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The B's are back!

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  • #16
    Re: The B's are back!

    Cool video fedexbob, all we needed was to see a P-51 with drop tanks on the wing....
    race fan, photographer with more cameras than a camera store


    • #17
      Re: The B's are back!

      The Collings fleet will be in Santa Rosa June 4-6. The rest of the tour and flight information is at

      For the rest of California, Oregon, and most of the Washington stops onward the B-17, B24, B-25 and TP-51C will be there! Yes you read that right, TP-51C, and yes you can fly it, the only dual control C model. Yes it's spendy, but take your Bush kicker check down there and do it, it's never going to get any cheaper! You can also fly in the 17, 24, or 25, how cool is that?

      If you're in Oregon, come on out to the stop in Salem June 11-13, or Hillsboro June 13-16. Meet some of the vets who flew them, tour the planes, go for a flight. If that's not enough for ya, I'll have my Extra 300 too, wahoo.

      Cheers, Chris G and Rev. John, Salem stop coordinators.


      • #18
        Re: The B's are back!

        A couple of photos from Sunday of the Boeing from my friend's back yard in Los Gatos, say 15-20 miles south from Moffett. Apparently, he's under one of the flight paths.

        Photographed with a simple Canon Powershot A570IS (4x zoom/ 7.1 megapixels), so don't expect much...The P-51, B-24 and -25 have not passed close enough for a good shot from my home in Mtn. View yet (at least not while I've been home), and I've only seen the B-17 over Los Gatos.

        By the way, as I am typing this (9:22 am), I just heard the TP-51c pass by, heading to the west. SOME fortunate bugger up there in the back seat is having a great time right now.

        DIGITAL QUESTION: If it's shot with digital equipment, is it still properly termed a "photograph", or does that title only apply to photo-sensitive, chemically-coated films?
        Attached Files
        Last edited by AirDOGGe; 05-19-2008, 09:42 AM.


        • #19
          Re: The B's are back!

          DIGITAL QUESTION: If it's shot with digital equipment, is it still properly termed a "photograph", or does that title only apply to photo-sensitive, chemically-coated films?

          ......should we ask George Carlin ?..........
          or Gallagher ?......

          .......the "back logic" seems to fit their genre.

          ........yes, I like your thinking

          ps: I used to reside @ Sunnyvale & Central expressway
          ~2 miles off the numbers at Moffet.....good view at times....
          Jim Gallagher


          • #20
            Re: The B's are back!

            Originally posted by BKB
            And for an extra special treat they brought thier P-51B Macon Belle(?).Someone out there in cyberland will correct me if I'm wrong.
            Originally posted by Peashooter
            The P-51 is Max Chapman's "Betty Jane."
            Just to set the record straight, the plane is owned outright by the Collings foundation.


            • #21
              Re: The B's are back!

              We enjoyed these warbirds here in Paso Robles last week...but it was sooooooo hot here...above 100 degrees... Got some good shots of the 17 and 25 flying over the house, but the film is still in the camera...ha ha.....
              Went Fast, Forgot to Turn Left, Saw God!


              • #22
                Re: The B's are back!

                Originally posted by "Race" Driver
                We enjoyed these warbirds here in Paso Robles last week...but it was sooooooo hot here...above 100 degrees... Got some good shots of the 17 and 25 flying over the house, but the film is still in the camera...ha ha.....
                Film....who still uses film? Wow, I didn't know anybody still used that stuff.

                Do you have any 8-tracks I can borrow? Hehehe.


                • #23
                  Re: The B's are back!

                  I miss film. I got better quality for less investment in equipment (Nothing to me will ever beat Ektachrome slides). That said, I get great shots with my little Fuji. It's light, easy to use and has most of the features my old Minolta has. Beauty of it is, I can take hundreds of shots and if my failure rate is high I don't have hundreds of dollars spent on developing mistakes.
                  With software I can save or enhance what I keep. It gives me results I'm happy with even if I have equipment envy for some of you pro's.
                  Sure beats my old 110 Kodak.
                  And not only do I have 8 tracks, but an 8 track recorder... just no blanks to be found anywhere.
                  Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                  • #24
                    Re: The B's are back!

