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F7F Moved

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  • #46
    Re: F7F Moved

    Originally posted by kensantafe
    Boiloff on a 3350 Interesting

    Where you been? Sept Fury has a 3350 & a boil-off, Darryl Greenamyer had one on his Bearcat way back in the '60's...Stilleto...

    Push-pull, don't forget the Macchi Schneider Cup racer, they couldn't cool the back engine either.

    Better idea would be a P-82. It had THE Wing...put big radials....big spinners, a boiler...P-38 w/ P-82 wing...?

    I suspect that it would be very difficult to find Merlins for Full-Race applications.


    • #47
      Re: F7F Moved

      Originally posted by GeeBeeZ1931
      "I just go to thinking about it and it occured to me that there are a lot of post WWII wings off of our early jets that could do the trick, and that being made just after WWII that construction might be similar."

      A lot of wild and cool ideas ala Larry Burton but don't forget how the Lear(?) wing on Miss Ashley II folded and it wasn't doing a snap roll. That was a neat idea but didn't really look that cool anyway.
      Something else with a little more robust structure or spars might work though.

      By the way....who's the money man that's going to build this bird?

      Bill K

      Bill, the vote just came in... Going to use your money... Congrats!


      • #48
        Re: F7F Moved

        Kohler, Since you're buyin', how 'bout a GeeBeeZ with Tandem 2800's and a boiler! Plenty of room in the fuselage...But you may need radial tires...Wells.


        • #49
          Re: F7F Moved

          This is a fairly rudimentary drawing but, here it is none the less.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by forbergler; 12-05-2007, 04:05 PM.


          • #50
            Re: F7F Moved

            She looks fast!


            • #51
              Re: F7F Moved



              • #52
                Re: F7F Moved

                I just found this. I haven't played with it yet, but it looks very interesting, and applicable to the topic at hand.


                • #53
                  Re: F7F Moved

                  Originally posted by forbergler
                  This is a fairly rudimentary drawing but, here it is none the less.
                  Yup! we be getting there! The Germans had 'annular' radiators on the 335. Perhaps they're applicable here.


                  • #54
                    Re: F7F Moved

                    VERY COOL THREAD..... seeeeeee Mr. Wells..... synergy = cool.

                    1. get a consensus on AAFO
                    2. build a 25 or 33 % scale ( like chez mate)
                    3. PUT IT ON U-TUBE.... it flies, it flies!!!!
                    4. woodies ='s checks flooding in
                    5. wall - aaaaaa

                    we got another "baloney slicer"..................

                    Hey... where is the Big Block Baloney Slicer anyway.



                    • #55
                      Re: F7F Moved

                      Back in the 90's Our crew chief and I was thinking on how to make a budjet Reno unlimited instead of racing the Mustang's and Yak's we had done up to that point. We had a T-28 in the hanger and we looked at hanging a 2800 on it, make it a tail dragger and flush rivet the wing and fuselage and use a T33 canopy. The wing airfoil is supposed to be better than the P-51. The mods would have made a Silver racer that you could run all day and not hurt it. We just never got around to start the mods to accomplish it. Sea Furies became plentiful and that was a cheaper way to go. Still it would have been fun.


                      • #56
                        Re: F7F Moved

                        T-28 wings...WOW, didn't know That! put a smaller fuselage on them. Still wonder about that landing gear, isn't it set up for a trike? Wouldn't that make that puller/pusher option sweet...a 2800 on either end? ...Falconers?
                        QUESTION: A boiler system for an air-cooled cools the oil...A boiler for a liquid-cooled has to cool the coolant AS WELL AS the oil...are the capacities different?...D.


                        • #57
                          Re: F7F Moved

                          [QUOTE=David E. Wells

                          Push-pull, don't forget the Macchi Schneider Cup racer, they couldn't cool the back engine either.


                          CORRECTION: It was the Savoia-Marchetti S-65, had front & rear engines w/ contra-rotating props (crashed). But, check out the Piaggio-Pegna P.c.7! Source: "Schneider Trophy Racers" by Robt. S. Hirsch, 1993.


                          • #58
                            Re: F7F Moved

                            Hey D...

                            is that the one that is 1/2 submirged in the water..... it runs on the front engine... gets on the step and the pilot jams the rear engine to engage the rear prop to rotate?

                            its my all time favorite a/c.... saw some pictures way back... i think it was red.



                            • #59
                              Re: F7F Moved

                              That's the one...wild, isn't it, but it goes the other way, power to the submerged rear, boat type prop, til it climbs onto the hydrafoils, then, change gears and the airplane prop takes over and UP SHE GOES! According to the book, it got up on the foils ONE TIME, but never flew...D.


                              • #60
                                Re: F7F Moved


                                That must be one hell-a-va greek coupler with a strong arm pilot!!!!!

                                ccCCCCCC-rrr ash box

                                did it ever fly at all or generate any competative speeds?


