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Precious Metal????

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  • #16
    Re: Precious Metal????

    Originally posted by hm66sk
    Why all the secrecy and cover ups here? If there's stories to be told, let them be told.
    Because thats not the Reno way....

    They like it better when only portions of a story are known, and all the blank pages are filled in with lies, rumors, and hear-say.

    Last edited by AlisoBob; 09-10-2008, 11:42 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Precious Metal????

      People have asked it not to be discussed, then please respect the moderators, if the Offical word is that the owner/pilot retired and the airplane is for sale, so be it, thats official, otherwise lets not get national enquirer on it and try to guess what happened.
      race fan, photographer with more cameras than a camera store


      • #18
        Re: Precious Metal????

        Yea, that dammed truth is a real bugger sometimes....


        • #19
          Re: Precious Metal????

          I thought I remembered something about P/M crossing the "Deadline" , the reasoning for it....

          I looked it up, its all here...

          All Air Racing All the time! Unregistered visitors: this forum is open for your reading enjoyment. We invite you to join so you can enjoy the full features of this system. Including file uploads, event calender, private messages and more. Due to an unmanageable amount of SPAM membership applications, the join process is a few step process. It all makes it secure!

          This in no way takes away from Rons piloting skills, it more or less points the finger at RARA


          • #20
            Re: Precious Metal????

            So, seriously, PM is for sale? What does Ron realisticly want for her. Send me a PM.

            Race 29
            Full throttle till you see God, then turn left!


            • #21
              Re: Precious Metal????

              Last years tradgedies were pretty unnerving to a lot of the racers, and as the song says, "ya gotta know when to hold 'em, and when to fold 'em.
              There are a few more of my racer friends who have said this year is their last.These are men with very young children and nervous wives.
              Why do some of you have to believe there has` to be a back story, especially some of you who have no personal experience here at the races. It's so easy to be Monday morning quarterbacks.
              Off my soap-box now.


              • #22
                Re: Precious Metal????

                Originally posted by ShermB
                Last years tradgedies were pretty unnerving to a lot of the racers, and as the song says, "ya gotta know when to hold 'em, and when to fold 'em.
                There are a few more of my racer friends who have said this year is their last.These are men with very young children and nervous wives.
                Why do some of you have to believe there has` to be a back story, especially some of you who have no personal experience here at the races. It's so easy to be Monday morning quarterbacks.
                Off my soap-box now.

                Thank-you Betty!

                .....Now I think some folks need to see if their meds need adjusting.
                Jim Gallagher


                • #23
                  Re: Precious Metal????

                  Originally posted by AlisoBob

                  This in no way takes away from Rons piloting skills...
                  Yup, like a gunslinger, sometimes you just know its time to quit.


                  • #24
                    Re: Precious Metal????

                    That's to bad he was "uninvited" its typical Rara fashion.


                    • #25
                      Re: Precious Metal????

                      Originally posted by Inverted
                      Well I am sure its pretty political. I dont know his racing ethics but My instructor has flown in the races a few times and has noted a few key pilots that are not as welcomed as others.
                      Sounds like most social organizations/clubs/groups of people and social packs of animals. If you are well liked, you are invited and accepted. If you are disliked, for whatever reasons, you are excluded and ignored.

                      Let's talk about the airplane and its motor.

                      Who can share some facts about the motor and it's props?
                      Last edited by SkyvanDelta; 09-11-2008, 01:58 PM.


                      • #26
                        Re: Precious Metal????

                        I know the prop is off a spitfire that's about it.
               - InvertedCast, The All Aviation Podcast!


                        • #27
                          Re: Precious Metal????

                          Originally posted by Inverted
                          I know the prop is off a spitfire that\'s about it.
                          No. There was another thread on this site somewhere about it. It is a two-stage Griffon engine that used to be on the Miss Budweiser hydroplane, and utilizes a counter-rotating propeller from an Avro Shackelton patrol bomber.

                          Spitfires didn\'t use these kind of props. Seafires did, but I\'m almost positive the Spitfire stuck with the 5 blade unit.


                          • #28
                            Re: Precious Metal????

                            The PR.XIX did:
                            Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
                            World Speed Record Holder


                            • #29
                              Re: Precious Metal????

                              Originally posted by Peashooter


                              Read the tag that goes with that video....powerplant and prop are from Avro Shackelton also.....

                              .......some Spits may have had the contra props....

                              Jim Gallagher


                              • #30
                                Late Model Spitfires

                                Originally posted by mayday51

                                Read the tag that goes with that video....powerplant and prop are from Avro Shackelton also.....

                                .......some Spits may have had the contra props....


                                Some Late Model Spitfires were originally equipped with the 6 blade contra rotating props, but just barely.

                                Type 388-Seafire 46

                                This Mark introduced the contra-rotating propeller as standard, and the new "Spiteful"-type empennage. Unfortunately, the new wing did not fold, and only 24 were built. As an illustration of the lag times to production, all these were originally ordered as Mk V Spitfires; the order was re-established as Mk 21, before redesignation as Seafire

                                There was a Seafire 47 and then the new non-ellipticle wing finally ended the name and the next variant was the Seafang, while the land version was the Spiteful.

                                I've seen a few PR XIX's in wartime with the 6 blade prop, but my reference says they were produced with the 5 bladed prop.

                                It's in the spirit of the airplane that the PR XIX has been fitted with a 6 blade, there was a lot of mixing and matching and field mods and recycling that went on.

                                I have a set of 1/48 models that progress from the prototype and original Mark 1 with a fixed pitch, two blade airscrew, through the late Marks and the Spiteful with the 6 blade counter rotating.

                                The amazing morphing airframe design, the Spitfire was in production longer than any other WW II fighter. Maybe even aircraft.

