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The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

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  • #16
    Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

    Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
    Oh.. the HAPPY to be back in the USA thing.. Seems, you drive a car with USA plates in Canada.. at least in Vancouver BC.. (second half of trip) and you're an "ugly American"...
    I think you'd be interested to know that British Columbia isn't the only place that they have this feeling. Living in the UK and having travelled Europe and the Middle East, I can personally vouch that this isn't an isolated belief set currently.


    • #17
      Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

      Wayne -- do they still have Kokanee beer up there in BC? When I was in High School in Seattle, we used to road trip up to Vancouver and pick up cases of that stuff to bring back with us....the drinking age in BC was significantly more advantageous for us then!


      • #18
        Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

        Originally posted by Randy Haskin
        Wayne -- do they still have Kokanee beer up there in BC? When I was in High School in Seattle, we used to road trip up to Vancouver and pick up cases of that stuff to bring back with us....the drinking age in BC was significantly more advantageous for us then!
        I'm telling mom......


        • #19
          Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

          Originally posted by Missileer
          uh dude.. he said "We".

          My guess is 'we' referred to him and his buddy Forrest.

          Forrest, as I recall, had an old Police Car (ala the Bluesmobile)...and I also recall that they tried to outrun the local boys in blue one time. Didn't work.

          Might have been his buddy Pete too.

          The 'we' didn't refer to 'me' at all.

          "I" was the good son. Hacker just saw the things I did that made my parents react, and he made sure not to do those things. He got away with much more than I ever did.


          • #20
            Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

            Yes, the 'we' refers to my friends and I, not Brad and I. We're 6 years apart, so we were never in the same school at the same time.

            Okay, perhaps I was the 'bad' son...but didn't seem to hurt either of us any.

            If beer runs to BC are all our folks had to worry about, they're pretty fortunate in today's world.

            They've never had to haul us out of jail...visit us in the hospital...go to our arraignment...perform an 'intervention'...or visit our grave sites. I don't think there's much to worry about.


            • #21
              Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

              Originally posted by Randy Haskin
              -- do they still have Kokanee beer up there in BC?
              After "importing" Kokanee myself for several years, I guess the brewer's in C(eh)n(eh)d(eh) realized the market in the USA was worth going after...Kokanee is now available in the states (at least in the Northwest).


              • #22
                Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

                Originally posted by Randy Haskin
                Wayne -- do they still have Kokanee beer up there in BC? When I was in High School in Seattle, we used to road trip up to Vancouver and pick up cases of that stuff to bring back with us....the drinking age in BC was significantly more advantageous for us then!
                Slightly As a matter of fact Randy, Kokanee is the beer of choice for my wife when she drinks beer, (very rarely). We rode the Beemer up to Creston to the brewery and it is still very much in production. I have a funny story about Kokanee if anyone wants to hear it. Well, you can hear it anyways. Went to Costco several years ago when my youngest daughter was just learning to read complex words. Well, we had bought a case of said beer, (along with cases of stuff we probably still have to this day), got home and unloaded the car. Well, Emily was helping to unload and we sent her out to see if we had gotten everything. She came in and reported that the only thing left in the trunk was a case of COCAINE, (her interpretation of the spelling)! HAH! Good thing nobody was around that mattered. We still crack up to this day when we think about it. So innocent and cute.
                Never mind. Maybe next year


                • #23
                  Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

                  Originally posted by speeddemon
                  I'm telling mom......
                  LOL... I love you guys!!

                  Did not see that brand, though, I really never looked at the brand, actually.. I just shopped by price!

                  Bud is actually a premium beer up there!

                  Best beer I found (price and taste) was a local brew in Vancouver... can't remember the name but I bought a 12 pack that was a "taster" with several flavors in it.. REALLY good cream ale... Granville Island Brewery I believe was the brand...


                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #24
                    Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

                    Yup, Granville Island Brewing does make some nice beer. There's still lots of Kokanee around too.
                    The beer is different up here, even the same brand. We usually drink Bud, and though the bottles look the same they are very different between the US and here. Ours has more alcohol
                    You guys definitely get the better price though. They tax the crap out of everything like booze, gas and smokes. I'm so glad i don't smoke anymore!

                    Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                    LOL... I love you guys!!

                    Did not see that brand, though, I really never looked at the brand, actually.. I just shopped by price!

                    Bud is actually a premium beer up there!

                    Best beer I found (price and taste) was a local brew in Vancouver... can't remember the name but I bought a 12 pack that was a "taster" with several flavors in it.. REALLY good cream ale... Granville Island Brewery I believe was the brand...



                    • #25
                      Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

                      Originally posted by Air Race Addict
                      Slightly As a matter of fact Randy, Kokanee is the beer of choice for my wife when she drinks beer, (very rarely). We rode the Beemer up to Creston to the brewery and it is still very much in production. I have a funny story about Kokanee if anyone wants to hear it. Well, you can hear it anyways. Went to Costco several years ago when my youngest daughter was just learning to read complex words. Well, we had bought a case of said beer, (along with cases of stuff we probably still have to this day), got home and unloaded the car. Well, Emily was helping to unload and we sent her out to see if we had gotten everything. She came in and reported that the only thing left in the trunk was a case of COCAINE, (her interpretation of the spelling)! HAH! Good thing nobody was around that mattered. We still crack up to this day when we think about it. So innocent and cute.
                      Reminds me of a trip to Creston on my scoot' with some buddies for lunch one Saturday. Since my scoot' had the only case, I became the "beer truck". With six cases (12 packs in Canada) onboard and the 6 (or 12, can't remember for sure) pack limit per individual at border, I was a little nervous at the crossing, especially when I looked back and saw my bud's stopped beside the road aboot 1/4 mile back. When the agent asked if I was bringing anything back from Canada, I replied, "lunch". He waved me through (hey, it wasn't really a lie). I waited down the road for the other guys and when they caught up found out they were screwing with me to see if I would smuggle their beer across the border.


                      • #26
                        Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!


                        Sorry you got the treatment you did up in Canuck land. I have noticed over the years that Canucks increasingly see themselves as being on some higher moral ground. They love to look down at their noses at Americans and ridcule American politics and mostly, foreign policy. They have long since forgotten (conveniently) that their standard of living is due to being neighbors to Uncle Sam. Tell them they are the greatest country on earth and they will love you because this is what they believe. All the benefits of America without the politics. I find it interesting that a country that has basically impeached their own Liberal govenrment a few years ago can look down their nose at anyone.

                        Unfortunaltey, Cancucks increasingly view America as the Evil Empire. Bush hasn't helped.



                        • #27
                          Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

                          Sorry pal, you're way off target.


                          • #28
                            Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

                            And some of us are truly Ugly Americans.


                            • #29
                              Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

                              Lets all be friends together & get back to aviation topics. Put the bashing under something else.
                              Lockheed Bob


                              • #30
                                Re: The Smell of AvGas in the Morning! or HAPPY to be Back in the USA!!!!

                                I sure never intended this to turn into a bash our neighbors thread!
                                Wayne Sagar
                                "Pusher of Electrons"

