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RENO in L.A. Times

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  • RENO in L.A. Times

    The 5 January, 2003 issue of the Los Angeles Times Magazine included a fairly interesting article about Reno 2002. Basically an overview piece, with emphasis on Unlimiteds and the people involved with them:

    As of this writing there is a note at the site indicating that the story (along with others from the same issue) is not currently available due to technical difficulties, but it's worth checking back. Past issues of the magazine are archived, so it should be there at some point.

    Wish I could offer more detail now, but in the interest of accuracy will not try to do so from memory. My copy was dumped in a vicious sweep by an overzealous roommate, trash pickup was this morning, and by the time I realized what had happened...

    Serves me right for leaving it lying about, I guess.


  • #2
    let us know when you see it

    It would be great to take a look at it..let us know when you see it online.
    Randy Rheinschild


    • #3
      The article is back online

      The LA Times article on Reno is back online. Saved me the $2.50 it would have cost to get it from their searchable archives. Check it out at

      It is mostly about Tiger and Strega, but also touches on Tommy Rose and the whole danger aspect of racing.

      Jeff Lo
      Biplane race #13 "Miss Gianna"
      Biplane race #6 "Miss Dianne"


      • #4
        I don't know a whole lot, but what didja think of the article, Jeff? Or anybody else.


        • #5
          It seemed like a reasonable article to me. They didn't overplay Tommy Rose's accident, although it started the article and it was titled "The Fright Stuff". As they quoted Tiger, "we don't go to Reno to die, we go to race". Some of their characterizations apply mainly to the Unlimiteds, T-6's and maybe the Sport planes. They talk about it being a sport of rich old white men. We in the biplanes have some people who are reasonably well off, but we also have working class guys having fun flying inexpensive biplanes. Some are old, some are young, 20's and 30's, they are pretty much all white though.

          All in all, it seemed a good intro to the sport for the uninitiated.

          Jeff Lo
          Biplane race #13 "Miss Gianna"
          Biplane race #6 "Miss Dianne"

