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Mojave spy shot?

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  • #16
    Re: Mojave spy shot?

    Looks like the have changed props. The pictures on the website show a 4 bladed prop......and the fence picture looks to be a 3 blade. I've heard she flew once or twice before........what was the results of that test flight?


    • #17
      Re: Mojave spy shot?

      Originally posted by Race5
      I may be out in left field, but I seem to remember someone mentioning at Reno this year that one of the 2006 racers started on his plane right after Reno 05. That is a fast build.
      sport class silver
      Vince Walker in the 2 tone rattle can gray camo started in feb. and made it to reno in sept. "thats a kick ass pace". He was working on his plane every night trying to get more speed by himself. He didn't have any crew. Plus he was part of the best racing I saw all week, everyday the three lagacys and a lancair 4 would fight it out, but I think most peolpe missed it becouse they were not racing for first.


      • #18
        Re: Mojave spy shot?

        Originally posted by Missileer
        An exactly how fast are you building yours ??

        Just sayin...cut'em some slack, hell at least they're trying.
        FYI, Apteryx crews for an F1 team...Race #11 Endeavor.


        • #19
          Re: Mojave spy shot?

          Originally posted by supercub
          Looks like the have changed props. The pictures on the website show a 4 bladed prop......and the fence picture looks to be a 3 blade. I've heard she flew once or twice before........what was the results of that test flight?
          The information might be on their website, or in an interview archived on AAFO somewhere....but it is probably going to balance between what 'was said', and what 'happened'.

          I think Statler Sr. 'officially' said that they went from four to three blades for more efficiency. But 'unofficially' I think that when Skip tipped it up on it's nose back in the '80's during a high-power run-up, they dinged one of the blades on the ground and ruined it.

          Wildfire DID fly once in 1984, but it wasn't supposed to. The CG was well out of balance, and the plane was very tail heavy. Joe Guthrie was a test pilot with Flight Systems out of Mojave, and he was supposed to be doing a high-speed taxi down the runway. But with the aft-cg, the plane actually took off....and Joe had to manhandle the plane around the patch and bring her back down again. It was a rough ride, and he badmouthed the plane pretty bad. is probably a case of what 'was said' versus what 'actually happened'....and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

          I'm sure that lots of homework has been done in the ensuing 20 years, and that Super Dave will have much to say and do with the plane before she shows up ready to fly at PRS or Reno. If anyone can do it, though...Super Dave can.


          • #20
            Re: Mojave spy shot?

            Originally posted by Missileer
            An exactly how fast are you building yours ??

            Just sayin...cut'em some slack, hell at least they're trying.
            FYI Apteryx is very close to the action, a common friend of ours is the test pilot for Renegade and we get a lot of quality feedback. You definately want Apteryx in your pit if your'e a racer guy.


            • #21
              Re: Mojave spy shot?

              Originally posted by Missileer
              An exactly how fast are you building yours ??
              Just sayin...cut'em some slack, hell at least they're trying.
              Strange reactions to the comment. The reference was to the pace most homebuilders (which they are), operate at, (* used to be an average of 17 years, might be a little better now days). Since the last and only flght was 22 years ago, I think that is a fair comparison.
              I've crewed for air racers for 26 years now, and have helped build most of them.
              I am aware of the problems they had getting ready last year, and the time it took them to fix them, and they are NOT operating at a race teams speed. This is not a slam, they are building an experimental aircraft that MIGHT race, someday. They are going to need an major infusion of ( to be a race team.



              • #22
                Re: Mojave spy shot?

                Originally posted by Apteryx
                Strange reactions to the comment. The reference was to the pace most homebuilders (which they are), operate at, (* used to be an average of 17 years, might be a little better now days). Since the last and only flght was 22 years ago, I think that is a fair comparison.
                I've crewed for air racers for 26 years now, and have helped build most of them.
                I am aware of the problems they had getting ready last year, and the time it took them to fix them, and they are NOT operating at a race teams speed. This is not a slam, they are building an experimental aircraft that MIGHT race, someday. They are going to need an major infusion of ( to be a race team.

                Well, I do agree...considering that metal was first cut for Wildfire in the winter of 1976. It HAS been in the works for thirty years now. I think Goss has been working on his homebuilt Bearcat project for about that length of time too.


                • #23
                  Re: Mojave spy shot?

                  Originally posted by speeddemon
                  No....because the Phoenix actually FLEW.
                  True but it also killed Paul Mantz.
                  I'm assuming "Super Dave" knows that history associated with it airframe and will avoid that outcome.
                  Bill Garnett
                  Air Race Fanatic since 1965


                  • #24
                    Re: Mojave spy shot?

