As Seen in Trade-a-Plane Today!!
NEMESIS NXT "RELENTLESS" will be auctioned on EBAY starting Oct. 25th 2007. This very fast and beautiful NXT finished 2nd place at Reno at 383mph and has been featured in many publications. Minimum bid price will be $400K, far less than has been invested to build. Contact Kevin at CA/(805) 801-9183 or additional info at URL:
I cannot resist building another NXT!!!
NEMESIS NXT "RELENTLESS" will be auctioned on EBAY starting Oct. 25th 2007. This very fast and beautiful NXT finished 2nd place at Reno at 383mph and has been featured in many publications. Minimum bid price will be $400K, far less than has been invested to build. Contact Kevin at CA/(805) 801-9183 or additional info at URL:
I cannot resist building another NXT!!!