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Rare Bear News - It's Official

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  • #31
    Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

    Originally posted by speeddemon, there, there, here......Uncle Henry, Auntie Em, it's a twister............
    Ah, Brad that was just me being a wise a**, I'm entitled being a first class a** you know. But the reality is that any information coming out of the Bear cave will be coming through Wayne from either Rod Lewis or Dave Cornell. Dave just wanted everybody to know so that there were no misunderstandings.
    John Slack


    • #32
      Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

      Originally posted by BellCobraIV
      if anyone from the driver to the wheel washer thinks they can get away with breeching Dave Cornell's security net, they'll be watching the next race from the 22nd row,
      Sitting next to Elton John?


      • #33
        Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

        Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
        Besides that, I heard the word was.. if anyone is seen in the hangar with a camera.. feed them to the hell hole demon!
        How rude.


        • #34
          Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

          Originally posted by chixfly2
          Paul got in trouble...


          We need an Agent Delta assigned to this....


          • #35
            Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

            Originally posted by speeddemon
            Sitting next to Elton John?
            Right there alongside, Norma Jean Baker
            John Slack


            • #36
              Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

              Originally posted by BellCobraIV
              Right there alongside, Norma Jean Baker
              Sucks to be old, eh?


              • #37
                Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

                Originally posted by speeddemon
                Sucks to be old, eh?
                Nah, The young guys only think they have seen great racing. To Quote Zeuschel "We're the old guys now?"
                John Slack


                • #38
                  Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

                  Originally posted by speeddemon
                  Sucks to be old, eh?
                  No, it sucks to be so old that it takes you three hours to put together Elton John and 22nd Row, because you never bought the CD and were going to transfer the song from your LP...


                  • #39
                    Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

                    To Speed & John S.-
                    Thanks boys for the comprehensive answers. I'm a racer (cars) too, but I run in a tightly controlled spec series where there really is no reason for us to hide what we do over the winter. Come to think of it the only thing we hide are swaybar settings, tire choices, and brake compounds, and all that happens RIGHT before the race.

                    Anyways, I thought about it some more at work today and I completely understand the rationale, even though it may not have any bearing on the aircraft's speed, it's part of building the racing team mentality and part of what makes it special. Unlike my little spec racer, we call these planes Unlimiteds for a reason.
                    Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


                    • #40
                      Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

                      There's another reason to keep mum about what a team is up to.. Explained to me by Bill Rogers several years ago, it's easier to not have to explain that which you didn't get done that you didn't tell anyone about than it is to eat the crow sandwich when things planned, announced and much awaited, don't come to fruition...

                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"


                      • #41
                        Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

                        Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                        There's another reason to keep mum about what a team is up to.. Explained to me by Bill Rogers several years ago, it's easier to not have to explain that which you didn't get done that you didn't tell anyone about than it is to eat the crow sandwich when things planned, announced and much awaited, don't come to fruition...

                        That means alot!


                        • #42
                          Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

                          Originally posted by King
                          That means alot!
                          Yep... crow sandwich not good eats no matter where you order it!

                          Wayne Sagar
                          "Pusher of Electrons"


                          • #43
                            Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

                            Originally posted by speeddemon
                            Oh gads, its not a stupid or ignorant question AT ALL. But you have to look at it from the 'racing' side of the house.

                            This is the same thing we go through with the Unlimited Hydroplane team. There are 'fan message boards' similar to this, and the fans on there are very passionate about supporting the sport. But they seem to feel that because they are passionate that they have some birthright to know everything that is going on in every camp over the winter....and when teams like ours keep that 'lid' on, they scream, kick, and have tantrums on a regular basis.

                            The reason the 'lid' is kept on is because nobody else (not fans, not other teams, not anyone except those of us involved in the project) has a NEED to know. There is a lot of 'Secret Squirrel Sh*t' that goes on over the winter...and though it may not mean anything to you, the fan, to see the new argon-cooled doodle-whang that we have constructed and installed in the boat, the crew chief for 'brand-x' team might take one quick look, have the light-bulb go on, and they come out with their own argon-cooled doodle-whang Mark II. And suddenly, before the season starts, any performance advantage we may have had is gone. In a sport where 5 mph may make all the difference in the world, you have to keep the lid on things sometimes.

                            The argument has been made, 'well, it doesn't matter, because everyone will see it at the first race anyhow and figure it out'. Perhaps. But thats why you'll see a lot of the teams with parts of their boat 'covered' at all times when its not in the water. And even if everyone can figure it out at or after the first race, you're still six months ahead of them on developing and fine tuning it. There is your advantage.

                            But the final reason goes mostly back to the 'its none of your business' logic. The mystery keeps everyone guessing and wondering what is going on. In the boats we call that 'dry-land racing'. Its similar to 'hangar flying'. If there is something significant that we can let public without giving anything away, we will. But we're not going to open our drawers and say "'s where we are, and here's what we're doing".

                            I think that Dave C's decision to have a 'closed shop' is right in line with most other serious racing endeavours. If I was Dave, I wouldn't want Kerch to know about my new argon-cooled doodle-wang until after the Bear goes out and runs a 520+ which time Kerch goes "uh oh...."

                            same kind of thing happens in all professional racing. all NASCAR classes, drag racing, off-road, etc. just the way it is... ANY advantage is a necessary and good one. my 2 cents...


                            • #44
                              Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

                              Originally posted by BellCobraIV
                              The best secrets in the air racing business are real, and they can have an effect on the competition in the future. I applaud Dave Cornell's decision to not only run a closed shop, but to do it with a need to know attitude inside the shop. I can tell you one thing with certaintity, if anyone from the driver to the wheel washer thinks they can get away with breeching Dave Cornell's security net, they'll be watching the next race from the 22nd row, They will be uninvited. Buy your tickets, reserve your rooms, get your popcorn the "Rare Bear show" will not be on the internet, it will be in the sky above Reno and you won't want to miss it. When I work with Dave Cornell and I'm going to lunch with a guy from another team, Dave knows it in advance, or by cell phone. This message was approved by Dave Cornell by the way, he told me to "let her rip" .

                              See ya there, and I'll see ya here, but I won't be talking about there, here.
                              Guys, I understand the reason and meaning for the NEED TO KNOW aspect of our sport, but, wouldn't it be nice if RARA were to sponsor a NASCAR type forum with owners, pilots,and crew chiefs from all classes participating in O&A sessions at regular intervals proceeding the BIG SHOW? Maybe with a high level moderators like Skip or the esteemed Mr. Sagar? I envision a Wed evening, post qualifying, event in the IF1 hangar...Maybe sell tickets...David (the artist) Wells


                              • #45
                                Re: Rare Bear News - It's Official

                                Originally posted by David E. Wells
                                or the esteemed Mr. Sagar?
                                Who told you I liked my vegatables steamed????

                                Wayne Sagar
                                "Pusher of Electrons"

