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Hired Gun to replace racing veteran at Reno

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  • Hired Gun to replace racing veteran at Reno

    New Flash...

    ROB VACCARIELLO has chosen Pat McGarry to pilot his Super Gold Biplane racer #711, "Rollin" this year at the Reno National Championship Air Races.

    The Biplane Racer was seen departing Prescott, Arizona last week heading south.

    When interviewed by the press after making his announcement that he was standing down from competition to attend Air Force Test Pilot School, Captain Vaccariello responded to the question of why he made this choice,
    "Captain McGarry is the only man for the job. His extensive experience in warbird, aerobatic and air racing flight operations through the years, as well as his grit, makes him the right man for the job."

    Patrick McGarry was interviewed later and commented that his Airframe and Powerplant and Inspection Authority certificates were powerful players in Captain Vaccariello's choice.

    After making a Super Splash at RARA's PRS this summer, McGarry sold his Super S-1T Pitts Special when a local Phoenix aerobatic hot-shoe made him an offer he couldn't refuse for the Advanced Aerobatic National Championship winning mount.
    "She was a cute little bus and a sentimental favorite of mine so it was hard to let 'er go..." said the former Spitfire Unlimited jock.
    This left him without a ride after fellow racer Chris McMillin's Racing Biplane lost sponsorship and was sold to Dave Roelofs.
    "Rob wanted the airplane raced as it has been a long time competitor at Reno." said McGarry, going on to explain the ship's competitive edge.

    The Racer's Edge

    Race #711 has a long history of competition and high placings. Robert Jones raced it as "One Armed Bandit" for years, and the airplane is always ready for a Gold event.
    The engine is a LyCon of California prepared Racing Unit with a Super Compression power section and specialized racing oil sump, intake system, fuel injection, ignition, exhaust and camshaft timing . "It is a stump puller..." said Pylon Polisher Patrick McGarry.

    The airframe is as clean as any Pitts Special racer, however this one has many small but meaningful mods that clean up the racer's profile to the slipstream.
    "Wetted area is where the drag comes from in a big way, if one was to measure this racer, it would be apparent that there are big differences in "Rollin" that cannot always be detected by the naked eye."
    We asked about the special features on Race 711's cowling and intersections that are visible, and make up the ship's sexy profile in flight,
    " The team and I used all the latest F1 and wind tunnel results to quantify the shapes and total volume of the fairings and found the airplane at 90 % of optimization as it sits. We are now going the rest of the way to have a 99% efficient racer by September.

    Black Art, or Black Magic?

    When asked about propeller's, McGarry was non-commital about the teams plans.
    "We have several to choose from, but the American, Catto, and Lipps props are all being flight tested at this time. I cannot comment further..", McGarry said from the old Pitts Stop Air Racing facility in the SE Phoenix Valley area.
    This was the same facility where McMillin and McGarry started their own "black art" propeller knowledge with a die grinder and a tape measure.
    Look out Phantom!

    Race Standing, The Odds

    It is this reporter's opinion that the Biplane Racing Class has three hot shoes from Phoenix and Prescott, McGarry, Roelofs and Murphy; as well rival dark horse from Missouri, "Zippy" Andre; to complicate the Gold race for Norman Way and Tom Aberle.
    These boys are hungry for a win, and with all of the Super Specialized equipment I saw in the camps visited, it sure looks like they mean business!

    Sorry you'll have to sit this one out, Captain Vaccariello, but your racing mount will be flying high and fast at the Nationals. You can bet on that!

    CWM reporting...

  • #2
    Re: Hired Gun to replace racing veteran at Reno

    Interestingly, all of the "railbirds" on this site that can fantasize about Dago Red and it's now extinct "Mouse Motor", could for the price of a used F-250 buy and race a Biplane or F-1 for a couple of years!

    And if you are just a mechanic or enthusiast, you can find good drivers ready to race your ship.

    Plenty of real participation is out there for the doing, and I think it would be more reliable than XTreme Air Racing, or whatever the hell that mental masturbation game is called.



    • #3
      Re: Hired Gun to replace racing veteran at Reno

      Originally posted by Chris McMillin
      ...could for the price of a used F-250 buy and race a Biplane or F-1 for a couple of years!
      ...and have a great time doing it.
      There's something infinitely more satisfying about finding a way around a problem, when you can't solve it by throwing money at it......PRICELESS



      • #4
        Re: Hired Gun to replace racing veteran at Reno

        [QUOTE=Chris McMillin]for the price of a used F-250 buy and race a Biplane or F-1 for a couple of years!QUOTE]

        I have a used F-250. Anybody got a Biplane to trade?



        • #5
          Re: Hired Gun to replace racing veteran at Reno

          There are six flying, race legal S-1 Pitts Special's in Barnstormers right now in the twenties, and one for $19,000.
          N8L, a super famous early Pitts (and a racer in the 60's) is for sale for 20,000!



          • #6
            Re: Hired Gun to replace racing veteran at Reno

            Originally posted by Chris McMillin
            There are six flying, race legal S-1 Pitts Special's in Barnstormers right now in the twenties, and one for $19,000.
            N8L, a super famous early Pitts (and a racer in the 60's) is for sale for 20,000!

            I doubt my F-250 would fetch the $20K, and there is another airplane project in my garage that would absorb that money pretty fast ;-)

            Your point is a good one though, F1 and Biplane racing (for fun - not the gold) can be done on a pretty modest budget.

            BTW, N8L was also raced in the mid 90's too, by Jeff Lo. He's upgraded his ride a bit since then.



            • #7
              Re: Hired Gun to replace racing veteran at Reno

              In 1984, we picked up an unfinished Cassutt project, with an engine in a box, in the mid $4,000.'s
              Tossed in a few evenings and weekends, borrowed a truck and trailer and went racing.
              There's not a huge demand for that type of airplane, so one without a racing 'pedigre', can often be found, cheap.


