Re: Any Thunder Over Reno Updates?
From what I understand, that was generally the feeling of the several sell out crowds that were shown the movie in Fargo. Exit "polls" found that the reaction was overwhelmingly positive, that it was a film that they would take their kids to and the kids seemed to like it also. This apparently was in a REAL theater setting, with real high def screen, good sound etc...
I think it was completely expected that there would be some "poo poo's" from the racing crowd for the same reasons that NASCAR fans criticized "Days of Thunder"... Most of the negative comments make me uncomfortable since the folks who made the movie (paid for it and all that) were the folks who flew in it... I guess they probably appreciate people's opinions, but I've always had a face or two visually in my mind when I read this. I usually ask myself, would the author say the same things to Robert Odegaard's face? Or Gerry Beck, when he was still alive?
These are the guys who did this.. NOT some hollywierd group...
I HAVE kept my trap shut in this thread and I'm not doing any sort of smack down on anyone's opinion...
We all clear on that??
Originally posted by SCEPTER
From what I understand, that was generally the feeling of the several sell out crowds that were shown the movie in Fargo. Exit "polls" found that the reaction was overwhelmingly positive, that it was a film that they would take their kids to and the kids seemed to like it also. This apparently was in a REAL theater setting, with real high def screen, good sound etc...
I think it was completely expected that there would be some "poo poo's" from the racing crowd for the same reasons that NASCAR fans criticized "Days of Thunder"... Most of the negative comments make me uncomfortable since the folks who made the movie (paid for it and all that) were the folks who flew in it... I guess they probably appreciate people's opinions, but I've always had a face or two visually in my mind when I read this. I usually ask myself, would the author say the same things to Robert Odegaard's face? Or Gerry Beck, when he was still alive?
These are the guys who did this.. NOT some hollywierd group...
I HAVE kept my trap shut in this thread and I'm not doing any sort of smack down on anyone's opinion...
We all clear on that??