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Crashed Drive - Final Update

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  • #16
    Re: Crashed Drive - Final Update

    Originally posted by sierra fox
    Speaking of RAW, do you guys do any converting and post processing on site with your laptops? I just got a new LT and am hoping i'll be able to tweak some images in the evenings.

    BTW, i only have PSE 5.0 on the laptop and am wondering if i should install CS. The only fear i have is that the processor wont be able to handle CS.

    I've been using Adobe Lightroom for about the last two weeks while deployed to Germany. It does about 90% of what you would use photoshop for, and is pretty intuitive with a little practice. It's really good and applying image adjustments to a large collection of input images.

    The file importation, cataloging and library structure might take some getting used to, but the nice thing about it is that it applies non-destructive editing to your RAW images and exports the results to either TIFF or JPEG.

    IIRC, Lightroom retails for about $200.00 and has a 30 day free trail period.


    • #17
      Re: Crashed Drive - Final Update

      I have recently lost my partition due to the virus attack. One of my colleague suggest me to use the Stellar Phoenix Windows data recovery software. This software helps me to recover all my files.This software free demo will show the preview of my data.then I used full version to get my data back in original format.This partition recovery software have GUI interface which makes it very easy to use.You can try this software may be it will help you to recover your data.


      • #18
        Re: Crashed Drive - Final Update

        I don't remember getting an E-mail from you. It doesn't mean it didn't happen, I just don't remember. But I do remember contributing. Use it as you need for site maintenance, no problem here. Thanks for providing a place for semi-quiet guys like me to check on what's happening.

        Reno this year was absolutely the best I've personally seen in the ten years I've been attending.

        Sorry I didn't get to the BBQ. From what I've read, I missed a good time. On the other hand, the whole week was a good time for me.

        Thanks again,



        • #19
          Re: Crashed Drive - Final Update

          Does anyone use one of those online file backup services? I read a review on some of those services a few months ago and they seemed a viable option. Opinions???
          Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


          • #20
            Re: Crashed Drive - Final Update

            Originally posted by mathew4
            I have recently lost my partition due to the virus attack. One of my colleague suggest me to use the Stellar Phoenix Windows data recovery software. This software helps me to recover all my files.This software free demo will show the preview of my data.then I used full version to get my data back in original format.This partition recovery software have GUI interface which makes it very easy to use.You can try this software may be it will help you to recover your data.
            The problem with my drive was/is that it will simply not turn. I've recovered data from formatted and corrupted drives before with software but they have to turn or you're SOL...

            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #21
              Re: Crashed Drive - Final Update

              Originally posted by MRussell
              Does anyone use one of those online file backup services? I read a review on some of those services a few months ago and they seemed a viable option. Opinions???
              Seems like they'd be a good option but when you start talking the volume of files that some of us carry with us... it begins to become too pricey. Although, it might be a good option to upload a system backup so if your main computer crashes, you, at least, have a starting point.

              for file backups, I'm currently using two RAID enclosures, twin 500gb drives in each. Each drive mirrors the other.. I also keep a third 500gb drive with same data on it, which is normally the one I use to access files. When traveling, I put all my shots on a 160gb battery powered drive, then back them up to a larger drive... Once home, I download everything to the setup described above It's a PITA but the chances of me losing a drive's data again are slim.

              I still have the errant drive and hope to someday find some way to recover the data. Some priceless shots of Gerry Beck and the winter shooting of TOR are on it..

              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #22
                Re: Crashed Drive - Final Update

                Here is the future..non spinning HDD and yet they are so expensive. If you have seen the video in comparison you will want one ASAP. Though the video is funny as heck to watch....the pricing is terrifying to purchase now. But damn, I want one for my laptop when 250 gig doesn't cost $1000.00

                Video comparison
                Samsung provides innovative semiconductor solutions, including DRAM, SSD, processors, image sensors with a wide-ranging portfolio of trending technologies.

                Samsung website.
                Samsung provides innovative semiconductor solutions, including DRAM, SSD, processors, image sensors with a wide-ranging portfolio of trending technologies.

                Sorry we missed Reno again....
                Randy Rheinschild


                • #23
                  Re: Crashed Drive - Final Update

                  Originally posted by rwflyboy
                  Here is the future..non spinning HDD
                  I agree... they will be very cool but, in all likelyhood, we'll still have to backup... *sigh* anything that can break, will break.. .

                  Fast though! With big image files, THAT would save a lot of time over looking at and processing 1000's of images!!

                  Wonder how long it'll be before you can get a 500gb for around $100. like you can now with standard size drives..

                  Heck freezin' over???

                  You should have been there (RENO) was a year to remember, indeed!

                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"

