have twice the number of things to go wrong, and it seems asymmetric thrust at the wrong moment might be a handful.
    Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


    • #3
      Re: Sport Twins

      Originally posted by Reno_Steve
      A new class will eventualy have to be introduced to take over from the unlimiteds keeping the same visual appeal and sound but replacing the warbirds as it becomes impossible to keep them flying.Class.
      Why a new class? Unlimited is just that. I realize they put in a weight limit, but that can be corrected. The fastest planes are always going to be something special, and therefore are unlimiteds by concept and definition.
      No pixels were harmed, honest.


      • #4
        Re: Sport Twins

        lets have some HEAVY twins in unlimited, there has been b-25s, an a-26, and even b-26s, there in the past. they were by no means the fastest, but WOW what a sight that would be to see!


        • #5
          Re: Sport Twins

          Heh, heh....anyone out there remember when John Parker tried to qualify his Cessna 421 twin?


          • #6
            Re: Sport Twins

            I Love the sport twins! Heather & Holly Oh, are you guys talking about airplanes? Never mind
            "Nothing happened behind the hanger, there was nothing too see there... Move along..."


            • #7
              Re: Sport Twins

              Originally posted by tex-fan
              lets have some HEAVY twins in unlimited, there has been b-25s, an a-26, and even b-26s, there in the past. they were by no means the fastest, but WOW what a sight that would be to see!

              A heavy twin class? Mental images of several fat people rushing and bumping each other down a narrow hallway to get to a free buffet comes to mind.


              • #8
                Re: Sport Twins

                Assuming the rules allowed for a twin, would the combined engine CID have to meet single engine displacement? Centerline thrust could eliminate the rolling problem with an engine out. Hmmm...anyone have a Rutan Defiant to race?
                Sky Critter


                • #9
                  Re: Sport Twins

                  Originally posted by Sky Critter
                  Centerline thrust could eliminate the rolling problem
                  Now that's what Heather said!


                  • #10
                    Re: Sport Twins


                    • #11
                      Re: Sport Twins

                      John Parker entered Race #33, a Cessna 340 (not a 421) in the Unlimiteds many years ago. The 340 was owned by Phil Fogg, who was racing in the IF-1 class at the time. The aircraft was not allowed to race due to "structural concerns" about the airframe.

                      Incidently, Phil returned to Reno this year after a long absence, finished 3rd in the Jets.

                      The sad thing is this is the only "Unlimited" I have ever flown in. Sigh.


                      • #12
                        Re: Sport Twins

                        I heard a rumour that there were people wanting to race boomerang.

                        that'd be an entry.

                        couldn't keep up with them nxts though

