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What happened to the BEAR???

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  • #16
    Re: What happened to the BEAR???

    Yes, congrats to the Strega team - they have endured so much over the years. A win well deserved!

    After the race as they were towing the Bear back to the hangar, a crowd gathered and started cheering and clapping in recognition of the effort put forth by the team. Rare Bear is one of the few airplanes with "groupies". There was a LOT of engine oil all over the sides and tail of the airplane; so much that it was dripping on the ground all the way down pit row. Not a good sign for what's left of the engine. A grueling week to be sure (especially for John Penney), but we will see what happens next year. I remember 2007 when John Penney opened the throttle up on a healthy engine and rocketed past September Fury like he had some kind of afterburner. Hopefully they'll get everything back together and working again and the 2009 Gold Unlimited will be another awesome race between the big contenders.

    Overall, what a great week it has been!


    • #17
      Re: What happened to the BEAR???

      Originally posted by chiefnerd
      Overall, what a great week it has been!
      Ending the week with the same number of pilots you started with is a step in the right direction.

      Great job pilots and crews.


      • #18
        Re: What happened to the BEAR???

        Agree'd several close calls!!

        ...Though not technically within the race week,. we did loose a Formula One racer & a lovely young lady pilot (Erica Simpson) last Saturday before the official start of the week. ....VERY sad!

        Has anyone heard anything about the cause of the crash??


        • #19
          Re: What happened to the BEAR???

          The Bear definately lost a lot of oil.
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Re: What happened to the BEAR???

            Originally posted by TigWelder
            One racer & a lovely young lady pilot (Erica Simpson) last Saturday before the official start of the week. ....VERY sad!
            Sad indeed.


            • #21
              Re: What happened to the BEAR???

              Although I'm elated to see Merlins run 1-2 again, I'm sorry the Bear's week ended the way it did. This was obviously a tough year for the team, but heck, if this sh** were easy, everyone would be there with a race plane and we'd have air races every weekend.

              Things go in cycles, and repeating a win in this sport is a tall order. Look how long its been for Tiger- the poor guy's been trying to retire in style for 8 years! Look how many people had written off Dago Red (and all Merlin-powered racers) to the history books, for that matter. The Bearcat isn't done yet, it just wasn't meant to be this year.


              • #22
                Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                Originally posted by GregS
       many times have all of us "Bear" fans seen something close to this....? How many other round motors got the snot ran out of them this week...?...& once agin we're treated to possibly disatrous failures ( some of which must be non-coincidental?). IE: ANOTHER landing gear problem.

                This post wont' last long...but as I've noted before.....what in the heck is going on????
                Gosh, where to start with a post like this.. I'm not at all sure what you're either asking or suggesting?

                I hate to be critical of armchair crew chief'ing but geez...

                We had a great week of very close Unlimited racing, Tiger "went out in style" if, indeed, he can retire after the week of successes he had...

                The Rare Bear Air Race Team worked very hard for months, particularly during the weeks leading up to race week and all race week long, the motor gave up on Sunday. "Stuff Happens"...

                Did this answer your questions?

                Wayne Sagar
                "Pusher of Electrons"


                • #23
                  Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                  Originally posted by Ron101502
                  The leading edge cuff wasn't on and that was supposed to be worth about 10 knots or so...
                  Ron, the leading edge cuff was a disaster, disrupted the airflow into the wing root intakes.. It was hastily modified during the race week '06 year and was removed over the '06-'07 off season. It was NOT on the airplane last year or this year..

                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #24
                    Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                    Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                    I hate to be critical of armchair crew chief'ing but geez...
                    I think any Crew Cheif ( armchair or not ) would say... " Lets get her in the air, get her fast, and make her safe" long before a paint job entered the picture.

                    I'm not second guessing anybody, perhaps Rod Lewis said " I'm not flying her, looking the way she is, PERIOD!" and Cornell did what he was told.

                    Who knows....

                    But spending all that time, that they never have.... year after year, to worry about paint seems dumb.

                    Stilletto was plenty fast, in bare white.


                    • #25
                      Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                      Its air racing. It happens. But when it happens the margin for error is non existent. You couldnt have hoped for better outcomes all weekend. So Voodoo wasn't in the finals and there were some other heartbreaks with the buick but all in all everything went great. Nobody can argue how hard Bears crew worked. It is heartbreaking what happened I have no doubt tears were shed when Bear pulled up smoking. But in the end the team still has Bear and John, thats more than any trophy is worth.

