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9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

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  • 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO


    9 f18s just arrived a 843am at the UAL maintenance facility / circa the b29 maint hangers

    A. #1 thru #6.... theshow planes
    B. 2ea. #7s..... (dual seats) for what... idunn no
    C. and one single seater as a bsck up (w / no number)

    the c130 .... soon 2 arrive


  • #2
    Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

    Originally posted by Bill Marsh

    9 f18s just arrived a 843am at the UAL maintenance facility / circa the b29 maint hangers

    A. #1 thru #6.... theshow planes
    B. 2ea. #7s..... (dual seats) for what... idunn no
    C. and one single seater as a bsck up (w / no number)

    the c130 .... soon 2 arrive

    B= Press rides


    • #3
      Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

      I'm looking forward to the weekend, just hope the weather is good. The Nimitz is coming to town as well, it should be quite a sight coming in under the Golden Gate bridge.

      A little taster from last year.


      • #4
        Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

        Mike - Great pics!

        Mike A.


        • #5
          Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

          Photo 3 unbelievable timing and angle, perfect symmetry.
          I was on one of those sailboats that were all blurred out, A great advantage point.


          • #6
            Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

            My first Airshow memory had the Blues headlining at Pax Riv. They were in F-11Fs. They are the best in the business, especially at SL!!!
            Eddie's Airplane Patch-Birthplace of the "Sonic Boom".......and I'm reminded every friggin' day!


            • #7
              Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

              From Today's San Francisco Chronicle...a sentiment around here that is as predictable as the rising of the sun...

              Editor -- A year ago, during Fleet week with the overwhelming roar of military aircraft above us, a co-worker of mine made the following observation:
              "For some people, this is the last sound they hear. And to think, here we are, celebrating it."

              JOE COLLINS
              San Francisco

              Farging icehole...

              Luckily there was also this letter:
              Editor -- Thank you, Blue Angels for returning to the San Francisco Bay Area where the vast majority of its citizens appreciate what you do and what you stand for. We wish you all the best.

              BILL COLUCCI
              San Francisco


              • #8
                Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

                Originally posted by Propellerhead
                Editor -- A year ago, during Fleet week with the overwhelming roar of military aircraft above us, a co-worker of mine made the following observation:
                "For some people, this is the last sound they hear. And to think, here we are, celebrating it."

                JOE COLLINS
                San Francisco

                Well, the cool thing about this country is that it is BECAUSE of that overwhelming roar of military aircraft that Mr. Collins co-worker can afford to hold his view of the world. If it weren't, I'm sure he would be speaking another language by now, and toiling away on his collective farm, or something.

                May not agree with the opinion, but I know I was willing to give my life to defend his right to feel that way.


                • #9
                  Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

                  They looked (and sounded) good over the Bay at the weekend!


                  • #10
                    Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

                    Mike, they are all great but that Fat Albert shot is probably the best one of that aircraft I've ever seen.. FANTASTIC!

                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"


                    • #11
                      Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

                      WOW WOW WOW


                      • #12
                        Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

                        Thanks guys.

                        Just for fun, here's the reverse angle of the C-130 shot, taken last year from Alcatraz!


                        • #13
                          Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

                          Go to to get a glimpses of all the other S.F. Bay Area opinions that are protected speech. It makes me proud of the men and women who can wear the uniform AND tolerate the behavior they are protecting!


                          • #14
                            Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

                            Dasher - It just figures that you could come up with a website like that one on such short notice. I've got to meet you sometime. Perhaps the next GOP should expand to include racers and crew. Stay sane down there.

                            Mike A.


                            • #15
                              Re: 9 Blue Angel planes just arrived at SFO

                              I've been checking out Zombie for years. He or she (identity unknown) provides a valuable service to us all. He/she visits the great unwashed and "tolerant" so we don't have to.

                              I can't remember which protest or event it was, but some guy decided to take a bicycle pump to his nether regions. It doesn't stop at extreme piercings and tribal tatoos around here folks...