                    Originally posted by Bill@Interstell
                    True but it also killed Paul Mantz.
                    Not to pick nits, but as I recall, the Phoenix, while not possessing the best flying qualities, crashed as a result of one of the landing gear rails (not tyres) hitting a large clump of mesquite brush during a low pass.

                    So, was it really the aiplanes fault? Did the airplane actually kill someone?


                    • #25
                      Re: Mojave spy shot?

                      Originally posted by speeddemon
                      Well, I do agree...considering that metal was first cut for Wildfire in the winter of 1976. It HAS been in the works for thirty years now. I think Goss has been working on his homebuilt Bearcat project for about that length of time too.
                      Speeddemon, the Goss Bearcat program just recently encountered a set back, since I recently obtained his much needed left side cowling and its hanging in my living room.

                      Apteryx, I was going to chime in about the length of time most homebuilders need to meet the 50% rule. But I think you covered it pretty well. When, I was growing my father was an EAA Chapter Prez and was building a Starduster 2, my brother and I shared a room, so that the wings could be built in the other. In fact I don't think there was any part of the house that didn't have some part stored or some component in work. Progress was measured in years, and when my Mother finally had enough the project was sold, it was a real shame as it was real close to being covered when it departed.


                      • #26
                        Re: Mojave spy shot?

                        Originally posted by Skyracer
                        Not to pick nits, but as I recall, the Phoenix, while not possessing the best flying qualities, crashed as a result of one of the landing gear rails (not tyres) hitting a large clump of mesquite brush during a low pass.

                        So, was it really the aiplanes fault? Did the airplane actually kill someone?
                        It was actually the directors fault. They had the shot already 'in the can', and they asked him to come back and do 'just one more'. They needed it to look like the plane was taking off from the desert, so Mantz did a 'touch & go', since there was no way it would actually move/take off from the sand. It was rolling along on the sand on the wheels that were 'inside' the skids when it hit the clump. The impact broke the back of the plane, just aft of the wing.

                        The Phoenix was a hell of a contraption anyhow. Plywood body, wings off of a C-45, tail off of a BT-13, built by Timm. It was only designed to have a life of less than 10 flying hours, or something like that. But it was built sturdy enough that it was licensed by the FAA as "Experimental". Mantz had several successful flights in it before the crash. Looked NOTHING like a C-82 'boom' with C-82 wings, but what you gonna do? It at least looked better than the O-47 that the doctored up to do the 'last shot' of the movie.


                        • #27
                          Re: Mojave spy shot?

                          Originally posted by Warren_C
                          Speeddemon, the Goss Bearcat program just recently encountered a set back, since I recently obtained his much needed left side cowling and its hanging in my living room.
                          You know's people like YOU that are making it virtually impossible for Goss to make any kind of progress on his dream project. I hope you remember that every time you look at that side cowling.

                          So if you feel guilty enough about it and want to ease your conscience any, I'd be happy to take it off your hands and 'store' it for Goss until he's ready to put it on the project.


                          • #28
                            Re: Mojave spy shot?

                            Originally posted by Missileer
                  's just I hate to see folks beating up on anyone working on anything that even remotely resembles a new racer...
                            Never the intent, more of a reality check to those anticipating its debut.
                            I think these original designs are probably the future of air racing.
                            It's terrific to see the sport class blossom, the emergence of fast biplanes, some great innovation in IF1, and some very creative ideas for the Unlimiteds, but they remain as just good ideas unless there is a major infusion of time & money....
                            Best of luck to anyone that tries, but there are dozens of woulda/coulda/shoulda beens, gathering dust in hangers all over.
                            Anyone anxious for a debut, pick up the phone and ask "what can I do..."



                            • #29
                              Re: Mojave spy shot?

                              I just watched the video/film last night on the crash of the Phoenix. What I read and saw was that Mantz was in a shallow descent and hit somewhat hard. I'm not sure, but it appears there was no suspension in the main gear........does anyone know? The plane bounced back into the air........ but the rear fuselage was already breaking and the ensuing crash was well underway. It didn't look like he hit that hard, but it was solid, and I would assume the wooden fuselage was not up to handling that kind of stress. A very sad thing. Also read that Mantz's parnter Tallman was suppose to be doing the flying, but had injured his leg pushing his kid on a go infection set in and he later lossed the leg.


                              • #30
                                Re: Mojave spy shot?

                                Originally posted by speeddemon
                                It was actually the directors fault.

                                Don't believe I can agree with that. The director can say whatever he wants, but in the end it's the guy holding the control stick that has the final say (not to mention control of the aircraft).

