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Any Thunder Over Reno Updates?

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  • #16
    Re: Any Thunder Over Reno Updates?

    Originally posted by SCEPTER
    I'd take my family to see it again. If it makes it to theaters. Otherwise I'll buy the DVD. The acting was not the greatest but,Ive seen worse. The biggest problem I had with it was the airplane sound effects.
    A Mustang does NOT need Thunder sound effects.

    From what I understand, that was generally the feeling of the several sell out crowds that were shown the movie in Fargo. Exit "polls" found that the reaction was overwhelmingly positive, that it was a film that they would take their kids to and the kids seemed to like it also. This apparently was in a REAL theater setting, with real high def screen, good sound etc...

    I think it was completely expected that there would be some "poo poo's" from the racing crowd for the same reasons that NASCAR fans criticized "Days of Thunder"... Most of the negative comments make me uncomfortable since the folks who made the movie (paid for it and all that) were the folks who flew in it... I guess they probably appreciate people's opinions, but I've always had a face or two visually in my mind when I read this. I usually ask myself, would the author say the same things to Robert Odegaard's face? Or Gerry Beck, when he was still alive?

    These are the guys who did this.. NOT some hollywierd group...

    I HAVE kept my trap shut in this thread and I'm not doing any sort of smack down on anyone's opinion...

    We all clear on that??

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #17
      Re: Any Thunder Over Reno Updates?

      Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
      From what I understand, that was generally the feeling of the several sell out crowds that were shown the movie in Fargo. Exit "polls" found that the reaction was overwhelmingly positive, that it was a film that they would take their kids to and the kids seemed to like it also. This apparently was in a REAL theater setting, with real high def screen, good sound etc...
      I wouldn't consider Fargo a kids movie.



      • #18
        Re: Any Thunder Over Reno Updates?

        I'm just glad that we have somebody with the interest and money to pour into a film which will give Reno Air Racing a higher public profile. No matter how bad the acting or storyline, the "real" star of the film are the aircraft. The flying scenes alone, will make me want to purchase the movie when it comes out on DVD. I haven't seen it, but I really want to bad. I will support the movie, no matter how bad it is, because that's what fans do when they want to help out their sport.

        Does anybody remember the movie "Cloud Dancer". It wasn't the best acting either, but it had some really cool flying scenes in it. Jimmy Leeward even had a small role in it. It's too bad that the movie is only available on VHS. I saw that one at the movies also when it originally came out, and it was a "supposed" stinker, but I still supported it.


        • #19
          Re: Any Thunder Over Reno Updates?

          I remember cloud dancer. Had one of the Carradines in it didn't it? I was pretty young and should try to find it again..


          • #20
            Re: Any Thunder Over Reno Updates?

            Originally posted by SCEPTER
            A Mustang does NOT need Thunder sound effects.
            That "thunder" sounded an awful lot like a 3350...


            • #21
              Re: Any Thunder Over Reno Updates?

              Cloud Dancer
              Kung Fu Carradaine. Acting typical of his at that time.
              Some horribly cheesy lines, some unbelievable situations and a kinda strained story line.
              BUT, some of the coolest aerobatic stuff I've ever seen from hollywood, and the Leeward mustang scenes were great. There are even a few fairly funny scenes and lines in it also.
              True rivet counters could tear it apart, but the wife likes it and even cries at the end. If TOR is even that good it'll sell.
              Good or bad I still look forwad to it.
              I think they've done much worse than Cloud Dancer in recent films like Flyboys and Pearl Harbor.
              Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


              • #22
                Re: Any Thunder Over Reno Updates?

                Keeping my mouth shut here. I'm glad people seemed to like the footage though (That was my part...). The stuff in the "Racing Reno" DVD wasn't out-takes, just un-used extra footage. Thanks for the props about the shots though. Hoping to get my film scanner going this weekend to get some of my stills out here ASAP.
                Jerry Beck II
                Director of Photography
                1st. Asst. Director
                Thunder Over Reno