                      Bob I questioned some of the decisions the team made a lot of people did I am sure. But they know more than we do about the team. We are just individuals from the outside looking in. The teams, all the teams deserve the world right now it is so hard to get an aircraft like that in sync working good. I trust they will get some much needed rest. And after that they will get back to work, Bear will be fixed, some changes will be made and come next year she will be ready.
             - InvertedCast, The All Aviation Podcast!


                      • #26
                        Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                        Originally posted by Inverted
                        I trust they will get some much needed rest. And after that they will get back to work, Bear will be fixed, some changes will be made and come next year she will be ready.
                        I'm glad they have an owner who can fund what needs to be done, and 51 weeks to get it done in.

                        No more last minute thrashes.

                        No more unproven, 2nd hand parts.

                        Maybe a paid, full time crewmember to look after her in the off season?

                        Who knows what 2009 will bring.

                        Read my posts from 2007 regarding the Bear.... I was labeled a basher then too.

                        I love the Bear, I've donated to the cause ( $$), I've supported her in both the good times and bad.

                        I've also said that she gets a bit of a "free ride" on constructive criticism due to her long pedigree.... its true.

                        If "Wildfire" showed up at Reno this year, and had the events RB had, I think she would have been crucified...

                        I've seen alot of tragedy at Stead, and other airports. Air Racing is dangerous enough without trying to cram 8 weeks of prep and testing into 1.

                        If that offends anyone, so be it.

                        Mr. Penny is the only one capable of making the choice to sit in the cockpit, hit the button, and start counting blades.. or choose not to.

                        That dosent mean we, as supporters and enthusiasts, cant comment on what we can see happening, with our own eyes.

                        If that gear situation occured during any issue with the motor, we might be having a entirely different thread right now. But it didnt, and lets hope it never does.

                        Time to move along, and get all the planes healthy for 2009.

                        Wayne, you have tip toed around me and my comments. I know you are completly polar to them, but thanks for supplying the forum and ability to post them.



                        • #27
                          Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                          Originally posted by AlisoBob
                          Mr. Penny is the only one capable of making the choice to sit in the cockpit, hit the button, and start counting blades.. or choose not to.
                          Quite true and trying to armchair quarterback the entire effort is pointless and unnecessary.. It's also insulting to all of the people involved..

                          Opinions are like... err.. elbows.. sometimes, it's better if we keep them to ourselves and at our sides..

                          Wayne Sagar
                          Wayne Sagar
                          "Pusher of Electrons"


                          • #28
                            Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                            Like I said Wayne, thanks for the ability to post them. Insulting any team is not the point and I dont think any team gives 0.02 what I think.

                            If anyone was offended by my comments, I'm sorry. I have so much respect for all the team's ,from a homebuilt F-1 Cussutt on up.....

                            ...but I've also been around long enough to see alot of tears, both for winning a championship, and in the case of a loss.



                            • #29
                              Re: What happened to the BEAR???


                              Walking out the door of our houses is a dangerous thing. Racing ANYTHING, including skate boards is dangerous. Living is dangerous.

                              My objection to your posts, (both this one and some others) is the negative tone... and I've expressed my thoughts about your recent posts to you in PM.

                              I read more than one post that was critical of the team for taking the time to paint the airplane. Dave Cornell, a man whom I respect deeply, stated "we have to" when I asked him if they would paint before flight.

                              Much work goes into filling imperfections on any racing airplane. Once that work begins, paint HAS to happen.

                              Was the gear problem anything that might have been noticed in any other flight conditions than racing? Likely yes, had they flown earlier, the gear might have shown the problem.. did it matter that it happened while racing?

                              Now here's something I don't think you're seeing. Yes, it did matter and in a very important way. Because the gear problem happened while racing and with Steve Hinton flying chase, the Rare Bear and John Penney are on the ground safe and will race another day.

                              Had John had this gear isssue while flying alone and with no crash crews on the field.. he may have been forced to leave the airplane.

                              So, my opinion is that by pushing as they did, they got the airplane in the field, they raced, and they sold a lot of shirts. No further risk to the pilot or airplane took place.

                              I simply think your concerns are wrong, period..

                              You've stated your case, I've responded. Let's move on.

                              Wayne Sagar
                              Wayne Sagar
                              "Pusher of Electrons"


                              • #30
                                Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                                Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar

                                I simply think your concerns are wrong, period..

                                You've stated your case, I've responded. Let's move on.

                                Wayne Sagar

