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We are in the final stages of resolving the issues with the forums move to the new location. After talking with tech support, the only solution was to send him a copy of all the images. This will take time - but we know the fix SO it's only a matter of time now.

Thanks again for your patience,

The Admins
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Calendars: Out of Stock

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  • Calendars: Out of Stock

    Thanks to all for your response to the calendars! As of today, we sold 4 cases of 44 each from this website alone!

    A far greater response than we anticipated and we're grateful for all of your support for our small part of this venture.

    At this time, we have approximately 40 of the slightly damaged calendars on hand but we will not be offering them at this time.

    If there is enough interest in more sales, we will see what we can do to find out if there are any remaining full quality units left, or we may offer the damaged calendars at a reduced price. Please EMAIL us if you are interested in obtaining a calendar.

    Unfortunately, there will be no way to ship anything, damaged or otherwise, until after the new year as we will be away from home-base until shortly before then.

    Again, thanks for the tremendous response to this calendar!

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: Calendars: Out of Stock


    On behalf of all those involved with the calendar we would like to thank you, Wayne, for offering this to the masses. And for all of you who made this first effort a huge success, our heartfelt THANK YOU. We learned several things from this first venture and we are currently hard at work on the 2008 calendar. So expect more stunning images from air racings rich history to grace the pages of next years calendar. If all goes as planned, the 2008 calendar will be available shortly after the PRS. We will provide Wayne with updates and may throw out a teasers once the release date becomes closer. Until then, enjoy counting down the days on the premiere air racing calendar, produced with racing fans in mind. Thank you all again, and may you all find happiness during this holiday season.



    • #3
      Re: Calendars: Out of Stock

      ...Thank you Wayne (and everyone involved) I really like mine...


      • #4
        Re: Calendars: Out of Stock

        We love ours too. I bought four and should have bought more!!(they were supposed to be Christmas gifts but I couldn't help myslelf - they all have homes up here in Canada)
        thanks again!!


        • #5
          Re: Calendars: Out of Stock

          For anyone still interested in obtaining calendars, you can visit and order from our shrinking stock. Not many left, but if you need to cover that blank space on the wall, we can help. Grab them before they are gone, completely. Happy holidays!!!.


