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We're Back

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  • We're Back

    Well, We're finally back to real life after almost 6 rather wild weeks on the road -- British Columbia, Oregon, the Reno Air Races, The High Sierra Nevada in California, the Red Rock deserts of Utah, and a rather anonymous blur of anonymous states between Denver and Toronto. Actually, maybe that's real life and this existence here in the 'burbs is really the fantasy ??!?

    Anyway, we shot something like 155 rolls, of all 6 (!) classes, and got some pretty good stuff. If Wayne ever settles down in one place long enough, maybe we can get some articles up... (By the way, Wayne, it's always easier to blame the webmaster rather than the preoccupied photogs and writers for any deficiencies, obviously... ).

    Now, let's see ... 155 times 36... and I have to look at all these? And sort them? And label them?


    The Wingman

  • #2

    Tried to post an image with the last, but it didn't work... Trying again.

    Attached Files


    • #3
      Good to see you back!

      Hey Neal, good to see the gremlins didn't get you on the road back home! It's been a busy two months here, looking to slow a bit now so I can get some things done on AAFO.COM. As you know, we played a part in getting the Nellis Air Racing demo setup and publicized and frankly, that took MUCH more time than we'd anticpitated.. in fact, it still will take muich more time as we need to get out some pix and the story of the event itself..

      That said.. What a great thing it was to see those airplanes up in front of a totally new crowd! We made some new fans there in Vegas last weekend and that can't hurt!

      Good to see ya home, keep on dem images and I'll do what I can to get them published.. remember the numbering format tho if possible (getting lazy here )


      etc... <g> It does make it a bit harder on your end if the title is not descriptive but an accompanying list takes care of that and gets me half way to getting captions done for the images...

      Talk with you soon.. more neat stuff on the horizion.

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"

