It will be interesting to see if a or any Fed, is willing to sign his/her name on the cert. of A/W, then the test flying, yikes. Best glide has got to be pretty interesting.
Everytime I look at these photos. I think to myself, they are fake. If real, then why? Then my thoughts move on to there must be an industrial fan out there missing blades and Boyd is looking for the motors to a couple of his hotrods.
Apteryx, there are those who laughed at Bede's snake oil, and there are those who bought into his dream. Unfortunately for the later half, most are still waiting for thier kits to be delivered.
Originally posted by Apteryx
Everytime I look at these photos. I think to myself, they are fake. If real, then why? Then my thoughts move on to there must be an industrial fan out there missing blades and Boyd is looking for the motors to a couple of his hotrods.
Apteryx, there are those who laughed at Bede's snake oil, and there are those who bought into his dream. Unfortunately for the later half, most are still waiting for thier kits to be delivered.