Yippee, I just recieved my seat and pit passes from Rara today. The races must just be around the corner !! Question though, I recieved a pit pass ticket for each day instead of the one for the entire event as in years past. Is this new this year ? Rad
No announcement yet.
RARA tickets in the mail today
Re: RARA tickets in the mail today
your first will be the best! 01 would of been mine....sighbut 02 was some good memories, got to see strega fly for the first time.
was in the stands when they brought the bear around in front of the crowd and ran her upstill gives me chills!
i followed the thundermustangs on the internet for years before i finally got to see one in real life, what a blast it was to watch Darryl and john duke it out (sport class) for a few years!Todd Smith
Re: RARA tickets in the mail today
Originally posted by realrundellWe just got ours yesterday. This will be our first time..finally. The anticipation is killing me.
At one time I wrote list of "10 Rules for Reno", but have since lost it.
Basically (no particular order):
1* Bring cash!
2* Bring hat, sunglasses, sunblock, a jacket and gloves.
3* Make dinner reservations or plans in advance.
4* Limit group dinners to 6-ish for better service. (many places won't split a bill. See item #1).
5* Buy memorabilia on 1st day (stock runs out).
6* Hydrate early and eat early or late to avoid crowds.
7* Pace yourself... it can be a long weekend.
Can't remember the rest, but I started to have a more enjoyable Reno when I planned ahead a bit.
Re: RARA tickets in the mail today
I suspect Betty is at Arlington this weekend, so her reply may be a little slower than usual, but I'm sure the NAG passes will be available as always.
Or you can volunteer for NAG, and they'll give you your pass
It's fun and you meet some great people.
Re: RARA tickets in the mail today
That Rachel is a smart cookie. I just came home from Arlington, WA, which was the NWEAA Fly in and Airshow, but now called ARLINGTON Fly in and Airshow. I saw Rachel and her family, briefly, Ed Anderson, the Canadian photog, a few Reno racers that live in the NW, and lots of friends who, like me, love those noisy, smokey engines that go fast.
The NAG members have been involved as volunteers at Reno for 34 years or so. One of the member benefits is a discount on the linepass - full week of Gen'l. Admission and Pit pass combined. You must have been a member in good standing by the end of July to qualify. We will solicit new members at the NAG Shack (in the Pits) but WILL NOT accept NEW memberships at the ticket window at the Main Gate on Mon and Tues. Not fair to RARA or to NAG for that matter. You must be a bonafide member, and not just to get the discount. Your dues cover the publication of our Newsletter, pay for the cost of our NAG Shack in the Pits, the T-shirts the NAG Express wear, and the supplies other than paper to print the results and pairings of the races. We also maintain a couple of Bulletin Boards and post those same items for the public's viewing pleasure. We volunteer as Docents, as NAG Express, Information Booth reps, and anywhere else RARA asks for our services.
E-mail or PM me for more info.
Betty Sherman, Treasurer
National Air racing Group