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Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

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  • #76
    Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

    By tuned I mean they were equal length. Again Larry is more inline to answer these questions. I just wanted to share that pic because it was so cool looking on the plane.
    I have other pics but I have to re-find them.
    I have switched computers a few times since I loaded them I know I have them I just have to remember how I transfered them in what folder and well. . .
    Roger O'Day


    • #77
      Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

      Thread Topper


      • #78
        Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

        Flyer57, Hello Roger, long time no see. Glad you got in on this thread. Nice pictures too. Yeah, that exhaust system was a real challenge wasn't it? If you think of something I missed, "let it out"! It don't seem like 20 years, does it? Do you remember how we got it up into flying position an those electronic scales. I remember that we had that "belt" afair that went around the fuselage just ahead of the vertical fin. Did we use the big A-frame and block and tackle to lift that end? When I try to recall that event, all that comes to mind is that "Man, it was a long way up to the top of the vertical fin!" Keep in touch.


        • #79
          Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

          OK, Here are some more pictures of BMB being built in Scottsdale. One thing I don't get is the photo of the rear of the aircraft looking forward. They are obviously well along with the build but the front cockpit is still intact. Was the decision to delete the front cockpit made late in the build?



          • #80
            Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

            This time with the upload button...
            Attached Files


            • #81
              Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

              One More
              Attached Files


              • #82
                Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                Howdy Larry, Yeah 20 years! And yes the tail in the air was with the A-Frame and I want to say a chain fall, I think we at first thought about a come along but decided rightly that the tail on that beast was way too heavy for that. As I recall I only had to duck slightly to go under the tail when it was in the air, and it just looked like it was gonna hit the roof. I remember a lot of how 'bout that, and the answer being," Nope, a little more" and we would just creep it up an inch and everyone kept thinking my God how high do we have to go with this thing.
                Remember when we swung the gear the first time?
                You told me to get in and raise them and you were under there looking at all the fairings and came out and said OK, lower them. and I put the handle down and "WHAM!!!" You asked me what I did and I said I put the handle down that's all. And you said OK just stop and you went in and called Frank Sanders? He laughed and said "Yeah on the ground they come down like that." I can tell you this. I don't know what it looked like on the ground but I absolutely remember what it felt like in the cockpit. It was sort of that "Holy $#%&" feeling you get when you drive a gasoline tanker off a cliff. I never really got used to it either no matter how many times I did it.
                Roger O'Day


                • #83
                  Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                  By the way not to step on toes but to give credit where credit is very due, All the Pics of BMB being built were taken by Larry's wonderful wife Sandy. She was everywhere with that camera and did a spectacular job of documenting the entire project. She would do two or three rolls a day of 36 exposure. She was a great foil for Larry, and did a fantastic job of keeping us in Peanut M&Ms.
                  Roger O'Day


                  • #84
                    Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                    I remember the first time we swung the gear on Critical Mass in the hangar. We put the long extensions on the jack stands. It looked so cool with the wheels up. Then down comes the gear (wham) and man did that thing shake and sway. I thought it was going to fall off the stands.

                    TJ Dwelle


                    • #85
                      Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                      Ken, Regarding the rear seat cockpit being done late in the project, on my post #29 how we all stood back and made comments, "Laughing and scratching", I figured that I should "run that" by Eric Lorentzen first. After all that was a rather extreme undertaking. He said to go ahead, so "awat we went!" It wasn't really as late in the project as it appears in that photo. Interesting about your comment the first time that you cycled the gear. It was as Roger had said, a very scary thing, and we thought it would fall off the jacks also. We did it once when Ian was inside the fuselage and we didn't know it. He sure came blasting out of there wondering what had happened.


                      • #86
                        Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                        This is a "test", my brother Ron, (MUSNTCHIT) has been trying to send some photos without any luck. I am tryingto send one to see if I can make it work. Larry


                        • #87
                          Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                          Hey, It worked, now if I can remember how I did it, I ill send more or him. that photo was me putting the brakes together. Larry


                          • #88
                            Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                            This is a photo that brother Ron wanted to post.I printed it from his E-mail message to me. I don't know about the quality, probably somewhat degraded due to the method I tried to get it into a format for posting. It kinda explains my chuckle about being a "stand up guy". (if it works)

                            Told me my file was too large to send. will try to send hoto only on separate post.


                            • #89
                              Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD




                              • #90
                                Re: Critical Mass - Blind Man's Bluff = SPLIT THREAD

                                One more try! Keeps telling me it is too big. Just a small photo, smaller than the one "BMB brakes".

