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Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

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  • #31
    Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

    Hope your fingers hold up to all this typing, Larry! I think you've got a lot of people very interested...


    • #32
      Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

      Larry, although this thread isn't the place for it, the car guy in me would love to hear more about this turbine powered sprint car sometime!


      • #33
        Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

        Great Stuff Larry !!!

        The stories you tell bring up vivid images in my mind. Heard bits of this from you years ago, Mr. Bradley C. Miller's take on the engine stuff and all the pictures you gave us. I'm sitting here wondering where the chromemoly (sp) you lined the old vertical with is located. It should be in the hangar somewhere, but as Jim Flanagan (our mechanic) was never one to leave a piece of 4130 lying around, it probably became part of a jig or towbar or is holding the legs of the workbench on...

        I've got so many questions, but I'll try to be patient while you spin the yarn.....Today I feel like a real air racing addict....Checking this board every 3 hours to see if you've posted more of the story.

        TJ Dwelle

        Hey John Slack, is it really true that Lyle is the only one to have raced a fury with short and long wings?


        • #34
          Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

          OMG......I haven't heard "65 Mustang Poppy Red" paint referenced for about 35 years......we did a '48 Studebaker pickup and a '50 GMC pickup with that.....cept BMB and CM Looked a hell of alot Sexier!!!!!!
          Best thread of the year so far.....Wow...Memories!!!!!!!

          p.s. you have a best thread of the year contest at all????
          Can I vote now??????
          Went Fast, Forgot to Turn Left, Saw God!


          • #35
            Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

            Originally posted by TWD
            Great Stuff Larry !!!<snip>Today I feel like a real air racing addict....Checking this board every 3 hours to see if you've posted more of the story.
            From the moment I installed this board, as it has dealt me what seemd at times a pretty unequal amount of heartache versus happiness.. I've been torn about whether it and the "price" (not meaning money) I pay was worth it..

            Gotta tell you, this thread and the past few days watching it make me realize.. no matter what the price, it is worth it!

            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #36
              Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

              To whom it may concern: I am concerned that I might lose access to this "split thread" I can't figure out how to "lock" it in or something. I seem to have managed to keep finding access to it, but I am not sure how I am doing it. Any suggestions? I would like to keep posting my wild and crazy experiences regarding BMB because there seems to be a lot of interest. Larry Burton


              • #37
                Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                OK, here are some visuals to go with Larry's narrative. Sorry for the quality, I don't own a scanner! - Ken
                Attached Files


                • #38
                  Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                  Larry -- You should be able to always access it by looking for the "Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = Split Thread" title when you come on the board -- if you or any of us keep posting in the thread it should always be pretty near the top. It goes to near the top of the title list every time somebody posts on the thread. If you'd like, maybe Wayne the webmaster can actually "pin" the thread to the top of the list so it's always in the same place. Just keep typing, please.

                  And by the way -- Thank You! This is all really a pleasure.



                  • #39
                    Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                    Maybe we need to take up a collection to buy Ken a scanner?

                    Thanks for the pictures Ken, and I hope you have more...


                    • #40
                      Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                      Thank you all for your interest. I would like to keep it going, there is a lot to tell, it was a great experience, and a lot of humorus things involved. One day as we were "doing our thing", a fellow came into the hangar and wondered who was the "engineer" behind the project. I told him that we were very lucky, none of us were encumbered by a degree.



                      • #41
                        Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                        Getting ready for this year...I can only afford to buy beer.....but, I will do so gladly for threads like this one....makes me feel like it's '67 again.......any beer will do in my long as it's COLD!!!!!.....Hey....we could raid Warlock's Pit......LOL.......ready for us this year Randy????????

                        p.s. Mixing Seasoning this week to bring up......orders please!!!!
                        Went Fast, Forgot to Turn Left, Saw God!


                        • #42
                          Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                          Race Driver: Maybe I should be posting this stuff in "Poppy Red" font?


                          • #43
                            Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                            The Memories.........long forgotten ones.....recent ones.....lost friends.....and we keep coming back....."Reno".....what does this year hold for us....???????
                            The Pilots.....the Aircraft.....those that we meet new each year......those that we renew friendships with....!!!!

                            I've always tried to invite new people into this sport...."Our Sport".....I've lived for the last 40+ years in the bed of pickup or a really nice RV like Clay Lacey would have, stayed at the Hilton with all the Racers..... for just a week of my life..........Wish it was more!!!!!
                            If you asked me why??????????? I would invite you to see and cater to you for the week.....I know alot of you still are coming and haven't miss a year since you first arrived.........thank was my pleasure!!!!!!
                            This year....a bunch of young Engineer's from Lockheed will be here....a new crop......let's harvest a good one!!!!!!!

                            Love it!!!!!!

                            p.s. Can't wait to see what Critical Mass will evolve into....always a great matter what configuration!!!!!! Love the Dewelle Family!!!!
                            Went Fast, Forgot to Turn Left, Saw God!


                            • #44
                              Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                              Originally posted by bluffman
                              Race Driver: Maybe I should be posting this stuff in "Poppy Red" font?
                              Hey matter what font....Poppy Red will always be a "Fast" color!!!!!! Hmmmmmm......Bear would be cool Poppy Red!!!!!!
                              Went Fast, Forgot to Turn Left, Saw God!


                              • #45
                                Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                                Just bringing the thread to the top of the list again...

