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A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

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  • A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

    A friend is already there, called me with a round-up on the day.
    Dago sounds awsome and was fast.
    Sept Fury Sounds better than ever, ie: Awsome and fast.
    Strega and VooDoo had motor issues. Strega landed under its own power, voodoo dont know for sure.
    I will be posting from my BB starting tuesday for all you race fans that cant make it.

  • #2
    Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

    Forgot to add that Merlins Majic and Howard Pardue's Bearcat sounded great.


    • #3
      Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

      Originally posted by Bob
      A friend is already there, called me with a round-up on the day.
      Dago sounds awsome and was fast.
      Sept Fury Sounds better than ever, ie: Awsome and fast.
      Strega and VooDoo had motor issues. Strega landed under its own power, voodoo dont know for sure.
      I will be posting from my BB starting tuesday for all you race fans that cant make it.
      Thanks Bob. And to all the others who'll be posting all the happenings, it is appreciated!


      • #4
        Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

        Did the Bear fly today?
        Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
        World Speed Record Holder


        • #5
          Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

          Not as of 4pm
          Race #33 did, they said she sounded sweet also
          Not many sports went up today


          • #6
            Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

            anyone know the news on Strega's Engine ??? was it minor or major ?


            • #7
              Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

              Chances are that Bear will not fly till tomorrow. The ignition system was replaced today...back to old school. And though the Bear ran yesterday, the were some stability issues, plus there had been several backfires, and it was felt it would be better to go back to old ignition. Expect engine runs tonight, and I expect to see a flying Bear tomorrow.


              Dago Red looked and sounded really sweet, and really fast.


              • #8
                Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

                Originally posted by Bob
                Strega and VooDoo had motor issues. Strega landed under its own power, voodoo dont know for sure.
                I will be posting from my BB starting tuesday for all you race fans that cant make it.
                From a VooDoo crewmember.

                "it's an engine... good news, we have an engine" from Bob Button.. "I take full responsibility... I allowed it to be leaned on too hard, too early"

                From Will Whiteside, "It felt good, like a turbine, realy smooth. Button called me on the radio and said 'give it all she's got'"

                End result.. the purple racer burned down a piston and will finish the week on a ferry motor...

                REALLY quality people, Will is an awesome stick, Button, an awesome pilot/owner. Looks like Will will finish the week flying "SteadFast"...

                Look for a lot more from this combination in years to come!

                Wayne Sagar
                "Pusher of Electrons"


                • #9
                  Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

                  Hmmm, Strega with an "engine problem" early on, ... Pretty sure I have heard that line before!


                  • #10
                    Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

                    I talk with my husband, who is on Tiger's crew, every few hours and Strega is not having engine problems! Tiger flew for 30-40 minutes Sunday and was very happy with how smooth it ran. Check Stevo's blog on each evening to find out what went on in Stega's pits each day.
                    I can't wait to get there Wednesday!


                    • #11
                      Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

                      Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                      End result.. the purple racer burned down a piston and will finish the week on a ferry motor...
                      Are you f'ing kidding me?
                      Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


                      • #12
                        Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

                        Thanks for setting us straight. It didn't look or sound as if anything was wrong, but then again, I'm no expert.

                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

                          Re: Vodoo's motor...
                          Other reports state that the pink motor (another race motor) will go in and the burnt motor (green) may be repaired in time for race weekend.
                          Last edited by glider90; 09-08-2008, 07:33 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

                            When ya go out there you HAVE to check out Button's "hanger" over Voodoo. Real cool (and expensive looking and nuclear hardened) take on the original EZ Up...
                            And on his arrival, Steadfast sounded Meeeeeeaaaaannnn!
                            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                            • #15
                              Re: A bit of news about the days events, unlimiteds

                              The new engine is on VooDoo, when I last walked by they were still working on getting the prop on and everything hooked up. Which engine is it? You'll have to wait till someone more knowledgeable comes along that answer that question.

                              Blue Thunder Air Racing
                              My Photos
                              My Ride

