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  • NARA/ARA Facts

    You show my post to every pilot there in 93 ,ask if those things did not happen.I asked him at work and he told me HIMSELF what he said to those people.How can that be slander?

  • #2
    Re: NARA/ARA Facts

    Originally posted by Chris McMillin
    You show my post to every pilot there in 93 ,ask if those things did not happen.I asked him at work and he told me HIMSELF what he said to those people.How can that be slander?
    Chris, It's really late here, I'm very tired and I'm not going to discuss this further at this time. I will ask you to please read the announcement that is clearly worded that is posted at the top of every section on this message system and please adhere to it.

    Thank You
    Wayne Sagar
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Sounds like Chris has something to say Wayne. What is the harm in that. He seems to have his facts straight. Why don't you let these guys talk. Is this moderated or censored? Should we only look at racing through rose colored glases? What Chris is talking about is the history of air racing. It is not all pretty, but it IS what happened. It is how we got to where we are today in this great sport.
      I for one would like to know the facts. The good, the bad and the ugly!


      • #4
        I agree with the above post. History isn't always pretty, but even so, only by knowing and understanding the past can we learn from it and improve the future. I think Chris handled his post well. He gave the facts. He left out the names. I am as curious as anyone as to the names, but it really doesn't matter in the larger context of what happened. I have loved this sport for over 20 years now and have even been fortunate enough to be involved a couple of times. I knew about the attempt to start the 5 city circuit, but always wondered what happened to it. Thank you Chris for "the rest of the story"....


        • #5
          What you think goes Wayne

          I love the site and dont know the details. What you think goes Wayne.



          • #6
            Wayne, please don't take my previous post the wrong way.....I too love this site and think you do a great job! Being the webmaster, the final decision is of course yours on what you allow to be posted. One difference between you and most of the people on this board is that you happen to be friends with a lot of the people involved in racing and are apt to be more defensive on their part. The whole thing about a "forum" is discussion. Just my $.02


            • #7
              We run a pretty free board here, however, there are things we do not allow, one of which is posting slanderous comments annonymously.. which one of you unregistered guests chose to do..

              I will say this., I'm working 18+ hour days as are all of us at AAFO right now and if you guys who refuse to take the time to register continue to play dirty during a time when you know damn well I do not have the time to play your game, I will turn this board into a registered user only board..

              Your choice... Abuse the courtesy to let you post without registering, don't use your name in your posts and hide behind the great Internet and throw bull$hit at men who have done far more for the sport than you will ever even think about as was done in the post I deleted last night and I will close this board to unregistered users.. PERIOD!

              I asked nice before we left for Reno and put that in an annoucnement that you can not miss.. now if you choose to ignore this.. I'll kick you out of my living room..

              ENOUGH of this conversation for now!

              Wayne Sagar
              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"

