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Cardboard Camera Contest

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  • Cardboard Camera Contest

    A while back the idea of handing out cardboard cameras for a "point'n'shoot" photo contest was tossed around. I can't find the thread, but as I recall it seemed like it would be supported and could happen.

    Is the support still out there?

    I'd be willing to spearhead this if there is enough interest.

  • #2
    Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

    Originally posted by Skyracer
    A while back the idea of handing out cardboard cameras for a "point'n'shoot" photo contest was tossed around. I can't find the thread, but as I recall it seemed like it would be supported and could happen.

    Is the support still out there?

    I'd be willing to spearhead this if there is enough interest.
    None of the 'primaries' were interested...unfortunately. :-(


    • #3
      Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

      OK...I couldn't remember where the "idea" ended up.

      Hey Wayne...delete this thread - QUICK!!!


      • #4
        Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

        how about a chain of photographers across the pits shawn


        • #5
          Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

          What about the non pro photogs doing it?
          NAG could buy, distribute, and collect the cameras. I could take them into town for 1-hour developing, bring them back to NAG Shack and post them for votes.


          • #6
            Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

            I don't know... I herd Dash is really into chains and stuff...


            • #7
              Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

              I have a card board camera.


              • #8
                Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

                some of my entrys



                • #9
                  Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

                  I'm in. We don't need no stinkin Pros.

                  Bring a cardboard camera in Sept and the fight (I mean contest) is on.
                  Just develop the negs, get the CD option and post here.
                  The pros have their fancy equipment. But this is for those of us that have talent (or not). I think the pros won't be able to resist once they see how much fun we're having.



                  • #10
                    Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

                    We need to keep the playing field level, so no outside cameras and no individual developing. ShermB has the right idea, supply the cameras, collect them, and get the processing done. Things being "Reno" it is probably best to get CD's and post the results here as opposed to posting the photos and voting. (Wasn't this all hashed out once already? Wasn't Speeddemon going to organize it {until the "pro's" dropped out}?) How about it Speedy, wanna do it?

                    I think this would be a great bit of fun and I'm sure the results will be surprising.


                    • #11
                      In Defense of the "Pro"

                      Originally posted by TWD
                      I'm in. We don't need no stinkin Pros <snip> I think the pros won't be able to resist once they see how much fun we're having
                      I think Neal tried to explain "our" situation in the earlier thread. It's not that we would not want to "play"... We, the "working media" are given the very rare opportunity to be somewhere that most people never will get to go; we're also given the responsiblity of capturing that opportunity on film/digital and sharing it with the world.

                      I can't speak for the rest of the photogs who get to go out but for myself, it's very rare to actually see what I'm shooting until much later when I look at my photos in full screen mode. We are always on the "hunt" to try to get "the shot"... to capture a moment that truly visually describes what we get to "see" out there.

                      Most of us who do go out there spend countless thousands of dollars on the tools to make this capture a success. It would be an huge waste to lose that moment because the stuff hanging around our neck was hanging, rather than at the ready.

                      I truly think there is a misconception that "we" just go out to the pylons and "play" all day. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only "off" moments we have is when nothing is flying.. the rest of the time is spent with a great deal of self-induced pressure on one's self..

                      Air to Air is the same only even more pressure...

                      Don't think I'm complaining, I'm not, I love what I do and I'm sure the rest of "us" do... it's just that it's not fun and games, it's work, it's what we do. We try to bring the absolute best images back from wherever we go..

                      I'm sure that given the opportunity, many of you could come back with as good or superior images to many of us...

                      I sincerely hope this did not come off as "haughty" as it was totally not meant to..

                      Thanks for understanding..

                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"


                      • #12
                        Re: Cardboard Camera Contest

                        To Wayne and the rest of those who are (or should be) committed.

                        I fully understand the committment and pressure of the "pro" side. When it is your job and your business, it is difficult to set that aside and take time to play when you have limited opportunities to get that one in a million money shot. Trust me when I say no offense intended, and none taken.

