First of all, I would like to say that I understand your frustration at trying to understand what's been going on with the bear, and the apparent decisions made - but you really need to take a couple of steps back and try to understand a few things, as well as give the owner/crew the benefit of the doubt here.
I don't feel it's beyond reason that prior to the aircraft going to paint, nothing was apparently wrong with the aircraft and was thought mechanically sound and ready to go racing. With that in mind, Rod probably decided to paint the aircraft to give the fans a better looking bear, and for him to represent the aircraft's long-standing racing heritage in a fashion befitting of that. Then the old proverb comes true - what can go wrong will go wrong, and the team was already so far into the paint that it was impossible to turn back. Even given that - I can see that it's not a complete paint job - it's a nice start, but not quite what I'm sure Rod wanted to see this year. But they had to cut time away from the paint booth to deal with the problems that cropped up last minute.
They are doing the best they can with the hand that has been dealt them. No one can anticipate everything, and I have 100% confidence that the team made all the right decisions with what information they had available at the time. So in short - $h&t happens... it's how you deal with that adversity that defines you as a team, or as a man.
So my suggestion.... keep pulling hard for your team and lend them as much support as you can. A kind word goes a long way - and the power of positive thinking can yield some awe inspiring results.
Go BEAR!!!
BTW: I'm actually a Dago fan - but that doesn't mean that I don't wish the best for Bear - and it's not over until the fat lady sings - so keep the faith
Originally posted by Inverted
I don't feel it's beyond reason that prior to the aircraft going to paint, nothing was apparently wrong with the aircraft and was thought mechanically sound and ready to go racing. With that in mind, Rod probably decided to paint the aircraft to give the fans a better looking bear, and for him to represent the aircraft's long-standing racing heritage in a fashion befitting of that. Then the old proverb comes true - what can go wrong will go wrong, and the team was already so far into the paint that it was impossible to turn back. Even given that - I can see that it's not a complete paint job - it's a nice start, but not quite what I'm sure Rod wanted to see this year. But they had to cut time away from the paint booth to deal with the problems that cropped up last minute.
They are doing the best they can with the hand that has been dealt them. No one can anticipate everything, and I have 100% confidence that the team made all the right decisions with what information they had available at the time. So in short - $h&t happens... it's how you deal with that adversity that defines you as a team, or as a man.
So my suggestion.... keep pulling hard for your team and lend them as much support as you can. A kind word goes a long way - and the power of positive thinking can yield some awe inspiring results.
Go BEAR!!!
BTW: I'm actually a Dago fan - but that doesn't mean that I don't wish the best for Bear - and it's not over until the fat lady sings - so keep the faith