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Bad Movies - Borat!

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  • #31
    Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

    Originally posted by SCEPTER
    After much talking with brother Belo....Borat make responce to critics
    OK... I watched that and I still don't get it.. I mean, tongue in cheek, I can see where there might be some humor here but... going back to Randy's post.. How does a movie like this make us look better in the world's eyes?

    I'd think it would do just the opposite??

    What am I missing?

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #32
      Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

      Originally posted by chixfly2
      He was the BEST BEST BEST part of Talladega Nights...

      And I'm a rapid F1 fan!
      most things in F1 (aka Euro slot car) are rapid!


      • #33
        Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

        Originally posted by fenceliner01
        most things in F1 (aka Euro slot car) are rapid!
        Hence this is why Jean likes to relax by riding his horses...which are also gay.

        And perhaps now that Ricky Booby has beaten him, he and Gregory can retire and develop that dog/cat currency, or make that bed & breakfast inside the volcano that they so badly wanted to do.


        • #34
          Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

          Originally posted by chixfly2
          Netflix has just notified me that Borat is on his way to Chez Dash for weekend viewing.
          You live in California...wouldn't that be Casa Da Chixfly2?



          • #35
            Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

            "Schtub fun Chixfly2", then


            • #36
              Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

              Working part time because I got bored. But yes, sorta retired.

              See you in Reno!



              • #37
                Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

                Boy you sure opened a can of worns with this thread Just curious with this thread going on to 5 pages now ,Can you tell us what is the longest thread in the archives
                Life's a Climb , But the view is Great


                • #38
                  Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

                  Dunno if it's the longest, but the longest I could find using the search tool (using keywords common to this forum like (WAYNE, RENO or AIR), is the topic labeled "Best Hollywood Aviation scene of all time?" at 18 pages.

                  All Air Racing All the time! Unregistered visitors: this forum is open for your reading enjoyment. We invite you to join so you can enjoy the full features of this system. Including file uploads, event calender, private messages and more. Due to an unmanageable amount of SPAM membership applications, the join process is a few step process. It all makes it secure!


                  • #39
                    Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

                    Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                    How does a movie like this make us look better in the world's eyes?

                    I'd think it would do just the opposite??

                    What am I missing?

                    It is supposed to do the opposite. The actor/writer/director is British. He's trying to make the US look bad. We're the butt of the joke.


                    • #40
                      Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

                      Originally posted by AirDOGGe
                      Dunno if it's the longest, but the longest I could find using the search tool (using keywords common to this forum like (WAYNE, RENO or AIR), is the topic labeled "Best Hollywood Aviation scene of all time?" at 18 pages.


                      I'll take credit for that one, thank you.....


                      • #41
                        Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

                        Originally posted by Randy Haskin
                        It is supposed to do the opposite. The actor/writer/director is British. He's trying to make the US look bad. We're the butt of the joke.

                        I don't mind being the butt of a joke... if its a well-crafted biting satire that's intelligent and FUNNY. Like 'Dr. Strangelove' for example- that was a pretty solid thrashing of American side of the Cold War, and I laugh my head off at it.

                        And don't get me wrong, I don't object to 'Borat' either, but I've seen nothing from it that makes me *laugh*.


                        • #42
                          Re: Bad Movies - Borat!

                          Originally posted by 440_Magnum
                          Like 'Dr. Strangelove' for example- that was a pretty solid thrashing of American side of the Cold War, and I laugh my head off at it.
                          Too many precious bodily fluids......

