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  • #46

    And if I remember right it was Preston who had a canopy blow apart on the corsair.
    That was the first year I shot video, with a shoulder camera, a vcr and a huge battery all strapped to me. I took a LOT as Sierra Fox will testify!
    It was a great year. Lots of weather, I remember having to run my VW bus for awhile at night so the engine would warm up my bed enough to sleep.
    It was the year a T-6 (Charlie Beck?) went up on it's nose on landing. The year that Hevle and #69 went for a wild ride in front of the crowd.
    Also, as you said, there were a lot of different types flying and racing. It was also the last shows of Art Scholl.
    Lincoln was cool for a demo. You sttod in the middle of the course and they went around you. First "race" I saw. Most of the racers had been at the Travis Airshow the day before! All my pics from then are 110 so not worth scanning.
    Ahhh, getting "in the mood".
    Last edited by Leo; 04-08-2008, 08:11 AM.
    Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


    • #47
      Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

      Originally posted by Leo
      Cool race shots! Only year I missed since 76 was 91 and I missed a good one.
      Love the shot of Sparky and Speedball Alice. Sparky in front of someone!!! (sorry Steve, could'nt resist).
      Thats ok Victor. Any shot of Sparknot just getting around is ok with me.
      Attached Files


      • #48
        Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

        great stuff


        • #49
          Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

          Originally posted by Leo
          And if I remember right it was Preston who had a canopy blow apart on the corsair.
          That was the first year I shot video, with a shoulder camera, a vcr and a huge battery all strapped to me. I took a LOT as Sierra Fox will testify!
          It was a great year. Lots of weather, I remember having to run my VW bus for awhile at night so the engine would warm up my bed enough to sleep.
          It was the year a T-6 (Charlie Beck?) went up on it's nose on landing. The year that Hevle and #69 went for a wild ride in front of the crowd.
          Also, as you said, there were a lot of different types flying and racing. It was also the last shows of Art Scholl.
          Lincoln was cool for a demo. You sttod in the middle of the course and they went around you. First "race" I saw. Most of the racers had been at the Travis Airshow the day before! All my pics from then are 110 so not worth scanning.
          Ahhh, getting "in the mood".
          Right on, Leo - that was the same year (1985) alright: Charlie Beck was racing his SNJ-4 #2 Honest Entry & had the landing mishap in Thurs. T-6 Heat-1C (9/12/85). However, Hevle was flying P-51 #7 Strega that year, and John Putman was pilot of Wiley Sanders' P-51D #69 Georgia Mae for the unfortunate & wild crosswind landing groundloop accident during Sat. Unltd. Heat-3B (9/14). I don't recall the canopy failure incident w/Preston's Corsair, but 'sometimers' might be setting-in as my brain's getting fuzzy on the edges on me at times lately... DBD


          • #50
            Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

            Oops, my bad. Oh well, Hevle, Putnam, what's in a name?
            I'll have to look at the video to see which one lost the plexi. He landed early and taxiid right by me.
            Bob Yancey had his 101 corsair there also as he won a heat race. Might have been him.
            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


            • #51
              Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

              'DOOLIN' DEEZ': ............. SPARKY & Lady Jo !!!

              Some guys in the Unlimited Class know how to have- 'A Ton of Fun', without having to spend a ton-of-$ ('relatively-speaking', of course! )

              Here's- Brant Seghetti in P-51D #44- 'Sparky', leading Robbie Patterson in Daryl Bond's P-51D #81- 'Lady Jo', turning Outer 7 Pylon on Lap 3 of Reno '02 NCAR Unlimited Heat-2C (Fri. 9/13/02) & showing how it's done! (We're betting their 'fun-meter' is indicating- 'almost-pegged'! )

              They flew most of the race like this, & Lady Jo finished 5th @ 278.390-av/mph to Sparky's 6th-place @ 276.246-av/mph for 5 laps completed. BIG THANKS, guys, for putting on an excellent show for race fans & having a good time to boot!!! DBD
              Attached Files
              Last edited by BuckyD; 04-08-2008, 11:02 PM.


              • #52
                Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

                Your awsome, not only do you post alot of really nice pics, but you educate us. And thats freekin awsome. I owe ya a beer this year at at the races.


                • #53
                  Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

                  Ya know Bucky, you guys out there in the sage brush with your Nikons clicking away are the true historians of this event and all we shall have in the future, when its over, is the great record that has been captured by the likes of you and the entire photog crew. I always appreciate the work that you artists produce every year at Reno. Thanks, Steve Seghetti


                  • #54
                    Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

                    Thanks, EVERYONE, for ALL your kind notes of appreciation re. the photo/history note postings -They're v. much-appreciated & rewarding to read back.

                    BOB - I'll take you up on the offer of a cool-one, but ONLY-IF- I'm coverin' the second round, OK?

                    Thanks, Steve S., for your warm endorsements & for helping provide all us 'shooters' w/the amazing aviation experiences to photograph & record. We, and all air racing fans, are VERY, VERY glad to be on-hand to enjoy what you guys do for sport & camaraderie. 'BRAVO' & SINCERE THANKS! Don 'Bucky' Dawson
                    Last edited by BuckyD; 04-08-2008, 11:07 PM.


                    • #55
                      Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

                      You got iy BuckyD, we will be havin an impromtu bbq at/by the church I will kepp you posted.


                      • #56
                        Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

                        What's a Nikon?


                        • #57
                          Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

                          Originally posted by T. Adams
                          What's a Nikon?
                          They're all black and attract things that fly.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Ken from PG; 04-10-2008, 12:36 AM.


                          • #58
                            Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

                            Originally posted by Ken from PG
                            They're all black and attract things that fly.
                            We don't need no stinking white lenses!!!!!!!

                            Wayne Sagar
                            "Pusher of Electrons"


                            • #59
                              Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

                              'CANON vs. NIKON' = 'DUELS IN THE SUN' !!! .....Ahhhh- I get it!

                              RODGER THAT! DBD

                              (BTW - V. NICE avian shot, there, Ken )


                              • #60
                                Re: DUELS IN THE SUN!!!

                                Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                                We don't need no stinking white lenses!!!!!!!

                                But white lenses are cooler!


