Found out yesterday that flying icon, Bob Hoover was involved in a serious auto accident. Mr. Hoover, as is the case with all the legends from his era are all up there in years and this accident could have been a real tragedy for the aviation community. The car Hoover was driving at the time of the accident was totally destroyed, but Hoover managed to walk away. Hoover was taken to the hospital, found to be in good shape and released with only a few minor bruises. Anyone who has ever read Mr. Hoovers book knows that he has walked away from many near death experiences during his flying career, and it seem that Hoover has more lives than a cat. I for one am happy Hoover is alive to live another day and continue to support aviation. He is truely a national treasure and will be attending Reno this year again. I understand that after Hoover was released from the hosipital, he went to his home and within hours flew some aerobatics. We should name him "Hoover the Indestructable." More to follow as I get the info.