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My dream...

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  • #31
    Re: My dream...

    Nope, my I envision it...would be as 'stock in box' as you could get it.

    24 pictures on a disposable camera.

    Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to use up the roll.

    Saturday night, all the cameras are collected, taken to Scolari's or Raleys or someplace that offers 1 hour photos. All pictures developed and printed in 4x6 'jumbo' format. Most important....ALL PICTURES REMAIN IN MY POSSESSION, so no post-development manipulation of any kind. AS-IS.

    Maybe I'll ring Ellen Ward at RARA and see if she has anything to say about this. Who knows, maybe we could do it with whomever their 'official film sponsor' is. They supply the cameras, they get to display the pictures in their 'public booth' for voting, or something. And, of course, Wayne gets first crack at posting them on-line for voting.

    This, as envisioned, is a contest amongst the 'established shooters', so I would say credentialed media only. This gives the opportunity for pylon/special access. And you know, if you want to pull a Michael O'Leary, and schedule an after-hours photo flight on your own, I'd say that is fair game too. whatever you would normally do...but bring the disposable camera along too.

    Prizes? C'mon, Vic. Photographers are just like racers. You'll (we'll) do anything just for the glory of it all. :-) Who knows....maybe Wayne can talk to Mitch Carley and secure some TOR 'swag' as prizes or something.


    • #32
      Re: My dream...

      Originally posted by speeddemon
      Who knows....maybe Wayne can talk to Mitch Carley and secure some TOR 'swag' as prizes or something.
      Yeah, I bet an exclusive photo shooting session with the female cast would be just the carrot we need to pull this off.


      • #33
        Re: My dream...

        Originally posted by fenceliner01
        an exclusive photo shooting session with the female cast would be just the carrot we need to pull this off.

        OK ... I'm in ...
        Jeff Loewe


        • #34
          Re: My dream...

          Hey Speed -- Ellen Ward retired a couple of years ago...


          • #35
            Re: My dream...

            Originally posted by wingman
            Hey Speed -- Ellen Ward retired a couple of years ago...
            Yeah, I remembered...and Valerie took her place. And I'm so tired right now, I can't remember the cute little assistant that Valerie has who took care of most of the press stuff.

            Just behind the power curve at the moment.

            But you're changing the subject. You're not SCARED to take up the challenge are you? The Nikon will never know. It was 'purely physical' and 'didn't mean a thing'......after was a DISPOSABLE camera.


            • #36
              Re: My dream...

              Speed, my Nikon knows more than I do, about photography at least....


              • #37
                Re: My dream...

                Seriously? No. I'm MUCH too easily distracted already to take on something new of any sort. I suspect that each time some interesting opportunity appeared, I would hesitate for a moment over whether the moment suited the "contest", and end up blowing it altogether. I would also be very unhappy with myself if I ended up with something on a dinky little negative that was important to me and thus unavailable to me in usable publishable form...

                I really need to be able to (as much as humanly possible) not think about my equipment, and to be able to move and act and see spontaneously without thinking too much -- thinking not being a real strong point for me at times when there's a lot going on anyway. Shooting with a disposable sounds spontaneous, but for me I don't think it ever could be.

                I think this is all a very cool idea, and I know I'm being a bit of a wet blanket about it all, but that's just me, I guess.

                My distractability is the big reason that I really don't socialize a great deal at Reno, even with dear friends of many years. Much as I'd like sometimes to be hanging out and drinking beer with my buds, pictures are unlikely to happen for me when I'm doing so, and pictures are very important to me. Plus Reno 2006 or Reno 2007 or whatever will never happen again! Right now is the only chance I'll ever have to photograph this and do it some justice. You're much more likely to see me kind of wandering around by myself looking at things, because that tends for me to be how a lot of my favourite photos happen.

                Sorry about such a serious answer to a fun question, but as you've probably noticed over the last few days I am excessively serious sometimes. Just one of several character flaws I guess...



                • #38
                  Re: My dream...

                  Plus, my Nikons would end up being very jealous, and probably act out. That I don't need!


                  • #39
                    Re: My dream...

                    Originally posted by wingman
                    Plus, my Nikons would end up being very jealous, and probably act out. That I don't need!
                    "Oh know you're my #1 squeeze.....its just a guy like me can't be tied down to just ONE camera. I have NEEDS, you know? It'll just be this once. I'll ALWAYS come back to you, though...."


                    • #40
                      Re: My dream...

                      Originally posted by wingman
                      Plus, my Nikons would end up being very jealous, and probably act out. That I don't need!
                      You could always switch to Canon!



                      • #41
                        Re: My dream...

                        Originally posted by jarrodeu
                        You could always switch to Canon!
                        I was thinking I might switch to Nikon...


                        • #42
                          Re: My dream...

                          Speed is right this should be a fun thing for media types. I am just a rookie with an expensive point and shoot, also can't make it to the pylons in Sept because of my Crew Chief duties.

                          However, if the contest were to give me a provisional, I promise that my 24 pictures would be focused on compromising photos of Dasher working the pits.


                          • #43
                            Re: My dream...

                            Originally posted by Warren_C
                            Speed is right this should be a fun thing for media types. I am just a rookie with an expensive point and shoot, also can't make it to the pylons in Sept because of my Crew Chief duties.

                            However, if the contest were to give me a provisional, I promise that my 24 pictures would be focused on compromising photos of Dasher working the pits.
                            What are you going to do after your films all shot and you still have 2 1/2 days left in the contest?


                            • #44
                              Re: My dream...

                              hey Victor, why would you want to go to nikon when Canon have the 1dmk III out soon, blow everything including Nikon got including the D2X into the weeds...... 10mp, 10fps for 11 seconds....

                              As for the idea of the comp with disposables, thats a really cool idea
                              there is a photographic society here in NZ that has a competition like that, every member gets a disposable camera, they get given a topic, and they have 2 days to use the camera and return it, all the cameras are numbered, and the numbers taken off the bottom, and the results are judged and the prints are exhibited at their annual show, it gives everyone a level playing field that way
                              Last edited by kiwiracefan; 04-28-2007, 01:39 AM.
                              race fan, photographer with more cameras than a camera store


                              • #45
                                Re: My dream...

                                About the disposable camera thing, sounds like a good idea for a contest. We have a VP that did the point & shoot thing,oh yeah that wasn't a camera.
                                Lockheed Bob