                    Originally posted by Leo
                    ...And not only do I have 8 tracks, but an 8 track recorder... just no blanks to be found anywhere.

                    Try here:


                    • #25
                      Re: The B's are back!

                      I still shoot film. I have a digital point and shoot, but the Nikon F4 is really hard to beat. (Aside from the fact that it weighs about 8 lbs with my Leica 1:2.8/180 old school full manual lens on it.) I guess the benefit of the tank is that I could beat any thief who tries to steal it, with it. Talk about a sore shoulder after carrying it around all day.

                      I'm bummed the bombers and mustang wont be over here this year. I missed them last year, got stuck at work the entire time they were here.



                      • #26
                        Re: The B's are back!

                        Whew......thought I was going to be tarred and feathered for shooting film.....LOL. This Minolta 101 is the only thing I owned in high school and before's a piece of me...been all over the world with her and she still performs...although the mirror sticks between pics....but releases when you forward the condition for being dropped a couple times at Ascot and in a creek once....Originally bought it in '68.

                        A little off there anywhere that I could ship it to for a good cleaning and refresh????
                        Went Fast, Forgot to Turn Left, Saw God!


                        • #27
                          Re: The B's are back!

                          Originally posted by "Race" Driver
                          Whew......thought I was going to be tarred and feathered for shooting film.....LOL. This Minolta 101 is the only thing I owned in high school and before's a piece of me...been all over the world with her and she still performs...although the mirror sticks between pics....but releases when you forward the condition for being dropped a couple times at Ascot and in a creek once....Originally bought it in '68.

                          A little off there anywhere that I could ship it to for a good cleaning and refresh????
                          You might ask someone at Jim's Campus Camera on Higuera in SLO. I dont know if they would be any help, but its a try. There is also a place across from the Mission on Monterey and Choro.

                          I started out with a Miranda from the late 50s or early 60s. It was my dads, but I used it till it died. I bought a Nikon FM10 in college (from some camera place other than Jims in SLO, I can't remember the name.) so I could use the Leica lens that I mentioned earier. It was dying last year, and I bought the F4 to replace it. Digital is cool, but film is more fun, and seems to work better in really low light, and time lapse. The best thing about old school mechanical cameras is that you can drop them in a creek and still have them work afterwards.

                          I'll stop, the topic is starting to sway here....



                          • #28
                            Re: The B's are back!

                            OMG, I did'nt think 8-track existed anymore! I only kept it cuz I needed to copy a few of my oldies I never could find on either cassette or cd.
                            I'll stand up for you RaceDriver, my Minolta 201 still takes awesome pictures. My mirror sticks also and it grinds a little when you advance film, but after 32 years, many dents and drops it still works.

                            Heading back to topic, last time the B-17 and B-24 were in Reno I got to see them fly a couple of approches over my office, then ended up home extremely sick with something. Later that day they made multiple passes out near Stead and rattled my windows. In my feverish stupor all I could do is recognize the sound and here my wife say "here one comes again". I could'nt phisically get out of bed!
                            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                            • #29
                              Re: The B's are back!

                              Originally posted by Leo

                              OMG, I did'nt think 8-track existed anymore! I only kept it cuz I needed to copy a few of my oldies I never could find on either cassette or cd.
                              I'll stand up for you RaceDriver, my Minolta 201 still takes awesome pictures. My mirror sticks also and it grinds a little when you advance film, but after 32 years, many dents and drops it still works.

                              Heading back to topic, last time the B-17 and B-24 were in Reno I got to see them fly a couple of approches over my office, then ended up home extremely sick with something. Later that day they made multiple passes out near Stead and rattled my windows. In my feverish stupor all I could do is recognize the sound and here my wife say "here one comes again". I could'nt phisically get out of bed!
                              That's a very sad story right there.. Not be able to go and even look at them. You poor guy.


                              • #30
                                Re: The B's are back!

                                I took a ride out to Moffett Field/ NASA Ames Research Center today and shot a few photos...

                                The Mustang is especially beautiful with it's polished finish. For a larger 2048-pixel-wide copy of the TP-51c photo, click the following link:

                                Attached Files

