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What happened to the BEAR???

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  • #31
    Re: What happened to the BEAR???


    Was the gear problem anything that might have been noticed in any other flight conditions than racing? Likely yes, had they flown earlier, the gear might have shown the problem.. did it matter that it happened while racing?

    It could be argued that it happened at the right time with the right people around Mr. Penney to help him get the gear down. Having the experts right next to him when the gear problem happened was a blessing.


    • #32
      Re: What happened to the BEAR???

      Wayne...Thanx for allowing the post. As you'all may not know I've been not only a Bear fan for the last 9, mebee 10 years....but an advocate of the the races. Every one I can get to listen to me gets "the pitch"..."you gotta go!...not a bad seat in the house, etc.."

      I realize all of the unknowns in all of motorsports, & was amazed last year after Strega's problems. Race "Things" ARE fickle at best, be it dirt, asphalt, sand, water.....or air. No matter how much effort sometimes yer number comes up.

      I'm thinkin' the best thing for me is to not complain....& maybe see if I can't lend some time & busted knuckles to a team for a different perspective. It won't be a NEW perspective you understand...but at least maybe I might have a different view.

      You can't get rid of me, I love the sport too much. This year was the best weather, and without a doubt the BEST Gold Race LINEUP in years!




      • #33
        Re: What happened to the BEAR???

        Thanks for the info on the cuff, Wayne. Last year Bill Hickle thought they had the inlet problems figured out and may try it again in the future, that's why I asked. By the way which engine were they running, and do you know the status of the injected ceramic coated engine Lyle was working on? And maybe a boil off oil cooler system? Another off the wall question and maybe you're the wrong guy to ask but with the shorter course (more time in the turns) has any though been given to go back to stock length outer (folding) wing panels to lower the wing loading? That is, if any can be found. I remember reading a few years back the the Dwelle's thought the wings on Critical Mass were cut to short (too high a wing loading) for the shorter course. I felt that this year the team was a little less forthcoming with info although they certainly didn't have time to take many questions from us "tourists", and that's perfectly OK and understandable with me. Just wondering if Rod Dave John and company would be willing to share any future plans for the Bear without tipping of their competitors, especially the great 232 team. We all have our favorites but we also want great competition and sometimes secrecy is a part of that competition.


        Ron Henning


        • #34
          Re: What happened to the BEAR???

          I watched the maneuvers John pulled to get the gear door open through some high power binoc's and I have to say that I think they should check the air frame for stress fractures. It was nothing short of breath taking. I thought I was watching the airplane enter a low speed stall. the resounding cheer I heard immediatly afterword let me know I was wrong. Truly an amazing pilot. writing this is bringing back those emotions. I thought I was going to have to watch a belly landing, I found out after that he was going to emergency egress...ugghh.
          My eyes are misty at work, people are looking at me funny.

          I beleive growing up with this sport makes this stuff hurt more for me. I have all these images and feelings that I associate with my childhood and I have a hard time seperating them sometimes. I dont think I would have been able to come back if I had to watch the Bear be destroyed.

          Thank you John & Steve ( and who ever was flying in the number two with steve that day) for everything you did to bring us a happy ending.

          What amazes me is how many people I heard pontificating that the failed gear opening was staged drama. Wow. I guess those weren't the people sitting in the stands with tears in there eyes.

          I gotta go drink a beer.


          • #35
            Re: What happened to the BEAR???

            one of the people involved in the emergency told me he thinks the gear down incident damaged the engine as the oil temps began to creep up.
            Last edited by John H; 09-16-2008, 04:04 PM.


            • #36
              Re: What happened to the BEAR???

              They ran out of spray bar water, thats why the temps were increasing.


              • #37
                Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                This is all interesting, but I'm waiting to hear from John and the team. I hope they chime in soon.



                • #38
                  Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                  "Thank you John & Steve ( and who ever was flying in the number two with steve that day) for everything you did to bring us a happy ending. "

                  That was Matt Jackson also.


                  • #39
                    Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                    What is all this arm chair racing here? What happens happened John Penny got her down safe through all the problems. I say Kudos the Bear and the team for there efforts. Its costs A L O T of dollar to keep these things in the air let along racing them. No matter if you dislike a team/owner/pilot for some reason you gotta give them all credit for doing this. Most of you "arm chair" types wouldn't have the balls to do it and thats a fact (All you Aspiring 172 Pilots included). Speculation is all after the fact and if you are not the PIC then you have NO idea what it felt like or what happened except from you general admission ticket in the stands. And that my friends is not the real deal.


                    • #40
                      Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                      Originally posted by flyingjibus
                      I watched the maneuvers John pulled to get the gear door open through some high power binoc's and I have to say that I think they should check the air frame for stress fractures. It was nothing short of breath taking. I thought I was watching the airplane enter a low speed stall. the resounding cheer I heard immediatly afterword let me know I was wrong. Truly an amazing pilot. writing this is bringing back those emotions. I thought I was going to have to watch a belly landing, I found out after that he was going to emergency egress...ugghh.
                      My eyes are misty at work, people are looking at me funny.

                      I beleive growing up with this sport makes this stuff hurt more for me. I have all these images and feelings that I associate with my childhood and I have a hard time seperating them sometimes. I dont think I would have been able to come back if I had to watch the Bear be destroyed.

                      Thank you John & Steve ( and who ever was flying in the number two with steve that day) for everything you did to bring us a happy ending.

                      What amazes me is how many people I heard pontificating that the failed gear opening was staged drama. Wow. I guess those weren't the people sitting in the stands with tears in there eyes.

                      I gotta go drink a beer.
                      He didnt pull more than 3-4 G's from what it looked like. And Steve was telling him to pull pretty hard. I dont know what the G limits are on the bearcat but I am sure its over 10+.
                      Last edited by Inverted; 09-16-2008, 04:57 PM.
             - InvertedCast, The All Aviation Podcast!


                      • #41
                        Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                        Originally posted by w9jcm
                        What is all this arm chair racing here? What happens happened John Penny got her down safe through all the problems. I say Kudos the Bear and the team for there efforts. Its costs A L O T of dollar to keep these things in the air let along racing them. No matter if you dislike a team/owner/pilot for some reason you gotta give them all credit for doing this. Most of you "arm chair" types wouldn't have the balls to do it and thats a fact (All you Aspiring 172 Pilots included). Speculation is all after the fact and if you are not the PIC then you have NO idea what it felt like or what happened except from you general admission ticket in the stands. And that my friends is not the real deal.

                        While I understand your point, this is a discussion forum. People are entitled to their opinions and views of the situations. I enjoy reading what people have to say. And I am sure half the people "arm chair" racing are involved more than you think. Sure some aren't but come on guys, its a discussion forum.
               - InvertedCast, The All Aviation Podcast!


                        • #42
                          Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                          Originally posted by Inverted
                          He didnt pull more than 3-4 G's.....
                          And he told me it wasn't the G-pulling that got the gear down.
                          Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


                          • #43
                            Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                            Did the emergency handle finally do it?
                   - InvertedCast, The All Aviation Podcast!


                            • #44
                              Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                              It would be pretty hard to overstress that airplane with those stubby little wings.


                              • #45
                                Re: What happened to the BEAR???

                                Originally posted by Inverted
                                Did the emergency handle finally do it?
                                He made it sound like he had two hands on three handles at once I'm hoping he'll explain in due time.
                                Last edited by MRussell; 09-16-2008, 05:00 PM.
                                Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.

