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Fundraiser Get-To-Gether (a big thank you)

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  • Fundraiser Get-To-Gether (a big thank you)

    I want to personally thank EVERYONE that came to the get to gether dinner at the church.

    It was a good time and nice to put a face with a name. We need to make this an anual thing.

    Lary (Bluffman) is a great guy and an insperation! If you ever get a chance to meet and talk with him, DO IT!!!

    LockheedBob is a good man and full of info that will make your head spin.
    Geek statis has been placed upon him!

    Dinner was good, and the beer was even better. Great company, and a bunch of new friends!!! makes this trip 100% worth it!!

    I also want to thank 3dwritebrother for his donations to Lary and Lockheedbob. It was unexpected, and It ment alot to both of them.

    Thanks again guys for making this happen! I cannot wait for next years get together.

    Last edited by wolfee; 09-15-2008, 10:02 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Dinner

    Amen to that!
    Larry & Bob- IT was a pleasure to meet you both in person and just happy to be able to give you something in return!
    Wayne, Eric, Dave, Betty, Wolfee, Dineega, Griffon Girl, Bob (and anyone I've miissed)- This whole week has been phenomonal- 3 Tigercats in the air at once, The Bear and Glacier Girl in formation, the Thunderbirds, Larry, Bob- WOW ! We did it !
    Knotty Girl Crew


    • #3
      Re: Dinner

      I'd almost like to change the title to this thread so those who didn't make it would be able to ID it easier..

      Was this a day to remember or what! A great day of racing followed by this special evening with like minded friends!

      And I agree 1000%, the gifts by 3dWrightBrother (and I learned that's THIRD Wright Brother.. not 3DWright brother) were just simply the icing on the cake of an evening I'll never forget!

      Awesome is a word that almost has lost its meaning from overuse over the decade.. but..

      Tonight was AWE SOME!

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: Dinner

        I sure hope someone remember to take pictures of this event and is willing to post the "evidence" here!!!
        -Stuck in Georgia (USA) and not able to be there-


        • #5
          Re: Dinner

          Originally posted by Gman47
          I sure hope someone remember to take pictures of this event and is willing to post the "evidence" here!!!
          -Stuck in Georgia (USA) and not able to be there-
          I know Wayne has a bunch of pix he took along with BeerNatzi, and I should have a few as well. Give us a day or two to get everything situated, and unwind from the trip to Reno.


          PS. I changed the title to the thread. Hope this is better.


          • #6
            Re: Dinner

            I'm sorry I had to miss the festivities, but since both of my daughters and their families are here in Reno, there was a big family gathering on Saturday evening. If there is to be another one next year, I will be there. It would be great to put faces to the names here on the board.

            Till next year,



            • #7
              Re: Fundraiser Get-To-Gether (a big thank you)

              I changed the title to reflect the topic more accuratly



              • #8
                Re: Fundraiser Get-To-Gether (a big thank you)

                I'm sorry I could not stay for the party, but what a thrill to visit with Larry while waiting for the party to find him!!! It didn't take long to find mutual acquaintances (rule of five's) in both air and auto racing. The man is truly a motorsports legend and should be a Hall of Fame nominee.

                To all who made this thing happen, getting Larry and Lockheed Bob to Reno and giving them an opportunity to meet and greet, I pass along a hearty THANK YOU.