                        To those who may be interested, post your comments and let's see if this idea has the needed support.


                        • #13
                          Re: In Defense of the &quot;Pro&quot;

                          Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                          I think Neal tried to explain "our" situation in the earlier thread. It's not that we would not want to "play"... We, the "working media" are given the very rare opportunity to be somewhere that most people never will get to go; we're also given the responsiblity of capturing that opportunity on film/digital and sharing it with the world.

                          I can't speak for the rest of the photogs who get to go out but for myself, it's very rare to actually see what I'm shooting until much later when I look at my photos in full screen mode. We are always on the "hunt" to try to get "the shot"... to capture a moment that truly visually describes what we get to "see" out there.

                          Most of us who do go out there spend countless thousands of dollars on the tools to make this capture a success. It would be an huge waste to lose that moment because the stuff hanging around our neck was hanging, rather than at the ready.

                          I truly think there is a misconception that "we" just go out to the pylons and "play" all day. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only "off" moments we have is when nothing is flying.. the rest of the time is spent with a great deal of self-induced pressure on one's self..

                          Air to Air is the same only even more pressure...

                          Don't think I'm complaining, I'm not, I love what I do and I'm sure the rest of "us" do... it's just that it's not fun and games, it's work, it's what we do. We try to bring the absolute best images back from wherever we go..

                          I'm sure that given the opportunity, many of you could come back with as good or superior images to many of us...

                          I sincerely hope this did not come off as "haughty" as it was totally not meant to..

                          Thanks for understanding..


                          Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah....."our" situation. That's funny. I'm out there too, Hoss. Remember me? Working Media? I watch the race through a viewfinder too...and then have to go watch what I've shot to get my 'story' out of it. MY press credentials are identical to yours. But I have time to walk around with my personal 'me' camera and take pictures for my own pleasure.

                          One 24 exposure disposable camera spread out over a week won't keep the 'working media' from covering the event. That was why my original concept was we take a day like Wednesday or Thursday--a day that has not a lot of impact on the weeks overall activities--and set it as 'the day' day, one disposable camera. Over the course of 12 hours at the race site, something like that would have ZERO impact on any 'working media's' ability to cover the event. I never said 'instead' of using your Nikon with the 800mm lens. Never said to do anything 'instead' of covering the event. I said 'have' a disposable camera, and take pictures as you can/see them.

                          The idea was meant to give the professional photogs an opportunity to go back to using the old Mk. 1 eyeball and finding a 'shot' with something that you couldn't opposed to shooting a gabazillion images on the autowind digital monster, finding one, photoshopping it, and then dumping the bad pics from the memory at the end of the night.

                          And it was to have some fun. Remember, the original 'idea' came from a comment I made about wanting to get a photo of Neal and Vic standing at the pylon shooting with disposable cameras.

                          But the responses that came down came off more like everyone was scared when it came time to put up or shut up on their photographic abilities. Like it was somehow beneath everyone.

                          THAT was why I dropped it.


                          • #14
                            Re: In Defense of the &quot;Pro&quot;

                            Originally posted by speeddemon
                            Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah....."our" situation. That's funny. I'm out there too, Hoss. Remember me? Working Media?
                            You know Brad.. .sometime, you might want to try to get your point across without being insulting in the process..

                            Feel free to approach your "job" how you see fit. I'll do what I do my way....

                            Wayne Sagar
                            "Pusher of Electrons"


                            • #15
                              Re: In Defense of the &quot;Pro&quot;

                              Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                              You know Brad.. .sometime, you might want to try to get your point across without being insulting in the process..

                              Feel free to approach your "job" how you see fit. I'll do what I do my way....

                              Nevermind. Not worth it.....
                              Last edited by speeddemon; 06-22-2007, 01:55 PM. Reason: beating a dead horse....

